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Speed, special edition: the commentery is great. Also, I learned that Joss Whedon (firefly, Buffy) wrote most of the dialogue uncredited which makes a lot of sense if you go back and watch it. The film itself, is, of course great.Speed 2: saw it on E4 last night. Crap. The boat looks like it's going 2 miles an hour and the guy who plays Annie's boyfriend is pretty bland.

Edited by Garrett
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I got "It" also.Love it. Absolutely love it, and have done for years. When I heard it was being released, I absolutely blew my top. Watched the first half today. Pennywise still has a pretty creepy effect after watching it so many times.

The creepiest thing about that film is john-boy's mole...........
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Just watched Sexy Beast with Ray Winstone in it. Was a pretty decent crime flick. The dialogue was witty and the performance by Ben Kingsley was amazing. The only criticism is that they didn't spend long enough on the actual heist but it was a good way to spend 90 mins this morning.

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Whats the Friday the 13th with the front cover being a cool Jason picture in front of a picture of the World Trade Centre?Thinks.......Oh yeah, its Jason Goes to Manhattan. Bloody terrible. Don't check that one out Adam_Gard.

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Dead Man's Shoes

A disaffected soldier, Richard, (Paddy Considine) returns to his hometown to get even with the thugs who brutalized his mentally-challenged brother, Anthony (Toby Kebbell), years ago.

Dead Man's Shoes is an intense revenge movie. Nearly every aspect of it is so well executed that you desperately want to see Richard avenge the mistreatment of his brother, Anthony, from the very beginning. One of the reasons is that Anthony is a very sympathetic character as he was essentially bullied and you can see that he has a good heart whenever he's with his brother. I think it's easy to support Richard as a protagonist, too. Obviously, his actions are justified and the character is just great. He's a ruthless individual, but he's also methodical in his approach. There's an immense amount of rage in his eyes, but he has self-control and, as a result, seems like a legitimate threat who could, if he pleased, calmly disembowel those who tormented his brother and enjoy every minute of it.There is a decent balance, though, as the film also depicts a fair amount of activity of the opposing side. Basically, they're a bunch of thugs. Initially, their character development is pretty concise, but more is uncovered about them as the back story slowly unravels. Interestingly, Dead Man's Shoes features a few moments of high comedy, which come directly from the thugs.Nonetheless, it's a revenge film. As one would expect, there is a degree of violence, but I don't think it's particularly extreme, although it is occasionally rather graphic. The drugs scene, about an hour into the film, exemplifies this. In other respects, Dead Man's Shoes is considerably explicit and does present some strong themes at times.All-in-all, this is a very good movie. In my opinion, if done right, revenge stories are incredible. The likes of Oldboy, Thriller: A Cruel Picture, Kill Bill, V For Vendetta, Lady Snowblood and Shinku - Deep Red are fine testaments to the genre. I don't think Dead Man's Shoes is on the same level as those films. However, it is a really solid, excellently directed film that is definitely worth watching. Edited by Van_Dammer
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A young boy is arrested by the US Secret Service for writing a computer virus and is banned from using a computer until his 18th birthday. Years later, he and his new-found friends discover a plot to unleash a dangerous computer virus, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius (Fisher Stevens) behind the virus.

The protagonist in Hackers, Dade Murphy, is played by Jonny Lee Miller, who has little on-screen presence or charisma. His character is pretty much a misfit; he's not necessarily a geek, but he's not exactly the popular kind either. After transferring to a new school, he befriends a group of fellow hackers, which when the film really becomes entertaining. They're complete outcasts and totally fun to watch, whether they're acting silly or spurting random nerdy dialogue. The luscious Angelina Jolie sports a short hairstyle in her role as Kate Libby, a girl at the school who soon becomes involved the hackers' affairs.So, the film relatively begins well and has the potential to be great, but there are many negatives. Most notably, the dialogue ranges from great to downright cheesy. Similarly, any time the actors have to talk about computers, they seem very unconvincing, as if they have no idea of what they're actually saying. Quite frankly, I don't blame them because whoever wrote Hackers obviously knows fuck all about computers. I remember when I first saw this film at the age of 10. At the time, I thought that the hacking depicted on screen was unrealistic. 8 years later, it seems so inaccurate that it's laughable. Combined with a villain who likes to skateboards, Hackers is a movie that definitely has its weaknesses.However, it is rather entertaining. The chemistry between Angelina Jolie, who is undoubtedly the saving grace of the film, and Jonny Lee Miller is quite good, despite Miller's lackluster performance. The unconventional characters are also enjoyable and will certainly interest the cyberpunk audience. To some extent, the story is even engaging enough to forgive it for being so flawed.Taking everything into consideration, Hackers is an extremely average film at best, but is absolutely terrible at times. It's still strangely likeable, though. In a nutshell, it's a cult movie that's nothing special, yet is bizarrely appealing. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Four BrothersThis was fun. I wasn't bored for one second of this thing, and there was some brilliant moments. The night time car chase was brilliant to watch. The shoot out at the house is also one of the better scenes of that type. Makes for a good way to spend a couple of hours, and Wahlberg's performance is great IMO.

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