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Requiem For A DreamThis movie made me cringe so much that I nearly turned it off. Slightly better than Pi and with the Connely. I really felt for the mother most of all and the scene in the hospital made me want to be sick. Plus girl-on-girl action~

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Requiem For A DreamThis movie made me cringe so much that I nearly turned it off. Slightly better than Pi and with the Connely. I really felt for the mother most of all and the scene in the hospital made me want to be sick. Plus girl-on-girl action~

I don't see how anyone could enjoy that lesbian scene.
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The Untouchables - Believe it or not the first time I've seen this film was last night and it's over 20 years old. I thought it was amazing, Kevin Coster looked soooo young!Walk The Line - Wow, just wow. Not really much else I can say!

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Walk The Line - Wow, just wow. Not really much else I can say!

Yeah Walk the line was awesome, even Witherspoon looked gorgeous! I'd have her, chin and all. I'll watch Crash tonight, STILL havnt watched it or Sin City.
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Requiem For A DreamThis movie made me cringe so much that I nearly turned it off. Slightly better than Pi and with the Connely. I really felt for the mother most of all and the scene in the hospital made me want to be sick. Plus girl-on-girl action~

I don't see how anyone could enjoy that lesbian scene.
Blast my lack of funnies. :(
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The Untouchables - Believe it or not the first time I've seen this film was last night and it's over 20 years old. I thought it was amazing, Kevin Coster looked soooo young!

Outside of the fact that I thought some of the acting was a little too cheesy, I absolutely love this movie.My only gripe was Sean Connery's character. I thought they went on overkill with the idea of him being wise.
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Ghost Dog (The way of the samurai)2nd time I've seen this, I really like Whittaker's character, he's serious and he acts the part perfectly. The 'bad guys' really ham it up though and that took away a little of my enjoyment, still again a great Idea and a good movie if a little contrived and daft in places.

I saw that too recently (I heart FilmFour for free) and was quite impressed with Whittaker. I've never seen him in that knd of role before and always connect him with his Good Morning Vietnam character. The story and idea was pretty sweet too, though I'll most likely remember the scenes with the French guy when I look back on the film.Thanks to FF I've also seen Lost in Translation for the first time and highly enjoyed the story they were telling. Ghost Town was also pretty good although Thora Birch'ss character reminded me heavily of the 'missus'. Not as hot though (but close enough to get the tissues out).I watched the Incredibles for the first time recently and loved it. Though the short animation on the DVD that explains the babystting experience was far better than the whole film ;) I also got to watch Amelie again and reminded myself of just how good a film it was.Also - Oldboy with commentary, that was pretty sweet. Hearing the voice of Dae-sue talk about stealing a coat from the set... and the moment of silence when the director explains that he might not have had to tattoo the 15 bars on his hand. Excellent.
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what do you mean the 'violence occured with little to no relevance'? relevance to what?? its about a guy who kills random people, because he enjoys it.that's the whole point...it is random. The opening quote of the movie when it mentions how many backbackers go missing in australia every year kinda tells you how random it is...people go missing and are never heard from again, the movie just gives the directors impression of what possibly happens.

Yes! I realise this! I'm not a moron! My point is that it is devoid of tension or audience empathy - which are essential for a horror film. The fact that its based on truth means fuck all, the director has succeeded to emphasis the randomness of such attacks, but has not created a scary horror film.

What a steaming pile of crap! Your initial statement was entirely composed of fiction and your attempts to qualify said statement are laughable. It's entirely understandable that you might not enjoy the film and subsequently post stating this but why continue to defend such a nonsensical point as highlighted by Ebb? It screams "pedantic".

Wow, that post really must have embarassed you when re-reading it.Firstly my original post was my opinion on the film, so there was no way it could have been fiction - unless I was creating my own opinion out of fiction. :confused: Secondly, you have a big go at me for my posts not having any substance (which is bullshit, since I clarified them through bulletpoints just for the cretins like you), but then you yourself fail to make any real points about me, thus making yourself look like a hypocrite and a bit of a tit.Unlucky.
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Walk The Line - Wow, just wow. Not really much else I can say!

Yeah Walk the line was awesome, even Witherspoon looked gorgeous! I'd have her, chin and all. I'll watch Crash tonight, STILL havnt watched it or Sin City.
You should enjoy Crash, its excellent.I'm currently watching Poseidon, about 20 minutes in and I really dislike Josh Lucas.
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Jonathan Switcher (Andrew McCarthy), a struggling artist, is down on his luck and seems to fail at whatever he does. However, things soon change when a mannequin he made magically comes to life...


Mannequin definitely isn't the type of film that would be nominated for any oscars. It's a light and entertaining viewing experience that's often silly, quite romantic in its own strange way and provides a strong feel-good factor.


Andrew McCarthy is pretty weak in the lead role, but Kim Cattrall is the highlight of this movie. She brings it to life, pardon the pun, by giving a surprisingly decent performance.


Overall, Mannequin isn't anything special, but has enough charm to make it worthwhile. It's a romcom with '1980s' written all over it.

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what do you mean the 'violence occured with little to no relevance'? relevance to what?? its about a guy who kills random people, because he enjoys it.that's the whole point...it is random. The opening quote of the movie when it mentions how many backbackers go missing in australia every year kinda tells you how random it is...people go missing and are never heard from again, the movie just gives the directors impression of what possibly happens.

Yes! I realise this! I'm not a moron! My point is that it is devoid of tension or audience empathy - which are essential for a horror film. The fact that its based on truth means fuck all, the director has succeeded to emphasis the randomness of such attacks, but has not created a scary horror film.
i guess some people find the randomness and complete meaninglessness of the murders scary...i found the movie to be very intense, its got that eerie feel to it, your just waiting for something to happen, the Mick Taylor character, once he comes into it is absolutely superb the kinda 'about to snap' feel to the whole thing is great. Edited by Ebb
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