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Guest DJM

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Went and saw the Ringer last night. Surprised me how good a movie it was.Okay so the story was a bit dumb, but if you want something intelectual I'm sure you can find it elsewhere, this was a decent light hearted hour and a half or so. Well worth seeing if you're in that 'light comedy' mood.And the major plus was the dear Terry Funk was in it playing a 'thug/bouncer' and he did a damn fine job of it too. :)Not the best Farrelly brothers movie, but a good laugh in any case.

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Failure to Launch


I didnt expect much but havent laughed this much st a new release since Wedding Crashers, and whilst its nowhere near as good as that it is worth a watch. Plus Matthew McCoughaneys physique is WWE standard! His feud with nature is real refreshing and Zooey someone or other is a tremendous character.


She's the Man

Wasnt actually too bad up until the actual football- except for Vinnie Jones the whole thing was so crap its unbelievable, do not ever let Americans try and film soccer- its obvious that whoever did this did not have a clue.

Edited by KRISProdigy
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Over the last few days I've been watching movies I wouldn't normally watch, due to boredom in work and the fact that I have to have something on the 50'' Sony tv and can't watch any 18's certs. So yeah, on Thursday I watched Just Friends, on Friday I watched Cheaper By The Dozen 2 and today I watched Goal! . All three are incredibly clich

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Just Married

An entertaining but predictable film, which is far from great but manages to be enjoyable enough to pass 90-minutes. The movie takes time to get going and for the laughs to come (about 30-minutes into the film), and has poor dialogue and immature humour at times. There is a good but under-used cast, with Brittany Murphy pretty good throughout, while Ashton Kutcher is acceptable at times but mostly very average and sometimes annoying (there is no real chemistry between Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher

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Stealth (2005)

A reasonable enough movie, and one which definitely appealed to a fighter jet enthusiast like myself, but it didn't live up to my high expectations. Jamie Foxx, Josh Lucas and Jessical Biel were likeable enough in the role, and there was some very good CGI (I'm not usually a fan of CGI) in the movie. Also, the premise was certainly very intriguing, and I do love movies about artificial intelligence. I just felt that the movie could have been a little better in places. I don't feel it made the best use of a very good idea.

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Donnie Brasco

I think this movie, starring Johnny Depp and Al Pacino, is slightly underrated. Although it drags at times, Donnie Brasco is very suspenseful in places and tells an intriguing story. The performances are good and the film features an array of interesting characters.

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Wolf CreekTo put it quickly, it sucked. Stay away.

I actually thought it was good, despite the slow build up. I thought it was very powerful in places, and very, very brutal. Some of the things that happened in the movie stated with me for a little while. I can tell you that "head on a stick" definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. :(
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I loved Wolf Creek. LaGoosh isn't the first UKFFer to hate it though. I can see why people wouldn't like it. It's very slow-paced and it's more psychological horror than gore, but I really liked it and I found it quite disturbing.

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Oh, it's good that we all have different opinions on the movie. Some love it, some hate it. Life would be boring if we all agreed with each other.What I found disturbing about the movie was the fact that it *could* happen, anywhere in the world. When you watch, say, a zombie movie and you see people surrounded by zombies, you can laugh it off because such a thing is unlikely to happen. But with films like Wolf Creek and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, they are plausible. Let me put it to you this way, if my car breaks down in a rural area, no way am I approaching a cottage or farmhouse, or accepting a lift from a stranger. I'll just ring the RAC and tell them to come as soon as possible. :D

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I found it quite dull, pointless and not disturbing in the least.


It was one of those movies that for me, when I ifnished it, didn't feel anything. I wasn't even sure if I had even watched a proper complete movie, the film was just there...nothing more, nothing less. I didn't care about the kids getting killed, I didn't care about the killer...I just didn't care about anything in it at all.


The random crazy killer thing has been done a hundred times before and better than this and the psychological horror aspect has too.


Plus, the whole "main character finds the killers personal stash of previous victims" thing is so cliche.


I think my biggest problem was the lack of any backstory to the killer other than "he's crazy". I don't ask for much when it comes to psychopathic murderers backstories and motives, believe me, but I need something no matter how little.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Plus, the whole "main character finds the killers personal stash of previous victims" thing is so cliche.

I certainly do agree with you on that, mate. :) I've been told that the film is based on a true story. How many times have we heard that? I'm sure some awful event has inspired the movie, but don't they always say that? I mean, TCM was supposed to have been based on a true story, yet from what I learnt, it was inspired possibly by the antics of Ed Gein, one man, and not a family of cannibals.I hear what you're saying about the lack of backstory for the killer, but that's actually what I found quite scary. Nine times out of ten, I would prefer some backstory, but I found it disturbing that what appeared to be a regular, friendly guy, one we've all met at some point, turned out to be a twisted psycho. Edited by King Cobra
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The thing is, I got into that main 'crazy killer' more than I have got into one for a long time.Anyways, I watched The Shawshank Redemption again last night.I'll never get sick of that movie. EVER ! It's amazing. The best movie ever, and deserves it's place at the top of Empire's best movies.

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