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Which is under an hour... and then... there's sod all to do. There's no real replayability factor 'cause once it's done... it's, well, done.Definitely over-hyped due to it being hard to find, and the fact when it came out there was precious little in the way of decent music games, but what with Guitar Hero (and Rock Band... even if it HAS been delayed...), there's no excuse for classing a mediocre game as great, even before Guitar Hero you could import over Frequency and Amplitude (by Harmonix) for the PS2.

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Last couple of days:


The Club

The 'story' of this is that the club is about and exclusive group of people that run around disused areas killing people and trying not to be killed while scoring points and trying to have fun... yes... Most levels have a number of 'challenges' that you compete.


There's some tough enemies in there (took me 3 attempts to get past the first minigun guy I found) and to be honest it's a bit limited, but all in all it's quite a fun little game. Really has that 'oh just one more go' thing to it although I could see it becoming boring rather quickly.


Universe At War - Earth Assault

Starts off allright I guess, it's a bit strange as it's a more 'mission' driven RTS rather than a traditional RTS and i found myself just doing the old "build build build fight build build build fight" but then not so far into it yet, just got to a mission that I played for an hour that has 1 'vital' unit with hardly any health that got creamed while I was fighting a big nasty.


I hate that kind of thing.


Anyway, I'll give this a bit more time but I'm not sure.

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I've just got a PS3, and have been playing;Drakes fortune, which i'm really enjoying thus far. Though it does concern me that I only played it Saturday and Sunday and I'm already 47% through it. It looks stunning, the cut scenes are good, the shooting is very good fun. If they make a second one I'd like to see a bit more on the character interaction and puzzle solving side than the one man army killing everyone side, like in broken sword or something, but other than that it's very enjoyable.I also got Resistance, fall of men. I've only payed a bit of the campain mode so far, But I've had a few games online. I've never played anything online before, except about 5 minutes of chu chu rocket 8 years ago, because as a person who's non too computer savvy, it seemed like too much of an ordeal, but getting a game going was suprisingly easy, and some good fun even though I spend alot of time getting murdered by people who must play this game in their sleep or something.

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Which is under an hour... and then... there's sod all to do. There's no real replayability factor 'cause once it's done... it's, well, done.

I've replayed it umpteen times so I'd disagree but it can be seen as over when you've finished as it's a story game rather than a career one. If you were expecting something like Guitar Hero then maybe you would have been disappointed.

Definitely over-hyped due to it being hard to find, and the fact when it came out there was precious little in the way of decent music games, but what with Guitar Hero (and Rock Band... even if it HAS been delayed...), there's no excuse for classing a mediocre game as great...

There's no excuse for classing a great game as mediocre because you don't appreciate its greatness. I'm yet to find any rhythm action game that can match "Flyin' To Your Heart" as an experience.
Had there been more in it, I might agree that it's a good game. But even if you find it tough to play, it still has no chance of lasting you over an hour and a half (Unless you really are bad when it comes to timing... in which case I don't see anyone even attempting to play it anyway). I can't appreciate a game that is a one trick pony when it is finished in an hour without any real effort on my part.If they wanted to make the game better, they could've added more levels or something. That game as it stands wouldn't have even pushed the PS1 to even half it's power, it comes across as more of a quickly made game, with no length or real care put in. Back when games were on the old machines like an Amstrad and such I could accept a short as hell game, but there's no excuse for it on a PS2 when you have the ability to produce something awesome, to instead produce something that is possible to do when ya half asleep and without failing a level once.
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I just completed Gitaroo Man in 35 mins~

I had head how good that game was ages ago, finally got a copy, and completed it immediately... tried playing the unlocked harder version of the game, no go...But it isn't the amazingly fun game everyone seems to rave about, it's pretty mediocre.
No it's not. It's amazingly fun from beginning to end.
In no way what so ever is it mediocre! That allmost bugs me as much as people saying the We Love Katamari was crap! Its addictive which to me is a good game. The ol' Net Yarozee games were short and sweet, but who can honestly say that they have never played SuperBub and Rocks 'n' Gems for hours????I also thought that Gitaroo Man is quite educational, as in it teaches you rhythm etc.
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just bought an Xbox 360 with 8 games and am trying to play through them all at once


Kane & Lynch : Dead men


From what I read in reviews this game is pretty much what I expected, the targeting is way off on it and the gameplay is really repetative but its fun in a pick up and play kind of way. It really does feel like they've just made a cut doen version of Hitman and tried to add a really weak squad element to it.


Call of Duty 4


Everyone knows this game rules, Single player is great (If a little short) and Multiplayer is fantastic, everything to be said about this game has already been posted, although im gutted theres no Co-Op mode


Rockstar Table Tennis


Seriously, this game is like Crack to me, an awesome learning curve, spot on controls and reminds me on Virtua Tennis on the Dreamcast, which still stands up as one of the best muliplayer games of the last decade for pure fun.


Rainbow Six:Vegas


Already completed this on my flatmates 360 so haven't really played it again yet, will probably try and get round to playing through again for the gamer points


Fifa 08


Played it, Hate it, I'll probably trade it in for PES sometime this week


Perfect Dark:Zero


Can't get into it, I was a fan off the original on the N64 but something really bugs me about this game, might just be cause i've got used to playing COD4


Assasins Creed


Had a quick go through it and seems like a cool game, controls are very reminisant of Prince of Persia, will try and have a proper go this weekend


Smackdown vs Raw 2008


Already completed it on the PS2 so haven't really had a go, controls are identical and it has the same glitches and rushed feel of the Playstation version

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MAT Katamari was great, tho' even that got dull after a while (Tho' when I can get my PS2 replaced so I can get my Swap Magic running again, I'm playing through the original version, I want a new Katamari game dammit...)But Gitaroo Man wise... I still find it dull, and the story is kinda okay, but again, it's short, and pretty much ya basic story about having to fight evil.But I will agree that the animators for the game deserve praise, 'tis everyone else who needs kicking. :D.

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If you find Gitaroo Man too easy, can I suggest that you a) amputate a finger to make it less unfair on the rest of us, and b) try the hard difficulty setting? That's what it's there for, y'know. When I was playing I could make it straight through on normal difficulty nearly every time but I never did get past Mojo King Bee on hard.No Gitaroo Man support in Euro PS3 backwards compatibility still irks me to this day :(

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That's the thing... the normal setting was easy as anything, the hard one was too tough (tho' I admit, I played it like... two times, then couldn't be bothered on Hard... as I'd already gone through once, and didn't exactly love the time playing it, I just felt like after searching out the damned game for a couple of months, I should at least get through to the end.)

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Dead Rising is one of the few 360 games that appealed during the first six months of the console's life and I'd been meaning to pick it up for a while. Got it for

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The ol' Net Yarozee games were short and sweet, but who can honestly say that they have never played SuperBub and Rocks 'n' Gems for hours????

Disc 42 Playstation Magazine... I still have it buried somewhere in the house, ah the memories!
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Perfect Dark:ZeroCan't get into it, I was a fan off the original on the N64 but something really bugs me about this game, might just be cause i've got used to playing COD4

The single player is ok and passes the time, but it's the online deathmatchs that are the real draw, it's the first game i got for my 360, and stillplay it today.
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The ol' Net Yarozee games were short and sweet, but who can honestly say that they have never played SuperBub and Rocks 'n' Gems for hours

I still have that but im sure Rocks and Gems was just a remake of Boudler Dash? Edited by Deacon.Dispair
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The ol' Net Yarozee games were short and sweet, but who can honestly say that they have never played SuperBub and Rocks 'n' Gems for hours????

Disc 42 Playstation Magazine... I still have it buried somewhere in the house, ah the memories!
Thats the one!!! does anyone know of a site that you can d/l these from??? i've had superbub cravings for about 4 years now :thumbsup:
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