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Currently playing:Red Dead Revolver XboxJust Cause XBOX 360Rumble Roses XX XBOX 360 (UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY THEN CAN PLAY r vs s 2007)Talking of Rumble Roses anyone know how i unlock wrestlers?

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I have just clocked my first PC game... whooo hooo and with no cheats or walk throughs.F.E.A.R is one of the most engrosing games I have played on the PC, and would recomend it to anyone with a fast PC.One thing that pissed me off though is when playing online, most of the knobheads use cheats and its impossable to enjoy the online gaming.

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Dunno if anyone's gotten a-hold of the new Guitar Hero 2 demo... 10 tracks playable (both the lead and Rythem/bass tracks of it too, and in two player), but by god does it rock.Blows the original into the water, although I am dreading some of the toughest songs on it, seeing as I have trouble doing the two songs that are in the batch just priot to it, methinks I'll have broken fingers come December from trying tho' :D

DEMO?! FROM WHERE?! (that's probably an Xbox thing only, right?)And I haven't traded MGA yet, but I'm still scratching a reason not to. With the view thing, I find that even spinning the camera round means you can't always see all the 'tiles' for view.Anyway, I bought Shadow of the Colossus and LocoRoco this year. Bagsy me the Originality scout badge.
Nope, PS2 (X-Box's GH2 wont be out until next year either apparently), I picked it up from Gamestation... okay, tell a lie, I walked in the door and the Manager, knowing I'd been anticipating the launch pretty much threw it at me. Got some top tunes on there, but Psychobilly Freakout is nigh-on impossible on Expert (and it's not even in the hardest batch of songs!)Also been playing MK: Armageddon, good game, but the story in it stinks to high hell, for the final game of this story, they could have done a lot more... perhaps having less unlockables (Really, who cares about the art for the game, I don't know anyone who makes an effort to unlock that stuff), and more video footage between the fights, explaining the character's story would have been a better idea.
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Also been playing MK: Armageddon, good game, but the story in it stinks to high hell, for the final game of this story, they could have done a lot more... perhaps having less unlockables (Really, who cares about the art for the game, I don't know anyone who makes an effort to unlock that stuff), and more video footage between the fights, explaining the character's story would have been a better idea.

That's the gripe I've heard about the game. Mortal Kombat places a lot of emphasis on story, but none of the characters have bios explaining their role in this tournament, which would be particularly useful in the case of those who were thought dead!
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Exactly... the closest we get to a "story" for Liu Kang being in there is "Old rivalries return" or something similar in the opening sequence.Plus, for a game meant to explain what happens now, and be a conclusive ending, stating who died and who didn't, and where we restart from... it kinda prevents that happening.Plus, does it really matter who's dead anyway, they keep bringing 'em back regardless, so say, for instance, they've chosen to completely kill off Johnny Cage (again), but after a couple of the "new" MK games have gone out, tons of people start saying they want to play as him, are they gonna relent and just bring him back as another character, or mebbe as a "secret" character with his own storyline... if they can somehow have dead characters returning all the time (Scorpion and his people anyone?) what's to stop them doing it after the "end" of this story?Also... why hasn't there been a Mortal Kombat TCG yet? Surely there's something that Midway and WotC have been missing out on for years... I think I have a nice idea to approach Capcom about in regards to Street Fighter ;).

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Exactly... the closest we get to a "story" for Liu Kang being in there is "Old rivalries return" or something similar in the opening sequence.Plus, does it really matter who's dead anyway, they keep bringing 'em back regardless, so say, for instance, they've chosen to completely kill off Johnny Cage (again), but after a couple of the "new" MK games have gone out, tons of people start saying they want to play as him, are they gonna relent and just bring him back as another character, or mebbe as a "secret" character with his own storyline...

MK Armageddon is a good game. The lack of a story for each character does hurt it a bit though.I expect it depends which ending Midway chose to use for the next game, will depend who's alive or not, as if they don't choose Cage's, he can still be alive as his ending didn't happen (I haven't seen most of the endings yet, but have heard before that some of them end with someone becoming all-powerful, etc, if they choose them, then they surely can still keep a lot of the characters, but alter the story around the all-powerful character).Hope this isn't the last game with the old characters, as they've had enough trouble coming up with decent new ones in the last game or two (although some are ok, some are just rubbish 'clones' with the same movesets as one or two others).Are you talking about how Liu Kang died in Deadly Alliance and has come back now, or just why he is back again? As I thought his reappearance as a 'zombie' was explained in Deception?

if they can somehow have dead characters returning all the time (Scorpion and his people anyone?) what's to stop them doing it after the "end" of this story?

Scorpion is undead, and virtually unkillable now though isn't he? Before that, his soul was sent to the Neatherrealm, and came back as a spectre, for revenge on Sub Zero. Suppose he started the trend though, as I do agree the amount of characters that have come back from the dead is a bit stupid. Though Armageddon is virtually MK Trilogy II in a way.Am also now playing FM2007, and once again have started back on Harvest Moon:AWL (on the GC). Whether I'll ever finish that game, I don't know, but it will that ages, that's for sure! Edited by jerichoholictufcfan
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So I finished Canis Canem Edit the other day.Great game. However - looking in the stats page there are certain things taht I haven't done, but I can't seem to figure out how to do them.Namely Water Baloons - I haven't found any of these. And there is some kind of weapon called the "Volcano" something - I don't know what this is either.Any help?I couldn't find anything on the net on this topic when I had a look around..

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I was more speculating most of it jerichoholictufcfan. But with Scorpion I meant his entire family and clan, they were brought back as the undead.Plus wasn't Goro killed previously? As was Shao Khan (Quite blatantly too), sooo... it seems that there's not even an attempt at a storyline as to why they're back.But yeah, from what I've heard, this game was supposed to make a nice clean ending, in that after completing it, we're meant to know exactly who lives and dies, and that will determine who's around for the follow-up games with brand new characters.I seriously doubt Scorpion's gone, but in a way I hope he goes, along with Sub-Zero (who's my favourite character thus-far), and some of the originals, because they spend way too much time concentrating on them at times, and if they're attempting to wipe the slate clean, I'd like to see them seriously do so.But as it is, it's impossible to tell which story we're meant to go with, and the story mode itself (Konquest) pretty much sucked (Way too short for my liking, I'd have liked for it to be longer, and actually explain the entire story, such as why certain people are around, what the point of them being there is, and at the very end of the story mode, you find out what the real ending is, and instead of using a brand new character for it, we could use an existing character (Whether they're due to be killed off or not... it'd be nice to have a selection of a few to use, but with the ending being the same, just the stuff leading up to it is different, allowing us to slowly understand different parts of the story as we use different characters).As it is, if we base it off the Konquest mode ending... everyone's still alive, and nobody died, so we're still at square one.

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I'd be highly surprised if the next game doesn't feature any of the classic characters in some capacity. Capcom tried the fresh start with SF3, only to be badgered into putting Ryu and Ken back in.

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Plus wasn't Goro killed previously? As was Shao Khan (Quite blatantly too), sooo... it seems that there's not even an attempt at a storyline as to why they're back.

Goro, definitely. But they at least made an attempt at explaining Shao Khan's survival in Deception, saying that he'd been aware of the Deadly Alliance's plan to kill him and had left a decoy in his place.
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Must've missed that...'course it also proves that they don't really seem to pay attention as to the storylines properly, they just seem to knock one together to give a reason as to certain characters being there, which means that the game might be fun, but the storyline is pretty much non-existant.Hopefully they'll at least release some sort of official bio for each character on their site (tho' if they do release one, it'll likely be more along the lines of being in a "strategy guide" to get people to buy that too)

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Tiger Woods 2007 PSP

Enjoyable Golf Sim, love the career mode, lots to do, however as I progress through the first year I've become extremely good and can win tournaments fairly easily. I don't know if this is a failing of the control system or the software.... But in either case the game becomes too easy VERY quickly. I quite like the controls as they are very simple compared to other golf sims, but I think that it might hinder the game. A first year pro winning tournaments at 10 under par is a little too easy!!!


Samurai Warriors PSP

A simple but involving little beat-em up from the makers of Dynasty Warriors. Not many maps to be honest and it seems a little too simple at times, strategy sections seem to consist of me running around kicking everyones ass while my allies struggle badly.... Although I am on easy mode at the moment.


GTA: Vice City Stories PSP

Fantastic so far, a couple of annoying things but I love the Empire building although the AI seems incredibly simple sometimes which is a shame. Large map, lots to do, nice stuff. Some of the missions are fantastic, others are a bit frustrating but you don't have to be a brain surgeon to get thorugh it. Love the air rescue missions! :D

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