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I bought Star Wars: Battlefront 2 yesterday (which was a surprise because I didn't think it came out until Monday :thumbsup: )Haven't started the story mode yet, just been pissing around with Instant Action.Thus far it looks to be better than the first. Heroes~

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Currrently playing GTA: Liberty city stories for the psp, completed a few missions, great game, using the psp analouge stick takes some getting used too.

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Bargain games day!Popped into my local Cancer Research shop this afternoon and came away with Die Hard Trilogy (PSX) for

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X3: Reunion arrived this morning so I'll be wasting my life with this for a while (until TES: Oblivion comes out).Also, using my newly purchased Logitech G5 mouse and just ordered a G15 keyboard (most expensive keyboard and mouse I've ever bought but worth every penny).

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I quit my job three weeks ago, and, among other sit-on-your-arse-doing-nothing-type activities, I have been playing games. Lots and lots of games.I'm replaying MGS3 with a new rule: NO STEALTH! Kill everyone you see as loudly as possible. It really turns the game on its head. You can get away with murder on Normal difficulty. The only exceptions are bosses, who must be taken alive. I ran out of tranq darts against The End and had to finish him with the cigarette gas spray. Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it, Black2. Favourite 'new' Easter Eggs: in first person view you can punch people in the nuts, and if you blow up a food storeroom with TNT, all the nearby enemies will wander around complaining about how hungry they are, occasionally grabbing wildlife and eating it. Makes them much easier to spot. :)Other old favourites to receive a dusting-off: Disgaea and Forbidden Siren. Both are awesome and original.I'm also the proud owner of a PSP (a leaving gift from the office. How cool is that?). I've been playing Metal Gear Acid and Wipeout Pure. MGA was always going to divide opinion, but my own opinion is that rocks. I certainly prefer it to MGS2. The gameplay, though turn-based, really isn't that different to the other games in the series - assuming you're playing stealthily, that is. You spend so much time waiting around for enemies to look the other way or reach the other end of their patrol routes in the 'normal' Metal Gear games that really it doesn't matter very much that the action in MGA isn't absolutely live. Combat is fast-paced, once you get your head around the rules, which are surprisingly deep - although anyone who's played a trading card game or a paper RPG should have no problem with them. If you're a Metal Gear fan (and make no mistake, this game is aimed squarely at Metal Gear fans, to the extent that you really need to be a fan to enjoy the game) and you're not afraid of trying something different, get the game post haste.Wipeout Pure is fun and well suited to a handheld. It plays like the PSone games, not Wipeout Fusion, and that's a good thing. The multiplayer mode and downloadable content are very cool. Only complaint: no AI ships in multiplayer mode, so unless you've a couple of mates who're exactly as good as you are, you're going to be racing around an empty track after the second bend.

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The Warriors is good, but has yet to leave first gear for me. I'm only on chapter 4 or 5 though. It's a tad repetitive and the camera could be better, but I'm enjoying it.Star Wars Battlefront II is all kinds of awesome. Playing as Darth Vader and Darth Maul and Han Solo and Boba Fett and others is just brilliant.

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Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it, Black2.

Only just read this :(I decided to revisit Gregory Horror Show this weekend, and was bowled over by how good it still is. Awesome, atmospheric and edgy. There's nothing like it.Also, the much-treasured Ico on PS2 is due a re-release in Feb 06.
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More bargain games!My mate who works for Sony PlayStation customer services sent me a gratis copy of SD vs Raw 2006 (full retail, complete with... yep... Randy Orton trading card) and whilst hangin around in Coventry on Sunday waiting for the MPW show to start, I bought Midway Arcade Treasures Vol 1 and Second Sight for

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Star Wars Battlefront II is all kinds of awesome. Playing as Darth Vader and Darth Maul and Han Solo and Boba Fett and others is just brilliant.

I second this. Although I'm rather sucky at the game. :(
It's definately harder than the first one, although the first one really had no single player storyline mode to speak of, just a series of 'capture the base' levels. I haven't had much time to play it, but some of the ROTSith missions took the better part of an hour to do from start to finish. It is a tremendous game though, five stars. Edited by Sickboy
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complete with... yep... Randy Orton trading card

I do hope they're not expecting those things to be collectible :D I gave up on Final Fantasy. Honestly it's just painful to play. Awful awful stuff. Guess it was good for it's time...Having a lot of fun with Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks instead. And Soul Calibur 3 is out this week.
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