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Been a busy gamer lately!!!Picked up SvR for the Wii when that came out. Total pump obviously but it's a blast in 3-player (but not 4 as you can only pick tag matches :crazy:)Got Galaxy last week and couldn't say enough words about it. I'm not even going to try - it's just simply awesome!Finally, I also picked up GH3 for the Wii on Friday. If anyone on here picked it up and isn't a loony hard/expert player (yes, I'm still struggling through medium) then add my FC ad post yours in here. Mine is 068836535985I'm far too busy with all of that plus a tonne of new games on my DS card (Cooking Mama 2, Mario Party DS and NOEL FUCKING EDMOND'S TELLY ADDICTS with real video clips from KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU WITH ALAN SEXGOD PARTRIDGE - AH FUCKING HAH!!!)

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This really is the bee's knees - it knocks the Deal or No Deal game into a cocked hat in terms of general Noelage.
If I leaned in such a direction, I would certainly propose to you :love: I'm now tempted to start making random posts in hope that I get similar replies :D
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Still playing Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. I have more thoughts after playing it a little more and seeing some new events.


Firstly, archery is a great competitive game and is a nice way to break up the arm-destruction. It's supremely satisfying to hit 10 points when the wind starts to work against you. Dream fencing is a little disappointing. It's the same as the regular fencing except the characters have beatemup-esque energy bars and the ability to pull off a special attack when they fill up a bar.


What really disappoints me is the high jump though. It is ludicrously easy. A number of the events can have their world records smashed with little difficulty, but they tend not to suffer too badly because you can always push for the odd extra centimetre to beat your rivals, particularly in Javelin and Hammer Throw.


With High Jump the low difficulty is a problem because the bar has a maximum height that you can move it to (2.60m!) and it was cleared by all four players with ease.


Now that we've all found our speciality events we'll probably pick a more diverse bunch of characters to take advantage of the challenge coin option and we'll find that Bowser's limit will be considerably lower, but it was still disappointing to see how quickly the event was killed off on the first run with no option to push the envelope further. Essentially, if you play this event with someone like Yoshi and don't get gold then it'll be because everyone else has equalled your jump and you've got no way to beat them. Clearing 2.60 should be a near-impossible feat that earns you supreme bragging rights, not the standard for your character class.


The main flaw the game has for me is that it's way too easy to hit maximum power/speed in events like long jump and high jump, and they all have a "speed locked" feature" which means that you can stop building speed quite a while before you have to jump/throw etc. Given the control methods I do think it was necessary to include a point where the arm flailing stops, but it is implemented too early in most events and it makes them all a touch too easy. The Hammer Throw doesn't have the speed locked feature and is a more satisfying and challenging event because of it.


In Athlete Kings you had to work your arse off to get enough speed up going into the high jump, then you had to time your take off right, nail the angle and make your character lift their legs to avoid catching the bar. With this game you just pump wildly for a few seconds to hit max speed, then your speed is locked and all you need to do is work out when you need to flick the remote, which you should nail after three attempts at most.


As I say, with Javelin and Long jump it's alright because you can take risks to squeeze out extra centimetres. For instance, you can try and take off on the long jump at the last possible mili-second without fouling, which is quite tricky to achieve. Also, both of those require quite a deft Wii-mote flicking technique in order to achieve a graceful jump. This again doesn't seem to be the case with high jump. I hope pole vault presents more of a challenge.


I know I'm dwelling too much on one event with my whining here, but High jump has been such an excellent event on other athletics games that I've been left quite disappointed by this version. Oh, and if you don't know what Athlete Kings is, it was an outstanding button-masher athletics game on the Saturn that was also developed by Sega and is therefore the game I'm using as basis for comparison.


Still loving the game overrall though, if you're having any gathering of any description over Christmas then it is an essential buy in my view. Also, we haven't played with the handicap settings yet, so maybe if the low difficulty starts to become a problem it can be rectified with those.

Edited by JLM
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Currently playing Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. It's little more than a repetitive shooter, but it has some of the best moments in a third person shooter I've seen in some time. Take for example the Heat inspired street shootout, which is utterly mental and so much fun to play. Or the nightclub section, where you have to pick out the guards with their torches amidst crowds of frightened revellers. Even rappelling down a skyscraper is a stunning moment. The story is also really engaging, and a movie version is being planned. Sadly the game is a little too by the numbers in parts, but overall it's a lot of fun, which I can't say about Assassin's Creed, because it bored the fuck out of me.

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Playing The Darkness. Ok from a storyline and atmosphere point of view and overall I ma enjoying the experience but I have to say from a gmaeplay mechanics point of view it is appallinging - This is embarressing to admit but I'm actually having to play it through on easy because I found it to be unplayable on anything above that. I'm like my FPS's and I'm fairly decent on them but I can honestly say I couldn't crack this on the harder settings in a million years, it is so clumsy and feels like it was designed by someone who had never played an FPS in their life.But the story is ok so it should help keep me ticking along until Mass Effect arrives at Christmas.

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Currently playing Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. It's little more than a repetitive shooter, but it has some of the best moments in a third person shooter I've seen in some time. Take for example the Heat inspired street shootout, which is utterly mental and so much fun to play. Or the nightclub section, where you have to pick out the guards with their torches amidst crowds of frightened revellers. Even rappelling down a skyscraper is a stunning moment. The story is also really engaging, and a movie version is being planned. Sadly the game is a little too by the numbers in parts, but overall it's a lot of fun, which I can't say about Assassin's Creed, because it bored the fuck out of me.

Supposedly the plot goes very very odd later in the game.Currently playing Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - been a great game, stunning graphics, likeable characters, very challenging though the final level is really trying my patience. Singstar PS3 should arrive today, can't wait to check out the user uploaded clips, they sound hilarious.
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I am on the hop between Sonic & Mario and Super Paper Mario for the Wii at the moment. Really enjoying SPM although I am now on Chapter 3 and it still feels very easy.


Also, completed Grabbed By The Ghoulies on the Xbox. Very enjoyable and amusing little game. The death character is superb, playing air guitar when he kills anything.

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I'm going back a fair few years now.I've gone back to Final Fantasy 8. Just got onto disc two (I admit I used a walkthrough for the sewer part... I HATE that section of the game... just like in FF7 I hate the section when Cloud falls into the lifestream), still love the card game (Until I get it dumped on Random/Same What a god-awful set of rules, especially when it decides to use my Quistis card and then gives me nothing of any worth for the other 4... bastards!)

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Currently running around after The End in MGS3.Again.

I LOVE MGS!!!Try and beat him with a tranc gun if you manage that you get his sniper gun which is much easy to snipe ppl with then the normal standerd sniper rifle. I saw MGS online for the ps2 the other day does anyone know if it still works? or are the servers down now? Playing MGS online on the PSP is alot of fun and with a more open level it would be amazing.On a side note i picked up the newist Harry Potter game for the PS3 for Edited by Deacon.Dispair
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I also adore MGS, I recently got my PS2 out of storage so I could play MGS3 - having completed the first two multiple times. The multiple Metal Gear fight near the end of MGS2 is one of my favourite boss fights in any computer game, and I love the weird sense of humour and brilliant plotting of them.By the way, everyone, avoid "Kane And Lynch: Dead Men". Nice idea for a game, but terribly implemented. I'm a pretty decent gamer, but some of the levels appear a complete matter of luck as to whether you complete them or not.

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I think the MGS servers are now closed down, sadly.

Yes, they are. Making way for MGS4 methinks.My MGS geekery goes all the way to me nearly getting a tattoo of the camo snake eater case cover.Completed today, few annoying moments, again.Dont know how to play it this time round though, do i go for all the frogs? but then again i missed a couple of camos this last time so the devil frogs will have to wait.And Assassins Creed on PS3 is AWESOME!
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