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The fact that I'll be waiting til Christmas to play Mario Galaxy is causing me physical pain. Reading the GamesTM review filled me with a sense of immense relief that it has turned out to be the masterpiece we hoped for, but now hearing the rest of the gushing, gushing praise just makes me hate everyone else who's been lucky enough to play it. Still on the Halo 3 and VF5 by the way. I did a Command Time attack with my beloved Eileen. Placed 15th on the leaderboard, which isn't bad. Must do better though. I have taken to walking around my unconscious opponents in the monkey stance to celebrate my wins. I like to think this angers them.

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Still addicted to Super Mario Galaxy, it really is such an awesome game and possibly the game of the year, and considering the calibre of games this year that really is saying something. Started playing Assassins Creed last night aswell, starting to get into it more now, its pretty cool

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Right now, playing Tabula Rasa.


Not a WOW beater, but great fun nonetheless. But it's a new MMO so I'm prepared to give it time, it is NCSoft after all who made the awesome City of Heroes.


Good Points:

-Atmosphere is amazing, the frontline trench in Divide is always filled with NPCs getting slaughtered by each other and explosions everywhere...intense

-The control point system of assault and defense is a lot of fun, and adds a new angle to PvE.

-I love the little intro videos you get when entering instances, adds to the feeling you're doing something major.

-Lot of diversity in classes and approaches to fighting.

-The fact that taking cover does actually make a difference to the damage you take (WOW could learn from this one in a big way - always loved getting shot by mages through trees and the like)


Bad points:

-Insanely easy in one on one confrontations. I can easily take on guys 5 levels above me, mainly due to weapons being insanely overpowered, even more so with Rage equipped

-The crafting system is weird and is based on getting lucky and looting stuff that will break down into necessary components for your upgrades. Badly need an upgrade vendor ingame as well.

-Bugged missions that the developers have known about for a LONG time.

-I hate turrets.

-The same last name for every character on each server is a major annoyance



Off the PC....GH3 is nearly here!

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Yes, Mario Galaxy is incredible, 30 stars in and I'm loving it. The variety is what I love most about the 3d mario games, they use the game engine in so many different ways to keep things fresh.Still too easy so far but my what a beautiful game.

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Im currently enjoying the SNES and MAME emulatos which allows me to play Striker, Super Ghouls and Ghosts, Fire Pro Wrestling on the SNES and WWF Wrestlefest, Wonderboy, Combat School and Track & Field on the MAME!!Nice :thumbsup:

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I am currently playing PES 2008, which although definately not as good as most of the others in the series, it's still pretty addictive despite it's flaws.I also recently bought the PC version of Viva Pi

Edited by jerichoholictufcfan
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Aside from that Bungie game with the deathmatching and stuff, I have been mostly playing Mario and Sonic at The Olympic Games. It is fucking awesome. I never thought Sega would top Athlete Kings, but they have managed it and then some. I broke the world record for long jump on my first attempt, which had me worried that the game would be far too easy, but the other events and three hours of multiplayer have proven this not to be the case.


Fencing is a superb tactical duel, the sprinting events are a work out, the trampoline is surprisingly well implemented, the field events are an exercise in timing and deft Wii-mote flicking... everything just works. We all struggled with the skeet shooting at first but it just takes a little practise. My arms hurt like hell from the 4X100 freestyle swimming events. Trying to drag Wario accross the line during the final length takes some real grit when you're a few hours into the session.


Only gripe so far is that world and olympic records broken during multiplayer games aren't counted or saved. Why? It doesn't matter who the opposition is, if you break it then you break it. Rubbish. Also, the Sonic characters chosen leave a little to be desired. I'd have taken Big the Cat over Blaze, and Shadow is still a rubbish character. I love the Sonic games, but the supporting cast has nothing on Mario's wider world. Oh, and where the hell is Birdo? Bastards. Toad, Shy Guy, Mighty, Espio and numerous others are all reduced to tape measure bearers and camera men.


Anywho, if you have a Wii and some friends, get it.

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Initially you have twelve events accross four circuits (similar to Mario Kart's cup system) that you can do in both single and multiplayer.This is what you get to start with:100 metresLong jumpHammer Throw110 metre hurdlesSkeet shooting Javelin100Metre Freestyle swimmingTriple JumpTrampoline Individual epee (fencing)Singles table tennis4X100m Freestyle swimmingYou do have to then complete them (finish with a bronze or higher in each circuit) in single player to unlock more stuff for use in other modes, but at least you get a reasonable amount to be going on with before you have to do that, unlike other games that get this balance totally wrong. Trust me, the initial events when done in succession are entertaining/exhausting enough to be going along with at the beginning. Only got round to unlocking one extra circuit so far, still not had a chance to try Pole Vault or High Jump because they're not unlocked yet.On the plus side, I smashed the world records in 100m sprint, Javelin, Long Jump and 4X100m relay today in the process of unlocking more events. Also tried the first fantasy/dream event, which involved a long distance run accross four laps that was basically Mario Kart on foot (red shells, lightning bolts etc) with hurdles added and your arms pumping wildly to keep your guy moving. It is absolute hell and my arms are still paying for it, but I love it.Adding the next circuit gave me Individual Sculls (rowing), 4X100m relay and the aforementioned dream event. I also unlocked archery as an individual event so that it can be practised before taking on the next circuit. It's quite a tricky event. Still quite a bit more to come, I'm looking forward to high jump, vault, pole vault and the other dream events.Oh, and to unfortunately end on a down note, I have another gripe. The character-specific missions mode is a bit stupid. Some of the challenges are fine (get a perfect start and win in the 100 metres), but then others are totally ridiculous. For instance, Knuckles has one that asks you to throw the Javelin between 40 and 50 metres. Why? Why would you want to master throwing it such a short distance? Very odd stuff.

Edited by JLM
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