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Today on MGS2...I'm at the bit where it starts to go squiffy and tries to throw you off ("Turn off the console... NOW!"). Had a particularly embarrassing death too: After the Harrier fight, you have to walk the pipes between two struts to carry on. Guess who slipped on bird shit and fell into the sea?

I can remember doing that too :(I've just got Exit and Star Wars Battlefront II for PSP. Bargains~! But I've been all too sucked in by The Times' 14 day trial of World of Warcraft, I'm enjoying it far more than I ever did... bye bye life.
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  • Awards Moderator

I'd love to get a PSP, aside from the Smackdown Vs Raw games, what else is worth getting on PSP?

Not much :(LocoRoco is worth it, Everybody's Golf is the best golf game on any system ever, the Capcom collections are good, Lumines is fun but freely available, Burnout Legends is fun but pales next to its non-portable brethren...I've had one for a year and Everybody's Golf has been stuck in it virtually permanently.
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Today on MGS2...I'm at the bit where it starts to go squiffy and tries to throw you off ("Turn off the console... NOW!"). Had a particularly embarrassing death too: After the Harrier fight, you have to walk the pipes between two struts to carry on. Guess who slipped on bird shit and fell into the sea?

I know somebody who did turn their PS2 off after the Colonel told him to do it. Had been a wee while without saving.I love Otacons secret past~
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Loco Roco, Lumines and a whole bunch of PS2 Conversions/Spin-offs. I still don't want one, but I do want Loco Roco.

Same here, as a whole it dun look worthwhile to me, but that game almost makes it worth picking up... but only almost.For now, I'll stick with Katamari on the PS2.
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Today on MGS2...I'm at the bit where it starts to go squiffy and tries to throw you off ("Turn off the console... NOW!"). Had a particularly embarrassing death too: After the Harrier fight, you have to walk the pipes between two struts to carry on. Guess who slipped on bird shit and fell into the sea?

I know somebody who did turn their PS2 off after the Colonel told him to do it. Had been a wee while without saving.
My favourite dirty tricks it plays are flicking to the "HIDEO" channel, replacing your radar with a picture of a Japanese woman and the "Fission Mailed" screen where it tries to convince you you've died in the middle of a raging battle only for the game to still be going on in the top left hand corner of the screen.I'm now up to the fight with multiple Metal Gear RAYs atop Arsenal Gear (sounds like a football merch shop), which I had forgotten about and it's bloody difficult.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm late to the party, but I had my first Wii experience last night. Good God, that's fun!


We mostly played Wii Sports. Whoever decided to make this the pack-in title is one smart cookie. I discovered that I'm quite good at the Boxing (even if punchig with my right hand did somehow land a lot of left-handed strikes) and absolutely blow at Golf.


The Bowling is just awesome though. Easy to play, very much like real bowling. The physics are spot-on. My other half doesn't bowl, doesn't play video games, has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and played sitting down. She still scored 125 with three strikes and went "we're saving up for one of these, yeah?". She also scored Par on the Beginner's golf course... I was 5 over...


One of our party had a weird little "shivving-in-the-prison-shower" technique that works really well for her (she won the bowling by a fairly wide margin), that I found impossible to emulate (maybe she's done time).


We played for about two-and-a-half hours and my arms feel like rubber bands this morning.


MGS2 update: Taken a break from trying to beat RAY (wonder if chaff grenades will stop them firing those fucking missiles at me...) and have been playing through some of the "Substance". The "Hold-Up" missions are great fun as is trying to get the bonus for knocking people out, rather than killing them in the "Eliminate All" section. "First-Person View Mode" is just odd and I think will require a fairly significant relearning of the control method. I'm leaving that till last...

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Just a quick confirmation (because I'm Lazy) but if I order a PSP game from an American website it will play on my Machine wont it? I'm looking to get Metal Gear: Portable Ops!Currently, having recently beaten Zelda I have turned my attention to Hotel Dusk on the DS! Very wordy, but interesting none the less!

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Guest jaymz_is_god

Virtua Fighter 5 on PS3 is an absolute dream to play... will defo keep me entertained til Tekken 6 comes along

I really wasn't impressed by Virtua Fighter 5. Graphically, it's amazing and the gameplay is very smooth, but I was bored of it after a few days. Saying that, I've never been the biggest fighting game fan.At the minute, I'm in love with Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07 on the PS3, and still can't put down Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on the PS2.
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