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Playing through RE4 at the moment... It's a damn blast. Or it would be, if my shitbag PS2 hadn't dirtied and scratched up the disc not 24 hours after I bought the fucker :angry:

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I just started a thread on this on TWCF, and I thought rather than start one here, I might aswell just post it here. Basically just me remember some of the awesome SEGA Megadrive games from my youth.


This will probably stretch the screen for this page at least, so I do apologise...


Anyone remember...




^ I miss this so much it hurts sometimes...




^ This actually kinda freaked me out for some reason, but it still ruled.




^ Speaking of freaking me out, there was one part in this game where there was a set of eyes in a wall that kept staring at you, and yeah... it wasn't nice. I don't remember much about Cosmic Spacehead, other than it was pretty fucked up.




^ Kid Motherfuckin' Chameleon!! One of the best games ever made!




^ Words cannot express how much I loved this game.




^ Better than Sonic? Maybe.




^ The game that wanted to be Sonic. Still ruled though.




^ I miss this game so much. :( It had one of the best moments in a game ever... sometimes, now it only happened rarely, but sometimes, if you timed it right... you hit a guy with your bazooka and he just TURNS INTO A FUCKING SKELETON!




^ Killing zombies with water guns... :love:



*sigh* That console was too good.

Edited by Mr. Seven
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A new Gunstar Heros game is on the GBA, James Pond games seem to be re-released on the PSone.


A very fine selection of games there Mr Seven. One of my favourite megadrive games is Dynamite Headdy. An insane platformer where ypu played a puppet and could change your head to do different things. I also loved Splatterhouse - a very very violent game, I'm shocked there was no uproar.


Not long now till this comes out here



there seems to be a boom of retro games at the moment, EA, Codemasters and Konami should jump on board and get their mega drive games re-released. The good old days when EA were a respected games company with the awesome 'Strike' trilogy.

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That Western cover art for Strider is cringeworthy. :(Some good picks there. Gunstar Heroes really is amazing, one of Treasure's best. The board game set piece of continuous boss battles was brilliant stuff, even that annoying Curry and Rice monster you had to fight with no guns. Zool wasn't a patch on Sonic for me, Bubsy was better than Zool and that wasn't a patch on Sonic either. Dynamite Heddy was better than Bubsy and Zool anyway. And Ristar. He looked crap but was in a good game. Zombies ate my neighbours was good fun, General Chaos really isn't mentioned enough in nostalgia type threads.

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i had cosmic spacehead, and id be fucked if i ever could have understood it :(

To this day I have no idea what it was about!!
You were an alien that had found earth and nobody believed you so you set off to try and go back and get proof. The puzzle bits were difficult and the platforming was just plain annoying - seemed to be put there as the actual adventure part of the game wasn't long enough. I remember that freaky eyes bit, seemed to be in the caves.
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A new Gunstar Heros game is on the GBA, James Pond games seem to be re-released on the PSone. A very fine selection of games there Mr Seven. One of my favourite megadrive games is Dynamite Headdy. An insane platformer where ypu played a puppet and could change your head to do different things. I also loved Splatterhouse - a very very violent game, I'm shocked there was no uproar.Not long now till this comes out hereB000ALM3TA.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpgthere seems to be a boom of retro games at the moment, EA, Codemasters and Konami should jump on board and get their mega drive games re-released. The good old days when EA were a respected games company with the awesome 'Strike' trilogy.

no streets of rage :(*smashes things*
Smash more - The Japanese got the entire trilogy on the Sonic Gems collection - if released in the UK it would have had a higher certificate so Sega removed it :(
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An appropriate thread as any to consider THE GAME OF 2005. I would do another thread but the board is heaving with "<noun> of 2005" at the moment, and all the people that matter read this.


My picks are:


Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube, purely because I haven't played the PS2 version): I was bored silly with the Resi series. Just plain not interesting, the ridiculous save system, static backgrounds, awful puzzles... then my girlfriend gets this title out of nowhere and I'm blown away by the atmosphere. A compelling (if cheesy) storyline, a claustrophobic but alerting control system and a satisfying amount of death-dealing. The setpieces are worth it alone. A very, very well made game.


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Nintendo DS): Just when you think the genre's dead, the DS comes up with an interesting way to make the point 'n' click work again. It is shrouded in horrendous linearity but the fascinating plot, great gags and the ability to scream OBJECTION! into the mic. What more do you want?


Star Wars Lego (Playstation2): Not a comedy vote at all. Just simple, honest gameplaying fun. It's utterly adorable, and fuck me if it doesn't actually feel like a Star Wars game should. Lightsabers, force, blasters, grapnels... some shitty racing/flying levels but there's so much fun packed into the levels you can't help but love it.


So there's mine. What's yours?


EDIT: Oh, and if you just list games without saying why I'll get bloody angry :angry:

Edited by Black2
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Only two serious contenders for me: Metal Gear Solid 3 and Resident Evil 4. The games have a fair amount in common - they're graphically and sonically superlative, utterly solid-feeling, and contain stunning set-pieces. Resi 4 would win if the only other criteria were adrenaline and atmosphere, but the replayability and flexibility of MGS3 are pretty much beyond compare...I'll go with MGS3 because of the phenomenal motocycle sequences (my vote for the best single thing in video-game history EVER), the characterisation of the three central baddies and the fact that it's the only game other than Ico to ever make me cry. And Ico only made me cry the first time through.

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