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The first one is PSone only. I'm pretty sure it plays fine on a PS2. 2 and 3 are definitely PS2 and Xbox, so I suppose 4 is too.The third one is a direct sequel to the first one. I guess you could skip the first one but I know I wouldn't have enjoyed the third one nearly as much if I hadn't played it. The second one has a couple of cute references to the first one but is otherwise standalone. I haven't played the fourth one but it seems to exist out there on its own, from what's posted above....This post sounds like a riddle to get the code for a combination lock. A riddle written in blood :(

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I can do better than that. Go to the GameFAQs page and click the Plot Analysis link. The ORCA782 / CVXFREAK version is the one I read before. The doc also contains descriptions of the other games in the series, so skip those bits if you intend to play them.


Might be worth checking your local game shop's second-hand bin anyway. It's not uncommon to see it traded in, even now.

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SH1 is always floating around my local Gamestation and GAME bins. May be even worth a quick eBay.Apart from the horrid 2D controls, many regard the first as unsurpassable. Cat in a locker, anyone?

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Just got hold of Civ IV - haven't played any PC games for ages, but I used to love Civ II. It was a classic game - I know lots of people were addicted to it..


Number 3 sucked, but IV seems to be a mix of returning to the old school, and some good new features... It seems really good so far - there is obiviously some changes to the technology advances that are available, but the system for tech is still pretty similar. They've added this "Religion" function but I haven't really explored it as yet..


Like I say, I haven't really played it much yet, but it's pretty damn good - any fans of the old game will be interested, I'm sure.

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I got Call Of Duty 2 yesterday and so far I'm enjoying it an awful lot. It get's pretty hard a points, especially that bastard sniper in the level where you have to destroy all the tanks (Can't for the life of me think where abouts in the game it is, 4th or 5th level) who's killed me several times.I also bought King Kong for my crimbo. I'm not normally a fan of movies turned into video games (There are a few exceptions, The Warriors for one) but Kong has been getting some great reviews and some of my mates who have played it say it's great. So that should be fun.Also have True Crime: Streets of New York for xmas. Unsure about that because the first one was pretty average, but I'll give it a whirl anyways.

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Cat in a locker, anyone?

I swear I jumped a foot in the air at that. Quite an achievement if you're lying down at the time.
Ah, the second time around is better :devil: I've just read a review of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Crime over at EuroGamer and I'm convinced that could be the best game of all time. I'm going to buy that and Superstar Saga immediately.
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Cat in a locker, anyone?

I swear I jumped a foot in the air at that. Quite an achievement if you're lying down at the time.
Ah, the second time around is better :devil: I've just read a review of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Crime over at EuroGamer and I'm convinced that could be the best game of all time. I'm going to buy that and Superstar Saga immediately.
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga is awesome, you should definitely get it and/or the DS sequel.
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Been playing The Movies. Very cool. I've just made a war epic that took over two game years to make and is now raking in cash at the box office. My studio is also on the verge of inventing 35mm colour film for that nice, glossy look. :D

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Currently playing the dangerously addictive Virtua Tennis on Dreamcast. If I had a VMU I'd be world number 1 by now.

I still find the odd VMU in some corner of my bedroom, mustve had about 30 of them.Im playing NFS Most wanted on xbox, millions of samey races, only 30 odd cars, no custom soundtracks so you have to listen to the same 20 odd metal GGGRRRRR tunes or some bad rap :cry: Its crap really
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