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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Anyone know the name of the track Ulf Herman uses as entrance music in 1PW?

Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen.It rocks. :music:
Not only is that a great song, it also has one of the greatest song titles of all IMO. In English, i think it means "What would you do if the bed was on fire"
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I was reading the most recent issue of Powerslam, and I noticed in a piece on All Japan, the mentioned the world tag team title. I haven't followed All japan in years, but they always used to have 2 tag titles, the double titles and the all asia tag titles. Have they unified or changed the name of the titles, or were Powerslam just being lazy writing the article?

Both titles are (apparently) still around, although the All Asia titles have been vacant for about a year after an injury to Kensuke Sasaki. The others are the Unified World Tag Team Titles, which are currently in the possesion of Satoshi Kojima and TARU.
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Anyone know the rough circulation of Power Slam magazine?

It used to be 10,000-12,000, but that was quite a while ago. If anything, I suspect it's probably gone down as there's a been a major drop in business since I heard that number.
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That's really interesting as Steve Davis might say considering the business is in a bit of a valley at the moment...I know the UK and Europe doesn't necessarily correlate with the USA though, is WWE doing better business in the UK with ratings and house show than recent years? Everyone seems to be so negative on it right now that I'm quite surprised that PS would be better off.

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Its really the reason I asked - as a long term reader and fan the first is "right, im not enjoying it as much any more so it might be selling less" - but then you think about the amount of 'new' fans, ie kids you see at WWE shows, and made me think sales could be through the roof over the last year. Hopefully the rise in sales makes it very rewarding for Fin Martin and the team of writers as it is a must-buy of any wrestling fan. Happy days of Messr's Martin, Lister and Butcher writing the publication have come to mind :thumbsup:

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For what it's worth (and this may have changed, but I suspect it's the case), the rule of thumb was always that your average reader only read the magazine for two years. To be entirely honest (and this is something I've even forgotten myself at times), if you are a regular UKFF poster/reader, PowerSlam really isn't aimed at you.

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For what it's worth (and this may have changed, but I suspect it's the case), the rule of thumb was always that your average reader only read the magazine for two years. To be entirely honest (and this is something I've even forgotten myself at times), if you are a regular UKFF poster/reader, PowerSlam really isn't aimed at you.

It is obvious that many years ago Powerslam changed it's target audience. It used to feature articles from AJPW, AJW, FMW, ECW, WCW, WWF, SMW, NJPW, IWA etc... now it covers TNA, WWE, UFC (too a point), ROH & UK scene. I started reading SOW/PS in 1993 and managed to stay with it until around 99 when I regularly started getting the observer etc.I think people grow out of it on the whole, still used to really look forward to it every month, and used to piss Rob Butcher off immensely when I would call him and ask him if he has a copy of say 'Barbed Wire, Chokeslams & Hoodies' that was featured in the previous months powerslam. What I failed to grasp at the time, that it took months for the arena shows to be released. Happy days.
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It is obvious that many years ago Powerslam changed it's target audience. It used to feature articles from AJPW, AJW, FMW, ECW, WCW, WWF, SMW, NJPW, IWA etc... now it covers TNA, WWE, UFC (too a point), ROH & UK scene. I started reading SOW/PS in 1993 and managed to stay with it until around 99 when I regularly started getting the observer etc.

It's obvious that the magazine has changed its target audience because it no longer talks about six organisations that are dead and two that are shadows of their former selves? I'd like to see a bit of lucha, maybe a little Dragon Gate and maybe a bit more on what's actually happening in NOAH rather than just occasional picture stories, but really, what else is there?
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Watching the WWE rendition of Starrcade 1997...........not so much as a peep of Michael Buffers sexy voice on the main-event introductions or post match speel. Anything sinister behind that or are they just frightened he's sue and/or they'd be liable to pay him for using his voice without prior permission ?

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