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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Thanks, it just that Powerslam reviewed in issue 2 so it confused me!

Yes I think in the early days of Powerslam they used to have a review of a video you could only get from tape traders alongside their reviews of the official WWF Videos of the time.
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If someone his acting up, they have an unofficial lockerroom 'court' to deal with them. A relatively reason one was the other Diva's complaining that Melina was being stuck up to them. They'd give her a 'trial' then the punishment. Major players in this 'court' are JBL(the judge I believe), Undertaker, Holly and even Benoit. It's often required if someone young has an attitute about them, or to teach OVW guys a lesson. It can involve doing menial tasks for the other wrestlers, to getting a JBL initiation in the group(soaped up in the showers).It's basically 'the boys' way of keeping themselves in line.Edit: I found this explanation in PWInsider:

I wanted to ask about this strange term that heard on a wrestling radio show. What exactly is "Wrestler's Court"? It was never explained.

"Basically, when two wrestlers had a dispute with each other, to settle the matter they would go to "wrestler's court" where a group of their peers would listen to the story, and then hand down a "judgment" that the wrestlers involved then had to follow. It was a way for the wrestlers to settle disputes amongst themselves. Mick Foley has an interesting story about how he and Al Snow had to go to "Wrestler's Court" after they abandoned Bob Holly (who was traveling with them) because they wanted to go to an amusement park. The "court" decided that Foley & Snow would have to pay for Holly's travel and meal expenses as punishment for what they did. " Edited by shinyahashimoto
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Taker is the judge (as the longest serving guy on the roster, and the "locker-room leader"). JBL apparently tends to be prosecution, and Foley (amongst others) has been known to be defence counsel.

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Taker is the judge (as the longest serving guy on the roster, and the "locker-room leader"). JBL apparently tends to be prosecution, and Foley (amongst others) has been known to be defence counsel.

What, no jury? :/:D Anyone know what Colin Bowman is doing nowadays? I miss his contributions to wrestling. WCW should have listened to him more, and I think they made a mistake taking WCW Magazine in-house in 1999.
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Anyone know what Colin Bowman is doing nowadays? I miss his contributions to wrestling. WCW should have listened to him more, and I think they made a mistake taking WCW Magazine in-house in 1999.

From Wikipedia.com:

Colin Bowman was born in Glasgow in 1963. He is married to Rebecca and lives in Florida with their son Fox. After working in London's Film and TV industry from 1979, he was the publisher and owner of WCW Magazine from 1994 to 1999. A part-time actor and full-time memorabilia expert, Colin collaborates with Jimmy Hart on numerous projects, including the XWF and WWL. His web site is www.notandnot.com. He was also involved with the short-lived RollerJam TV project. Colin's writing and photography has been featured in many magazines, websites and books.

Basically, he worked with Jimmy Hart for a bit and now owns a memorabilia store. Edited by Van_Dammer
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A few questions...1) Why is it that some Japanese names are spelt in English font (i.e. SUWA, Daio QUALLT, CIMA etc)2) In Japanese commentary, what does the sound 'Nehhhhh' mean when the commentators agree on something. Is it just a sound or does it mean Yes.3) What is with the 'Billy Graham Dead' (Gorilla Monsoon) avatar that a few people have. I can't read the text in it, so is it an article that Monsoon wrote claiming the Superstar was actually dead, ala The Ultimate Warrior being bitten by a shark and killed.

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When Billy Graham disappeared from the business in the late 70s, a popular rumour had it that he'd died. Unfortunately Monsoon took it seriously and mentioned it in his newspaper column.When Graham came back to (W)WWF looking very different, a lot of people still thought he'd died and had been replaced with an imposter. (See Ultimate Warrior 1992 for a similar incident.)

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2) In Japanese commentary, what does the sound 'Nehhhhh' mean when the commentators agree on something. Is it just a sound or does it mean Yes.

"Ne" basically means "right?" or "isn't it?" - e.g. "Hot weather today, ne?" or "Kobashi's tough as nails, ne?"But it can also be used for agreeing - e.g. "Kobashi's tough as nails, isn't he? "Ne"
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