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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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I'm currently watching Sid V Shawn - Survivor Series '96 on yutube.  Was Sid a genuine heel in this fued? He gets a major pop, and even the commentators notice it.  Can anyone fill me in....

As far as I remember it was babyface vs babyface.He rescued HBK from the two on one beating from Vader & Mankind at the end of September's "Mind Games" ppv, then beat Vader the heel at the following months "Buried Alive" ppv to get the title shot.I think when he grabbed the camera and smacked Jose Lothario with it towards the end of the title match was supposed to turn him heel, but the NYC fans were so pro-Sid and anti-Michaels that night (tossers) that he still got a massive pop. :cry:
I think Sid powerbombed Jose's son onto a very hard looking wooden table backstage a few Raw's before SS 96. The guy just bounced off it and landed face first on the floor. So Sid must have been the heel in the feud I think.I think Sid was meant to be the heel but the NYC absolutely hated Michaels, thus turning Sid face by default.
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I think Sid powerbombed Jose's son onto a very hard looking wooden table backstage a few Raw's before SS 96. The guy just bounced off it and landed face first on the floor. So Sid must have been the heel in the feud I think.

That was after the Survivor Series, after Sid's heel turn. That angle was the hype the rematch at the Royal Rumble.
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Im going to Japan later this year and was wondering if there was any site that i could purchase New Japan Zero One Max and Noah tickets from .

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I was watching some early TNA earlier and noticed Perry Saturns sloppy self. My question is: Why did Perry leave,was it under bad circumstances? What's he upto now?

The last I heard of Saturn he has major problems with his neck, after he was shot while trying to stop a woman from been raped some time in 2004. I think he's wrestled a couple of times since, and may have retired by now. Edited by smp
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Guest rmdstyles

Does anyone have a website link to Mo Chatra's recent PowerSlam article on Kenta Kobashi? Or indeed, does anyone know any really good websites with a decent bio of Kobashi. I need some information on him for an award I'm going for for my wrestling radio show.

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Guest rmdstyles

Does anyone know whatever happened to the training school featured in Beyond the Mat? I know Mike Modest has enjyed some success, but whatever happened to Tony? Does that promotor still ru a wrestling school and promotion?

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I was watching some early TNA earlier and noticed Perry Saturns sloppy self. My question is: Why did Perry leave,was it under bad circumstances? What's he upto now?

The last I heard of Saturn he has major problems with his neck, after he was shot while trying to stop a woman from been raped some time in 2004. I think he's wrestled a couple of times since, and may have retired by now.

In April of 2004 Perry Saturn was driving his girlfriend to work when he heard what he thought was an argument next to a vehicle. When he approached the vehicle, he saw two men trying to restrain a woman as they were raping her. Without hesitation, he grabbed both men off her, and started fighting with them. As he was able to get the woman free from her attackers, he felt a burning sensation in his neck. He thought originally it was a cut stemming from a punch. However, he learned soonafter he was shot three times in the neck with a 25 caliber handgun.Perry Saturn now has a steel plate and 3 stainless steel screws where his C-5, C-6 and C-7 vertebra in his neck were badly injured. The good news is that after a very tough and extensive amount of physical therapy and training, he is able to return to wrestling.

And the latest from obsessedwithwresting.com,

# June 10, 2005: Perry Saturn pulled himself off of Shane Douglas' Hardcore Homecoming show due to his severe neck injury..# ~~~Saturn had suffered the injury months ago but held off telling Douglas until the day of the event hoping to recover..

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Does anyone know whatever happened to the training school featured in Beyond the Mat? I know Mike Modest has enjyed some success, but whatever happened to Tony? Does that promotor still ru a wrestling school and promotion?

Did nt the trainning school shut down due to unpaid rent?
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Did the Bulldog - Berzerker match actually take place at Wrestlemania 8? If it didn't why didn't it happen?

IIRC the match is advertised on the box of the VHS release. It didn't go ahead, shelved due to time restrictions (it wasn't even the dark match, that honour going to Beverley Brothers v Bushwhackers)...
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