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So thanks to Mr Lantern I've just seen Strong/Evans vs Naoki/Genki.

Shhhh! Mods might be listening :(

I hate Roderick Strong, I have done since I first saw him. He has a bloody infuriating "every move could be a finisher" set of backbreakers and is otherwise totally bland.

This match was "bad Strong". When I first saw him I thought the same thing. But since then he's actually turned into a really well rounded wrestler, with a character and everthing :) He only uses his deadly backbreakers when he needs them/has learned how to tease their use/etc.I think he panicked a bit (this was his first over seas tour full stop, let alone in a workrate heavy Japanese fed) and thought "What brought me to the dance?" That's why he was busting out all his big moves. Honestly, he's really quite good lately.

Genki heels it up a bit. Genki also steals his bandana~.

I love Genki soooooo much. Once upon a time (Long time ago now it seems) it looked like he was in line for a big push. Why didn't it happen? A wasted opportunity me thinks. He does dickhead heel and sympathetic babyface equally as well, and he's always super over.

Solid but unspectacular is right, and I'd say that even if I wasn't legally obliged to agree.


Michael and Danny vs Genki & Naoki from the September PPV is the best Florida Brothers match EVER and you all need to see if immediately.

Weirdly, I'm downloading this now. :thumbsup:
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I love Genki soooooo much.  Once upon a time (Long time ago now it seems) it looked like he was in line for a big push.  Why didn't it happen?  A wasted opportunity me thinks.  He does dickhead heel and sympathetic babyface equally as well, and he's always super over.

My theory would be that Genki is now so over that there's no point in pushing him any further. He has his following and that following is going to want to know what he's up to whether he's in the main event or not - or even whether he's winning or not. Even if the rest of the promotion started to suck horribly, people would still want to see Genki. I know I would.Remember also that he was a trios champ for a good chunk of this year.Back to the September PPV... you know, I'm not convinced that this isn't the best wrestling show I've seen all year. Everything rocked and everything went over well. It's a must-see, people. If it lacked anything it was hype. The preceding TV may have been loaded but surely they should still have included the big CIMA vs TAKA clash in order to hype the PPV before it took place? There may have been a timing issue, since the confrontation happened on a K-Dojo show, but still...
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I'm up to the 6 man match before the finals of the 'Open The Brave Gate' PPV and, this being the first action I've seen post-name change, could somebody please tell me if this show is representative of the quality of the typical DG show?And, could someone direct me to 'big' Genki matches? I've been a fan of his since I saw a Rainbow show in 2002, but besides El Numero Uno bouts he's always been in openers or other unimportant matches on the shows I own.Dziękuję

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Michael and Danny vs Genki & Naoki from the September PPV is the best Florida Brothers match EVER

Yus. The pre-match 'take it seriously you little shits' speech followed by the oh-so-serious 'joshi-ing up' of all concerned was awesome, too. And the cobra twist spot had me in stitches. :)Edit: although the one on the next TV block gives it a run for its money. Fear Ryo Saito's mimed katana~!

I'm up to the 6 man match before the finals of the 'Open The Brave Gate' PPV and, this being the first action I've seen post-name change, could somebody please tell me if this show is representative of the quality of the typical DG show?

The first half of the year was a bit inconsistent. That's easily the best show of the first few months of the year, although there are a lot of good matches on the other shows too (along with some not-so-good stuff). Your best bet for deciding what else to get would be to decide who you like and go back over the last few pages of this thread to see what people thought of their matches.The July 3rd PPV PPV would be a good place to start. It was the biggest show of the year and turned out really well. The TV block immediately afterwards (aired 26th July) is awesome, too.

And, could someone direct me to 'big' Genki matches? I've been a fan of his since I saw a Rainbow show in 2002, but besides El Numero Uno bouts he's always been in openers or other unimportant matches on the shows I own.

Oh yes. Everybody loves Genki. :)If you've already got the El Numero Uno finals show from 2003, then you've seen most of his high-level singles matches (unless you go back to when he had the midcard belt in Toryumon, but that's before I was watching). I think he's a midcarder for life. But the two shows from last July that I mentioned above feature him in several cracking six-mans, including the one voted DGUSA MOTY.
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Not a "big" match, but if you're a fan of Genki you should really see his match on this show.

Vamonos Amigos #67 Toryumon X 2nd Japanese Landing Special, Taped 1/25/20041. SUWAcito, Mini CIMA, SUWA vs. Henry III Sugawara, Anthony W. Mori, Manabu Murakami2. Florida Brothers vs. Lambo Miura, Murcielago3. Genki Horiguchi vs. Naoki Tanisaki4. Koichiro Arai, Araken vs. Small Dandy Fuji, Don Fujii5. Mango Fukuda, Takeshi Minamino, Pineapple Hanai vs. Taiji Ishimori, Shu Sato, Kei Sato

It has a rookie Naoki, having inherited Genki's old surfer gimmick, attempting to prove to Genki that he has what it takes to do so. Genki is masterful in the role of the established veteran putting the youngster to the test and it really should be seen. Unfortunately it didn't make it onto JFFC's best of 2004 comp because he didn't have it in DVD quality, but worth it if you can be bothered.
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Not a "big" match, but if you're a fan of Genki you should really see his match on this show.

Vamonos Amigos #67 Toryumon X 2nd Japanese Landing Special, Taped 1/25/20041. SUWAcito, Mini CIMA, SUWA vs. Henry III Sugawara, Anthony W. Mori, Manabu Murakami2. Florida Brothers vs. Lambo Miura, Murcielago3. Genki Horiguchi vs. Naoki Tanisaki4. Koichiro Arai, Araken vs. Small Dandy Fuji, Don Fujii5. Mango Fukuda, Takeshi Minamino, Pineapple Hanai vs. Taiji Ishimori, Shu Sato, Kei Sato

It has a rookie Naoki, having inherited Genki's old surfer gimmick, attempting to prove to Genki that he has what it takes to do so. Genki is masterful in the role of the established veteran putting the youngster to the test and it really should be seen. Unfortunately it didn't make it onto JFFC's best of 2004 comp because he didn't have it in DVD quality, but worth it if you can be bothered.
Yes. I ordered it from JFFC on the strength of your review, but he couldn't send it in the end.I remember the review well:"TN: Punch!HG: Yeah?TN: Punch!HG: Yeah?TN: Kick?HG: No, dragon screw. I'm Genki Horiguchi, bitch."Or something along those lines. Very cool.
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I gave up trying to watch Hardcore Homecoming and stuck in some DG for the first time in aaaages. The last thing I watched was the March 2005 PPV, so I've skipped April and this is the May PPV.Be prepared for a bunch of questions as I try to remember who's who and what's what.Genki & Ryo vs Araken & Tozawa was pretty blah. Who is Tozawa, exactly? A Dragon Gate Dojo guy, I expect. He was bad, whoever he was. He showed decent fire, but his simple stuff was kind of stilted. Nice to see that even in DG, rookies are disciplined by the trusty old crab hold. Seemed like a real waste of Genki & Ryo.Next up was Shingo Takagi & CIMA vs Dragon Kid & Naoki Tanasaki. I seem to remember Tanasaki from the last PPVs I watched as being a bit shit and me being quite upset at that because he's Do Fixer. Right enough, he's nothing special. In fact, Dragon Kid looked pretty bad in this match too, botching stuff that he'd usually hit. The BG guys held it together, and the end was fantastic. Shingo~~~More later. Before then - who are Makoto Oishi & Shiori Asahi who are on the show later?

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