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SKY TV - Recommended Shows and Hidden Gems


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I'm getting sky installed next week with the entertainment extra package and HD. What hidden gems can you recommend or shows that are sky exclusive which I should look out for.


With all the American series they have on Sky Atlantic do they have any catch up service if I want to watch the old shows before the new series starts?


Is Soccer AM, WWE catchup and new Simpsons shown on Sky1 still?

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They still show WWE Experience (and Superstars!) as well as new Simpsons (2/3 Simpsons most days, some new, some old) on Sky1. Don't know about Soccer AM, but they should do.


They have a catch-up system called Sky Anytime, for all Sky channels (Sky1, Atlantic, Living etc.), but they don't keep everything updated, I don't think, so you may not find everything you're looking for.


Apart from Atlantic and maybe Premier Sports, Sky-exclusive channels are absolute fucking dross, in my opinion. It's all ethnic channels, shopping channels and those dirty premium-rate text channels. I spent the day at my pal's flicking through the EPG watching terrible programmes like Meet The Adebanjos.

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People still watch Soccer AM?

I haven't had SKY for about 10 years now so don't know how bad it is now.


Youll probably still enjoy it then, the problem is it has barely changed at all.


Actually when you put it like that...

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I've recently started enjoying Pawn Stars and American Restoration on the History Channel. Probably pretty later to those particular parties, but whatever. There seem to be repeats on every day.



i'm with you on pawn stars, also storage wars is a really good one as well. there my two shows i love to watch.

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