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The Rock as WWE Champ

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For me it would have to start at Money In The Bank. I'd have CM Punk defeat Daniel Bryan to retain the title and have Cena win the MITB. Then on the 1000th episode of Raw the Rock comes out and demands a title match against CM Punk. In the main event The Rock wins the title ending the 1000th Raw on a big high. The following week on Raw John Cena comes out and tells the Rock that he's cashing in his MITB to face the Rock at Summerslam for the WWE title. I'd either then have The Rock vs John Cena at Summerslam or throw CM Punk into the mix. Either way John Cena walks out of Summerslam as the WWE champion and then goes onto feud with Punk again. At this point Cena and the Rock are tied at 1 a piece. Then at Mania 29 have Rock vs Cena again "The Decider" and have Cena ultimately go over.

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Personally I`d go with him answering a challenge from a heel Punk, have Punk keep the title for over a year, make him the longest reigning champ in Raw history, he could spend weeks cutting promos about how he has beaten everyone there is to beat before issuing some sort of challenge to the Rock.


The seeds of this have already been laid, Punk has had a few digs at the Rock, Michael Cole has been reminding viewers over the last few weeks on Raw exactly how long Punk has been champ.


Turning him full blown heel and handing him the mic to let rip at the Rock could be dyanamite.

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Maybe a power stable ruling the WWE for ages by screwing everybody out of the title.


WWE needs Savioror (Because the rest are shit.) Rock tears them down and bring the Gold back for the WWE.


Gives belt up to give the loyal WWE wrestlers a go at the belt and because he has better things to do.

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Maybe a power stable ruling the WWE for ages by screwing everybody out of the title.


WWE needs Savioror (Because the rest are shit.) Rock tears them down and bring the Gold back for the WWE.


Gives belt up to give the loyal WWE wrestlers a go at the belt and because he has better things to do.



But wouldn`t that make the `loyal WWE wrestlers` look really really shit?

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Get Lesnar to defeat Triple H at Summerslam, Lesnar to defeat Orton at Survivor Series and then win the title at Elimination Chamber. Have Lesnar to continue acting like a cunt saying he doesnt care about the title and will leave with the title after his contact is up after Mania. Rock comes back as the savior to win the title at Mania. Rock then loses it night after RAW after Orton (heel turn) costs Rocky the title setting up Rock/Orton at Mania 30.


Thats what I'd like to see, obviously it has many holes and looks ambitious

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Cena to win MITB. Punk vs Rock for title on Raw 1000. Rock beats Punk, Same night Cena cashes in on Rock, wins title. Summerslam Cena vs Punk vs Rock.


That's what I'd like to see happen. But it won't!

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If the rumoured Rock vs. Lesnar match for the WWE Title is the direction they were still planning to go for at Mania 29, I was hoping that they would have done Brock vs. Punk at SummerSlam, with Brock taking the Title & then he just then destroys everybody right up until Mania making it look like nobody can beat him for the strap (You give him a Title defense & win over Cena in the process at some point) until Rock either wins the 2013 Royal Rumble, or, a Number 1 Contender's Chamber match at Elimination Chamber (and being Rock's first ever Chamber match) to earn his right to challenge Brock at Mania, thus, Brock giving Rock a win back in the current era in return of Rock doing the job for him in 02 & helping him along the way to becoming he 'Next Big Thing'. I'd then have The Rock as Champ for about 3 - 5 months tops as he'll no doubt be back to Hollywood still in 2013 & it gives today's generation of younger fans the chance to see The Rock at the top for a bit & get to experience a little part of what we had.


Only problems surrounding this idea though is the way Lesnar has managed to secure very minimal dates for his money & Rock will be tied up with Hollywood, so this match would have to rely more on Sattelite Feeds & Twitter plugs that Rock vs. Cena needed for build up.

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I'd go for something like this: Lesnar beats up everyone and causes havoc whenever he shows up. Rock calls him out on a Raw later in the year and challenges him for Wrestlemania, with it being mentioned in passing that neither of them have any dates booked til after Elimination Chamber. Lesnar agrees, match signed, lots of hype. In the meantime, either Punk turns heel or drops the belt to a heel. THEN, at the Rumble, Lesnar comes out with a late number as a surprise, and wins it. The next night, he lauds it over Rock saying he doesn't give a toss about their match and just wants the belt so he can fuck off/lobby for an even more ridiculous contract for another year. Rock, then, has to win the belt in the Chamber to deliver the Mania main event (ideally, I'd have a heel GM siding with or being intimidated by Lesnar, and Vince backing Rock so he can get his money match and protect the integrity of the belt, which makes sense after the stuff with Punk). Rock goes into the Chamber, maybe even as one of the first two, wins the belt against the odds, and goes on to Mania, where he beats Lesnar if Lesnar's not signing again, and loses if he is, setting up a rematch at Extreme Rules.

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They want to make the 1000th Raw really special? Have CM Punk open the show talking about his long run as champion and how he's a fighting champion. He issues an open challenge to any former WWE champion at the show... "If ya smell!" The Rock answers the challenge. About 5 minutes in, Punk is able to get the Rock down, but bumps the ref in the process. D Bryan runs out, brutalises Punk with a steel chair. Rock comes to and clears Bryan from the ring. He turns around into a GTS attempt, but counters into a Rock Bottom for the 3. They don't give too much of a potential Rock vs Punk PPV match away, and Punk has an out for losing. Then, Rock appears on talk shows and TMZ with the belt in tow. He faces Cena in a Summerslam rematch, loses, then does video and satellite stuff until the Survivor Series, where we get Cena vs Rock III. Cena wins that one as well. Undettered, Rock enters the Rumble at no. 1, wins, then faces Brock Lesnar at WM for the WWE title. And I couldn't give a fuck if that scenario doesn't benefit current stars, it'd still be awesome.

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