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big mickey

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And vice versa. Maybe they're not looking for change, maybe they don't even believe they can have better lives. These are people who have no belief in themselves, their community, the police or the government. Do you not see why its important that they get that back? Otherwise why would they give a shit about it?

I've not said anything to the contrary. I want the best for everyone in the country. And I'm sure that once all these bastards are in prison, we can set about ensuring the law abiding people in the same boat get a better opportunity.

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I've not said anything to the contrary. I want the best for everyone in the country. And I'm sure that once all these bastards are in prison, we can set about ensuring the law abiding people in the same boat get a better opportunity.


That's not wishing for the best for everyone though is it? You've got thousands of people involved in these riots, would you just throw them all in prison? What about their friends or their families? Do you not see the need for longer-term solutions?

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That's not wishing for the best for everyone though is it? You've got thousands of people involved in these riots, would you just throw them all in prison? What about their friends or their families? Do you not see the need for longer-term solutions?


What about their friends or families? I am 100% certain these riots will continue because the police can't stop them. A longer term soloution is being tough on crime.

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That's not wishing for the best for everyone though is it?

I'd say so. It's best for everyone that people with a lack of respect for other people and the law are not on the streets.


You've got thousands of people involved in these riots, would you just throw them all in prison?

It's not feasible but ideally, yes I would. Everyone involved in criminal damage, violence and looting should do some jail time. Then there's a deterrent.


Do you not see the need for longer-term solutions?

I repeat, find where I've said anything to the contrary. But I won't excuse the scum who've sunk to these levels.

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I repeat, find where I've said anything to the contrary. But I won't excuse the scum who've sunk to these levels.


In fairness, nobody's excusing them. Giving reasons & causes isn't the same as making excuses. I can tell you how the invasion of Iraq started but it doesn't mean I'm excusing it.

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Anyone with that inherent sense of worthlessness, no self value & nothing to care about or aim for is a dangerous prospect. There's nothing scarier than someone who truly has nothing to lose.

I agree, that's how we've ended up with such a problem with knife crime and gang mentality. It requires more education and more money for these areas but it also needs tougher action from the police and the justice system.

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In fairness, nobody's excusing them. Giving reasons & causes isn't the same as making excuses. I can tell you how the invasion of Iraq started but it doesn't mean I'm excusing it.

I've found in this thread that some people really struggle to know the difference - I've been accused several times of making excuses.

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That's not wishing for the best for everyone though is it? You've got thousands of people involved in these riots, would you just throw them all in prison?


TBH they've broke the law so why not only real problems are overcrowding plus knowing just who was involved but if they can positively identify someone then yes they should be put into prison.


Plus this is not a protest anymore it may of started off that way but now it's noting more than people ruining peoples life's to get free stuff they are even robbing houses now and some of these people will be just in as a bad situation if not even worse off then them.

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What about their friends or families? I am 100% certain these riots will continue because the police can't stop them. A longer term soloution is being tough on crime.


By 'what about their friends and families?' I meant, what if they continue in the same way, and more riots occur.

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