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Rebook a Wrestling Period


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Bit of fantasy booking time. Except rather than booking your own promotion or what have you let's see what the UKFF has ideas for in rebooking a certain time frame (a year of PPV's, the run up to a Wrestlemania etc).


You can use any time frame you wish. 80's NWA, TNA, WCW, WWF/E, the Territories, (Rock 'n' Wrestling/Attitude era) for example.


Thread is inspired by watching my TNA comp tapes of TNA 2007 and thinking what a downturn the year was compared to 2006 in terms of quality. So I have decided to rebook the PPV's from Genesis 2006 up to Bound for Glory 2007 (still working on it though and will post later).


Go nuts muvvafuckurs.

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I'm sure I'll do a lengthier one tomorrow or Thursday, but for now, here's the one that immediately comes to mind.


WWF, February-April 2000


Mick Foley stays retired, and WrestleMania is HHH vs The Rock, one on one. Big Show goes on holiday or something. Rock wins the title.

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Wrestlemania XIX - Triple H doesn't take forever to pin Booker T, who kicks out and gives him a scissor kick. He follows this with three spin-a-roonies and a reading of the infamous "I have a dream" speech, before pinning Triple H with one finger to win the title.


After Wrestlemania, Booker steps onto the coach heading back to the hotel, spotting Hunter taking the last empty seat.

"Tell me you didn't just sit there," enquires the Bookman.


"Tell me...you didn't just sit there?!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. T," says Hunter.

"Mr. T?! Are you being derogative, sucka?!" fumes Booker.


"N-n-no what?!"

"N-n-no sir!" cries Triple H.

"Now that's what I thought!" says Booker, putting himself into Hunter's seat and making him stand for the entire coach journey.

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Easy-2001-Vince pays Goldberg out of his Time Warner deal and begs him to sign, Austin v Goldberg=$$$$$$$


At most it would cost $1,000,000 to pay Goldbergs contract up? Would make double that on Goldberg being involved in the Invasion and finally squaring off against Austin



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Easy-2001-Vince pays Goldberg out of his Time Warner deal and begs him to sign, Austin v Goldberg=$$$$$$$

With what finish?


Who cares? Would you have ordered the PPV with that main event in 2001?!

Yes, but if both of them are saying "I'm not losing to that bald cunt" it wouldn't get booked anyway. Plus, all the WCW big name contracts had the sort of perks and wages that would've upset the likes of Austin, Undertaker and Angle (main eventers of the company that didn't die) if WWF had honoured them. The only reason they had DDP is because he was a big enough fan that he took a massive pay cut just to get the opportunity to wrestle in the WWF -- if it wasn't for him wanting to be a WWF superstar, he'd have sat at home making stupid money for nothing like Goldberg and Nash did.

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Easy-2001-Vince pays Goldberg out of his Time Warner deal and begs him to sign, Austin v Goldberg=$$$$$$$

With what finish?


Who cares? Would you have ordered the PPV with that main event in 2001?!

Yes, but if both of them are saying "I'm not losing to that bald cunt" it wouldn't get booked anyway. Plus, all the WCW big name contracts had the sort of perks and wages that would've upset the likes of Austin, Undertaker and Angle (main eventers of the company that didn't die) if WWF had honoured them. The only reason they had DDP is because he was a big enough fan that he took a massive pay cut just to get the opportunity to wrestle in the WWF -- if it wasn't for him wanting to be a WWF superstar, he'd have sat at home making stupid money for nothing like Goldberg and Nash did.


Fair point but it could have been resolved, otherwise how do you book Rock v Hogan the following year? Run in? Heel Turn? Epic where both men go all the way before eventually Austin/Goldberg passes out but never officially taps/loses? It was THE money match and with money thrown at it could have happened

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If WWF had took on Goldberg's mental WCW contract, Austin would've probably had his big strop a lot sooner. Goldberg wasn't Floyd Mayweather coming in for a one off. If Vince had taken Goldberg on on his WCW wages, he'd have had to give comparable contracts (with the included raises and -- more importantly -- creative control etc) to Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, Angle, etc. The WWF didn't want to get into stupid contracts like WCW had. Those sort of contracts didn't turn out too well for WCW in the end.

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If WWF had took on Goldberg's mental WCW contract, Austin would've probably had his big strop a lot sooner.


I hear what your saying but if Vince wanted it enough then both Austin & Goldberg are smart enough to know that this match is money and has to happen, it was the match of the time, face of the brand v face of the brand, such a waste

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But it's a match that was only ever feasible as a fantasy. It's not like Hogan vs Flair in 1992, where the dream match wrestlers were on the same roster. Austin vs Goldberg was never remotely possible as a real world match because of the stupid contracts WCW gave. The WWF could never take those contracts on, and Goldberg would've been stupid to wrestle for the WWF for less money than he'd make just sitting at home and getting paid the rest of his WCW deal.

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But it's a match that was only ever feasible as a fantasy. It's not like Hogan vs Flair in 1992, where the dream match wrestlers were on the same roster. Austin vs Goldberg was never remotely possible as a real world match because of the stupid contracts WCW gave. The WWF could never take those contracts on, and Goldberg would've been stupid to wrestle for the WWF for less money than he'd make just sitting at home and getting paid the rest of his WCW deal.


But WWE could have just paid him up? Say he had $1,000,000 tops to sit and earn on that deal, they could have said here is the money we will pay this up and give you x amount then put you on a contract that reflects the top earners here in WWE, Austin earns x amount so heres the 1,000,000 it takes to get you out of that deal and heres another contract, there are always ways and means, the money that match could have earnt at that point would outway the outlay

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Right, first month of TNA 2006/07 completed feel free to observe and slate or comment if you wish :p. You may notice not alot of the booking has changed dynamically but I changed a few things about. Only doing the PPV's by the way. More on the way.


Genesis 2006

Pre-Show - Americas Most Wanted def. Lance Hoyt & Ron the Truth Killings with the Death Sentence.

1. Eric Young def. Robert Roode with a roll up pinfall after the match is restarted after Roode uses the tights for advantage.

2. The Naturals def. Team 3D when Chase Stevens pins Devon after Naturals own version of the 3D and Shane Douglas gets involved.

(Douglas and the Naturals turned heel after Douglas had a disagreement with 3D leading to the match.)

3. Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Elix Skipper & Petey Williams def. Austin Starr, Alex Shelley, Kazarian & Martyr in an Elimination X (Survivor Series) Match. Lethal is sole survivor pinning Kazarian.

(Nothing much to mention here, essentially an X Division showcase.

4. Christopher Daniels def. Chris Sabin to retain the X Division Title with a pinfall reversal from the Cradle Shock. Jerry Lynn makes Sabin shake hsi hand post-hand and then Cradle Shocks Daniels afterwards.

(Sabin lost his title in the No.1 Contenders Tournament foolishly putting it on the line against Daniels. Sabin is showing signs of a heel turn ignoring the advice of X Division pioneer Jerry Lynn.)

5. Christian Cage def. AJ Styles with a tights assisted pin. Christopher Daniels tries to console AJ post-matc but a shoving match ensues and Rhino stops the confrontation, AJ is pissed at Rhino too and leaves.

(Christian Cage was inadvertedly responcible for AJ losing the chance to win te X Division title and AJ wanted a first time showdown with Captain Charisma, who is now aided by bodyguard Tomko.)

6. Abyss def. Sting to become the NEW NWA Champion after interference from James Mitchell leades to Abyss winning the title with a Black Hole Slam onto thumbtacks.

(Sting after winning the title from Jeff Jarrett at Bound for Glory defends the title against the winner of the No. 1 Contenders Tournament Abyss.)

7. Senshi def. Johnny Devine with the Warriors Way.

8. Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe def. Tag Team Champions LAX when Angle makes Hernandez submit to te Ankle Lock.

(Angle's TNA Debut forced to team with the man he wants a match with in Samoa Joe. LAX complain that they are descriminated against, never recieving a TNA PPV Main Event Match, they get the main event here.)

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Two more months worth of PPV's. More to Come.


Turning Point 2006

Pre-Show - Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt def. Serotonin (Martyr and Johnny 'Havoc' Devine) when Killings pins Martyr.

1. Jay Lethal def. Austin Starr, Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley & Shark Boy in an Elimination Match in the opening round of the Paparazzi Championship Series.

(The Kevin Nash designed series looking to find the next X Division star according to Big Kev. Finals to be held at Final Resolution.)

2. Team 3D def. The Naturals in a Tables Match with the 3D. Afterwards 3D put Shane Douglas through a table.

(The tables stip feud ender comes in after the Naturals put Ray through a '3D' spray painted table.)

3. Christopher Daniels def. Chris Sabin to retain the X Division Title with the Angels Wings. Post-match Sabin causes a shoving match between Daniels and guest ref Jerry Lynn.

(A Genesis rematch again, Jerry Lynn now involved after disagreements with both men and put in charge to officiate this match.)

4. LAX def. Americas Most Wanted in a non-title Ladder/Flag Match, when James Storm's beer bottle shot accidnetly blinds Chris Harris leading to LAX hanging the Mexican Flag. Storm chews out Harris and Gail Kim.

(Super Patriots AMW vow to silence LAX with the flag match stip and for LAX taking out Gail Kim two months before. LAX use there lawyer to make a non title affair due to AMW not being the no.1 contenders.)

5. Kazarian def. Elix Skipper with the Wave of the Future. Serotonin watched the match from the stands observing both men.

6. Christian Cage & Tomko def. AJ Styles & Rhino when Cage pins Rhino after a Tomko boot. AJ walked out on his partner.

(AJ Styles wished to go it alone against Cage & Tomko but Jim Cornette demanded he have a partner. Rhino took up the challenge much to AJ's chagrin as he had unfinished work with Cage as well.)

7. Abyss def. Sting to retain the NWA Title after KO'ing Sting with a Baseball Bat to the face after Jim Mitchell recieved the Scorpion Death Drop.

(Sting cashes in his rematch clause. He says he wants to help Abyss be more human but Mitchell levels it out as a plot to make Abyss off his game.)

8. Kurt Angle def. Samoa Joe with the Ankle Lock bringing an end to Joe's undefeated streak. Joe shakes Angle's hand post match.

(At this point the biggest match in TNA history. Angle in his first PPV singles encounter faces the man he wanted to fight from the beginning and vice versa in the undefeated Samoa Joe.)


Final Resolution 2007

Pre-Show - Petey Williams def. Kaz with the Canadian Destroyer. Serotonin attack Williams post-match only for Lethal and Dutt to make the save.

1. Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt def. Serotonin when Dutt pins Havoc. This match begins with all 4 men brawling as the PPV comes on the air, continuing on from the pre show.

(Serotonin are now a threesome with the addition of Kazarian. They preach about there Higher Power leading them to stardom and power in TNA, as well as the post-match ritual caning routines.)

2. Chris Sabin def. Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn to become the NEW X Division Title when he pins Lynn with a roll up pin to steal the title.

(Jerry Lynn returns to active competiton to face the student who snubbed him in Sabin and Daniels who wanted Jerry out of his business.)

3. Alex Shelley def. Austin Starr in Sudden Death time to win the Paparazzi Championship Series after the judges drew a draw and the match was restarted.

(Shelley and Starr both competing for the attention of Kevin Nash have gained level points to face in the PCS Finals.)

4. Robert Roode def. Eric Young with the Payoff after Ms. Brooks turns on Eric Young (SWERVE) going back with Roode. As a result Roode now owns Eric's contract.

(Robert Roode has been embarassed by Young in not just in-ring competition but also dumped his business advisor Ms. Brooks after losing a Bikini Contest against Eric. Roode makes the Ultimate Challenge to Eric with his contract at stake.)

5. AJ Styles def. Rhino with a cheap pin after faking a knee injury. This match began backstage and went around the Impact Zone.)

(Following AJ walking out on Rhino and going heel, Rhino wants revenge on AJ with the first PPV showdown between the two men.)

6. LAX def. Americas Most Wanted to retain the Tag Title when Storm turns on his partner smashing a beer bottle into his already damaged eye. Konnan is locked in a shark cage at ringside to prevent any interference.

(AMW get a title shot after Storm and Petey Williams def. LAX in a Street Fight but Chris Harris is fighting with one eye and disention in the AMW ranks.)

7. Samoa Joe def. Senshi with the Muscle Buster. Senshi bows in respect to Joe post-match.

(Angry he didn't get a rematch with Angle, Joe challenged anyone to a match on Impact, Senshi answered and the match went to non-finish with Senshi busting Joe open. They each get another shot at each other for the PPV.)

8. Kurt Angle def. Scott Steiner with the Angle Slam from the second rope.

(Kurt Angle lost out in a possible shot at the NWA Title thanks to the emergence of Scott Steiner making his TNA return and aiding new ally Christian Cage. Angle wants Steiner more so after Steiner's taunts and there pull apart fights leading the the PPV.)

9. Christian Cage def. Abyss and Sting to become the NEW NWA Champion when he pins Abyss afte Sting hits the Death Drop but Tomko and Jim Mitchell get involved. Mitchell walks out on Abyss afterwards.

(Cage plays mind-games with Abyss over his past alluding that Tomko knows Abyss' secret. Sting wants to help Abyss and Jim Mitchell continues to be a thorn in Sting's side on humanising the monster.)

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ill re-book the whole John Cena- Wade Barrett feud, ill pick up at Survivor Series (the booking leading up to Hell in a Cell was good as was the Hell in a Cell PPV match and rest leading to Survivor Series) so...


Survivor Series 2010 Main Event

Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett- WWE Title Match- if Orton wins Cena is Fired form WWE, if Barrett wins Cena is Free from Nexus

match ends when Cena counts Barrett down and Orton retains

Winner- Randy Orton...therefore John Cena is Fired from the WWE, afterwards John Cena destroys the Nexus with a steel chair and smashes Barrett through the announce table with an AA, he signs off to the fans and waves goodbye to them as the show goes off the air


Raw the Next Night

Barrett complians that he got screwed at SS and demands a fair title shot vs Orton tonight, it is granted by the mystery GM but he ays it will be Barretts last title shot vs Orton.........later on John Cena comes out and gives his farewell speech, usual, he thanks the fans who love him and even those who hate him because its what made him the man he is today, he had to do the right thing at SS and even if it meant him giving up what he loves then so be it because he is a man of honour and nobodys puppet etc etc. he waves goodbye to the fans and as hes leaving he bumps into Wade Barrett who has security guards with him, Barrett says he hopes he can watch him become champion tonight and he will do one thing Cena loved to do and thats perfrom at Wrestlemania and Cena wont be able to anymore!.........Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton for the WWE title ends with Barrett becoming the new WWE champion and the show ends with him doing the Cena 'you cant see me' into the camera holding the WWE title!


over the next few weeks Barrett taunts the fans saying he has eliminated Cena for good and he will never be seen again etc, in several different angles he burns Cena T-Shirts, Hats, Wristbands, he brings out a mock John Cena and beats him up, several more angles to give him more Heat in the meantime the GM has given Randy Orton his rematch at the TLC PPV in a Chairs match which leads us to the Raw before the TLC PPV......


Raw Week before the TLC PPV

throughout the night the Nexus members are show unconscious in different parts of the building so Wade Barrett has to go to the ring alone for his contract signing with Randy Orton, the signing takes place but then on the Titan Tron Justin Gabriel is shown in the parking lot out cold and a John Cena T-Shirt covering his face, A Car is then shown speeding off out of the parking lot, Barrett flips and turns right into an RKO as the show ends



Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett- WWE Title Chairs Match

match end when CM Punk helps Barrett retain title(leads into Punk-Orton feud), afterwards as Barrett is celebrating John Cena comes in from the crowd and attacks him, beats him up badly and hits an AA through 6 open chiars set up in the ring, Cena leaves, Miz then comes out and cashes in his Money and the Bank Briefcase and wins the WWE Title


Raw the next night

Wade Barrett is fuming about what John Cena did at the PPV but as much as he is devestated at losing the WWE title he knows he will have other chances and he says that he knows what Cena is trying to do by goading him into bringing him back so he can get 'revenge', Barrett says he will never bring him back no matter what Cena says or does!


over the next few weeks Cena turns up now and again and does such actions as Destroying Barretts Car, Trashing his Locker Room anything to goad him into bringing him back then the 2 weeks before the Royal Rumble Cena kidnaps Barrett and drives off with him, he takes him to a location and threatens him(trying to keep it PG but i need a good reason for him to bring him back) until Barrett gives in and says he will reinstate John Cena!.........the next week John Cena returns to Raw but Barrett comes out and says Cena is reinstated ONLY if he wins the 30 Man Royal Rumble Match as the Number One entrant!!


Royal Rumble PPV

Wade Barrett recaptures the WWE title in A Fatal 4 Way Match vs Punk, Orton and The Miz....


John Cena wins the 30 Man Royal Rumble Match as the Number One entrant, despite the Nexus' best attempts etc etc


Raw the Next Night

Wade Barrett says that he owns John Cenas Contract as he was the one who had power to bring him back etc and he owns him until he beats him to say otherwise so even tho hes pencilled in to face him at Wrestlemania, Cena will have to defned his Mania Title Shot in an Elimination Chamber match at the PPV!


over the next few weeks Barrett puts Cena in several matches in order to try and wear him down such as vs Kane, Mark Henry, Handicap Matches


Elimination Chamber PPV

Wade Barrett retains the WWE Title vs The Miz


John Cena defeats Randy Orton, CM Punk, Sheamus, John Morrison and Justin Gabriel in an Elimination Chamber Match


over the next few weeks Cena takes out all the Nexus Members and so its left One on One by the time Mania rolls around, the week before they have a Face to Face Interview going through the entire feud and get in eaqch others faces but no violence


Wrestlemania 27

John Cena vs Wade Barrett- WWE Title Match- if Cena wins he is free from Barrett for good once and for all

John Cena wins the title and celebrates as it goes off the air



so i know it mightnt be a popular choice as main event for Wrestlemania and we wouldnt have got Miz's BIG push and had Jerry Lawler involved in the WWE title scene( you could obviously fit the Rock in somehwere else as the guest host etc) but i really think WWE was onto something in that feud and could of extended it right through till Mania, Barrett was hated so much in this feud, Cena was getting fairly good Face reactions too, you created a new main eventer in Wade, Cena was the ultimate babyface with the odds stacked againt him, i dont like Cena at all but if the booking was right for him having to overcome the odds so many people wouldnt hate him as much.

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