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The Championship and Lower Leagues Thread 2011/2


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Speaking from experience as an Ipswich fan


:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:


I didn't know we had an Ipswich fan knocking about on the UKFF. I feel like I've missed out on lots of good natured banter in the time I've been here. Once upon a time we could've turned this thread into a bit of an Old Farm love in.


That was an epic play-off final in fairness to you, but perhaps even more stagering was how well you finished in the Premiership next season. Amazing. I say that not as an extremely jealous Norwich fan, but out of praise and respect that a promoted side finished where they did, it's a brilliant achievement. We get reminded about it a fair bit and rightly so. And your cup wins :(


To be fair I don't post on here that much, and I haven't been to Portman Road since we drew 1-1 with Inter, so don;t have the authority to comment on our progress that I maybe used to. I'm planning my triumphant return some time this season.


You may notice by my Location that I'm now sleeping with the enemy so to speak. It's a lonely place to be an Ipswich fan.


I see a few parallels with your current team and our team of 2000/01. You probably won't finish 5th, but you've got that team spirit and good football that was our calling card when I used to go. I reckon you'll have bragging rights in East Anglia for a few years yet.


It's sad to see how far we've fallen. Albeit, we could be in a worse position, but I think it'll take years to recover from the mess Keane put us in. Jewell is the right man, but I'd just be happy with a top half finish this season, an then go from there. The Premiership needs the Old Farm derby in it's fixture list.


Enjoy the glory years while they last mate. :thumbsup:

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You may notice by my Location that I'm now sleeping with the enemy so to speak. It's a lonely place to be an Ipswich fan.


:laugh: Bless!


It's sad to see how far we've fallen. Albeit, we could be in a worse position, but I think it'll take years to recover from the mess Keane put us in. Jewell is the right man, but I'd just be happy with a top half finish this season, an then go from there. The Premiership needs the Old Farm derby in it's fixture list.


Agree completely. I'd be delighted to see them go up. All joking about taking 6 easy points aside, I miss our derby. People think because of our rural location and because we're generally seen as a bunch of softies in our part of the world that we don't take our derby as seriously, which I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Your start to the season seems to have been a little stop/start but I still think they can push for the playoffs this season.


Any idea whats going on with Chopra? I heard he'd been re-admitted to rehab but is he still playing? What do you make of him? Worth the hassle?


Scummer! Binner! 9-2, Grant Holt etc etc.

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Billy has asked to lead players and supporters in a minute's applause before tonight's home game against Middlesbrough to celebrate his son's brief life.


His message to be announced to the fans reads 'this is a minute's applause to celebrate the short life of Billy and Jade's son Louie Jacob Sharp.


'Born 27th October.


'Taken by the angels on the 29th.


'Sleep tight son.'


Scored tonight and revealed a shirt to say "That's for you, son", heartbreaking stuff and no idea how he got through a game.

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The teams that do worse the year after the playoffs are the ones who spent too much to get there.


Anyone else think this sounds like a crystal ball reading for Leicester City?


Who knows how they're funded, however it is certainly shit or bust down at the Boleyn Ground.


Very sad for Billy Sharp.

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Who knows how they're funded, however it is certainly shit or bust down at the Boleyn Ground.


The amount of horseshit from Fat Scam's mouth on R5 at 10pm last night was sublime. No credit and a bunch of 'nine men behind the ball' tripe when it was obvious that five of those were nowhere near the ball. It didn't look like 20 shots/on target, but our 5 or 6 came much closer than most of those 20. We had the last and best chance of the whole match, our 1500 crowd were white hot throughout and our subs added more to the game than Ham's.

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Any idea whats going on with Chopra? I heard he'd been re-admitted to rehab but is he still playing? What do you make of him? Worth the hassle?


Scummer! Binner! 9-2, Grant Holt etc etc.


Last thing I read, he admitted to spending up to 2 million on Gambling in his career, and claimed he only moved to Sunderland to fund his debts. Also read a snippet in the paper that he was confronted on the training ground yesterday by someone claiming he owed them debts.


He's obviously got the chops (pun intended) at this level, and he's a guaranteed 15+ goals for the season. Not sure that we should be relying on a player who has so many issues though. At least he's confronting the issue head on.


I just wish we gave Wickham one more season, I think 1 more year at this level playing regularly would do him the world of good, and increase his value. ( Similar to Titus Bramble, who was no where near good enough to make the ste up to regular Premiership Football.) Cameo appearances at a struggling Premiership side are a step back for him I think. At this rate, he could be back in the Championship in no time at all. It was good to see him score a cracking goal on the weekend though.


Also regarding our attacking options, recently saw this article




Which should obviously be taken with a pinch of salt, but still makes for depressing reading if its remotely true. Although I think we got a big fat sell on clause with Rhodes so we would at least get a nice little windfall to spend on aging starts in the twilight of their career.


How long have you been going to games then? Did you go to any in the late 90's? My overiding memories of the late 90's Derbies are Bryan Gunn's classic howler (which I missed because everyone was standing up) and the wonderful summers day that was 5-0 ( Alex Mathie was our Grant Holt.) After that, it was mostly you beating us with Bellamy terrorising our defence. He used to scare me shitless when he came forward.

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How long have you been going to games then? Did you go to any in the late 90's? My overiding memories of the late 90's Derbies are Bryan Gunn's classic howler (which I missed because everyone was standing up) and the wonderful summers day that was 5-0 ( Alex Mathie was our Grant Holt.) After that, it was mostly you beating us with Bellamy terrorising our defence. He used to scare me shitless when he came forward.


Firstly, christ I didn't realise he'd blown that much money! But like you say, he's taking it head on and he's got what it takes in the Championship.


I've been watching Norwich since my youth in the 90's, but I didn't actually get to attend a derby game in person until Christmas 08. Prior to that I'd just watch derbies on the tele or be dissapointed when I couldn't get a ticket for Carrow Road for it(nevermind the away end in Portman Road!). Any other game besides Ipswich was usually fine, mind.


On that day in '08, we were in dire form but pulled out a 2-0 win with Lee Croft doing the only decent thing he's ever done in his career and scoring from about 25 yards. Then Leroy Lita was really crafty and pointed out one of the Ipswich defenders were bleeding. Against his will, he was escorted off the pitch to be treated. We then scored while they were a man down :thumbsup: You had the last laugh though, beating us 3-2 in the return match and a couple of games later we were relegated.


But yeah, my earliest TV derby memory is THAT Gunny clanger. And don't even get me started on the 5-0, though Colchester was even worse than that imho.

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Who knows how they're funded, however it is certainly shit or bust down at the Boleyn Ground.


The amount of horseshit from Fat Scam's mouth on R5 at 10pm last night was sublime. No credit and a bunch of 'nine men behind the ball' tripe when it was obvious that five of those were nowhere near the ball. It didn't look like 20 shots/on target, but our 5 or 6 came much closer than most of those 20. We had the last and best chance of the whole match, our 1500 crowd were white hot throughout and our subs added more to the game than Ham's.


I get a lot of stick from people in the Palace press room for "hating every club in England including your own" but how can you like your club when it's managed by that man? He's a myopic, boorish bully. He's a man who is never humble even when he's been humbled. Thus far, he's proven to be both a liar and a hypocrite. You can't bemoan teams playing deep on you when you go to other places and do exactly the same.

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I get a lot of stick from people in the Palace press room for "hating every club in England including your own" but how can you like your club when it's managed by that man? He's a myopic, boorish bully. He's a man who is never humble even when he's been humbled. Thus far, he's proven to be both a liar and a hypocrite. You can't bemoan teams playing deep on you when you go to other places and do exactly the same.


That's exactly what West Ham did against us 2 weeks ago. Scored early after we made a mistake and then defended deep and spent most of the game with 10 or 11 behind the ball as we made all the running but couldn't find the final ball to break through their back 9.

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