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WWE Double Scum Mafia *GAME OVER*

Ron Simmons

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21 members have voted

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My current belief is that Carbomb, Kenny McScum & Dan Williams are scum. I think a wagon should be rolled on to see what we can discover pick one and lets get those wheels rolling.


Almost forgot...


Word Life.


What's the reasoning for that particular 3?

Any reads on who the other 2 might be?

Are any of those 3 acting in a way that might make them likely IC?

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Eh. It's a sticking point, but would scum spend so much time making wildly silly theories?


In saying that, Seph did make sure and point out that he did the same in the PYP game and it got him killed. A quick read of the PYP scum thread shows that he got killed specifically because he had been making random theories, so it holds true but it's also a good scum tactic to repeat behaviour that got you killed as town in one game as a way to paint yourself as town in another.


Not 100% on him, but I'm definitely about 60/40 on him being scum over town. I would support a Seph lynch, after all I found his behaviour around my vote on Kenny suspect (trying to insert reasoning where none was given, kinda desperate to find out why I voted, etc). More suspect than Chris really, since he disappeared quickly afterwards, whereas Chris kept at me (scum really would have just quietened down because most scum are not comfortable being the beacon in the room for such an extended period of time), trying to insert reasoning where none was given, kinda desperate to find out why I voted, etc).


EBWOP : And Nicko in for the win (or at least with some opinion)





That's a very fair point, sir. But that's also what I've just done with Teedy over the last two days and I've gotten nowhere. This - again, benefit of doubt - may be part of his plan. So do I keep on pestering him with increasingly rational stabs to be met with a wall of noise, or quiet down and ask the same pasive questions of people I have no reads of.


I have a few questions of my own: By doing the same thing as I did in PYP, did it occur to you that I might be... well... new at this? and by proclaiming Teedy's vote on myself to be a valid one aren't you doing his reasoning for him? Now he doesn't have to tell me how my crappy play makes me scummy because you've just done that. He won't speak for himself apart from complete waffle that doesn't help town at all beyond today's vote, so it's possible he'd do the same thing Tomorrow with someone else.


Nonetheless you're making good points about my play and I'm learning. But again, even if you're right about how scum could do things the newer scummers could go for the opposite tactic now it's been spelled out for them again. The more you observe the rules, the more they change. Ergo, WIFOM.




Teedy's harmless IMO. I wish I hadn't bothered last night. He didn't even get the Princess Bride quote.

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vote: Snake Plissken


This should've happened yesterday.


Literally on the way out of the door to go to London. Go to Spain tomorrow. Play nice without me boys.

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Snake Plissken (3) (Kenny McBride, Carbomb, Nexus)

seph (2) (Teedy Kay, bristep123)

Carbomb (1) (Snake Plissken)

bristep123 (1) (Chris Stone)

brownie (1) (unfitfinlay)

Teedy Kay (1) (seph)


Not voting: El Nicko Loco, brownie, Dazz, Dan Williams


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch


* Nexus will be V/LA till some time between Wednesday next week and Saturday.

* unfitfinlay will be V/LA all of Saturday, and much of Sunday

* Seph will be V/LA Sunday

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That's a very fair point, sir. But that's also what I've just done with Teedy over the last two days and I've gotten nowhere. This - again, benefit of doubt - may be part of his plan. So do I keep on pestering him with increasingly rational stabs to be met with a wall of noise, or quiet down and ask the same pasive questions of people I have no reads of.


I have a few questions of my own: By doing the same thing as I did in PYP, did it occur to you that I might be... well... new at this? and by proclaiming Teedy's vote on myself to be a valid one aren't you doing his reasoning for him? Now he doesn't have to tell me how my crappy play makes me scummy because you've just done that. He won't speak for himself apart from complete waffle that doesn't help town at all beyond today's vote, so it's possible he'd do the same thing Tomorrow with someone else.


Nonetheless you're making good points about my play and I'm learning. But again, even if you're right about how scum could do things the newer scummers could go for the opposite tactic now it's been spelled out for them again. The more you observe the rules, the more they change. Ergo, WIFOM.




Teedy's harmless IMO. I wish I hadn't bothered last night. He didn't even get the Princess Bride quote.


The difference between my vote for Kenny and Teedy's vote for you is that he gave you a reason. He even engaged you when you responded to it.


Also the only issue with the "I'm new" argument is that if you're scum then you have team mates to give you advice even if you hadn't thought about using meta play yourself.


You brought up the fact that you are playing the same way as you did last time and that you got killed because of it. You even made reference to the wackiness of the post on D1, as if to sow seeds beforehand. It just throws up suspicion to me.


It's not even a case of crappy play (your words, before anyone thinks I'm insinuating any crappy play), because I don't see that from you. It's just, without sugar-coating it, your theory about Teedy's code was completely rubbish. It made no sense from a tactical or logical point of view. On a wacky level It was far and above anything you said in the last game, it was a real stand out piece of craziness that looks so newbtownie fantasy speculation that it almost stands out as a very clever scum play.


EBWOP : Enjoy your holiday Nexus, if you have time, quickly why is Snake the lynch for today?

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My current belief is that Carbomb, Kenny McScum & Dan Williams are scum. I think a wagon should be rolled on to see what we can discover pick one and lets get those wheels rolling.


Almost forgot...


Word Life.


What's the reasoning for that particular 3?

Any reads on who the other 2 might be?

Are any of those 3 acting in a way that might make them likely IC?


Add onto that - 2 of your 3 scum picks are currently voting for you, with Nexus just adding himself on. Would Kenny and Carbomb sit on your wagon by themselves for so long without anyone else joining?

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The difference between my vote for Kenny and Teedy's vote for you is that he gave you a reason. He even engaged you when you responded to it.


The other difference is that when Teedy engaged me I stuck to my guns and validated my vote against him as he's doing nothing to help Town. When Kenny called you on your vote you moved right along to me without breaking a sweat and left Kenny to make his own perfectly valid observations, which I have reason to believe he wanted you to respond to in the same way he wanted a consensus from everyone. I've already lined out my reaction to the Mike lynch, would you have done the same if Chris hadn't said anything?

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The difference between my vote for Kenny and Teedy's vote for you is that he gave you a reason. He even engaged you when you responded to it.


The other difference is that when Teedy engaged me I stuck to my guns and validated my vote against him as he's doing nothing to help Town. When Kenny called you on your vote you moved right along to me without breaking a sweat and left Kenny to make his own perfectly valid observations, which I have reason to believe he wanted you to respond to in the same way he wanted a consensus from everyone. I've already lined out my reaction to the Mike lynch, would you have done the same if Chris hadn't said anything?


We were talking about your reaction to both votes, not my reaction to Kenny questioning my vote of him compared to your reaction of Teedy's vote for you. Thats kind of subverting the issue somewhat.


I have no reason to discuss the Mike lynch, I led the charge and was wrong, and if people want to question me on it I'll happily respond, but for me to start throwing out FoS off of the wagon is just going to look suspect and distract us from finding scum. The fact that people have actively avoided (or haven't bothered) pursuing me for starting the Mike mislynch is quite unsettling.

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I FOS'd you, Bristep. I think the whole Mike wagon was suspicious, but wagon-reading is tough in this game because scum may appear to be acting like town, depending on who they're trying to lynch. I'm absolutely certain of Snake's scumminess, though. I can't be sure that you're not just misguided. Depending on what happens to Snake today, I'll be looking at you tomorrow. On the other hand, if everyone else goes for you and a Snake lynch looks impossible, I'm less uncomfortable with switching my vote to you today than I was with switching on to Mike's.

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Teedy's harmless IMO. I wish I hadn't bothered last night. He didn't even get the Princess Bride quote.


The Princess Pride quote was noted, ignored on principal as nothing about it made ANY sense to the point made about you by me.


Nice to see you're now backtracking, "aah he's actually just a harmless baffoon"


Your wagon has failed miserably, it had no wheels, no horses to pull it, no canvas to keep it's contents safe from the elements, probably didn't have a storage facility, stripped back your wagon resembles more of a park bench, and one that has been heavily graffitied by mindless Chavs high on Miaow Miaow.

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I FOS'd you, Bristep. I think the whole Mike wagon was suspicious, but wagon-reading is tough in this game because scum may appear to be acting like town, depending on who they're trying to lynch. I'm absolutely certain of Snake's scumminess, though. I can't be sure that you're not just misguided. Depending on what happens to Snake today, I'll be looking at you tomorrow. On the other hand, if everyone else goes for you and a Snake lynch looks impossible, I'm less uncomfortable with switching my vote to you today than I was with switching on to Mike's.


Why is that though? Explain why you find me scummy. Is it based on my actions? If so what do you think those actions mean and how does it make me scum?

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Firstly, my apologies for not posting much yesterday, i'd say i was busy but i'd be lying, i was just chilling out with my partner all day and couldn't bring myself to do the reading i needed to do here.


Right so, I looked through Lion's interactions, if i'm honest absolutely nothing stands out to me, he actually managed to go through that whole day phase saying next to nothing and it's my belief that because of TDK and Snakes play he wasn't picked up on it all that much. Lion was posting nothingness but with the other 2 doing so in a much much more provocative way he wasn't pulled up on it. I'm not saying this makes either guilty, but i am saying their play certainly didn't help town.


Now, the Mike lynch, it has to be spoken about at some point right?


It's confusing, it's really really odd and looking back on it quite scummy in the way it built votes. We had reasons for other people to be lynched, we had people going at each other with little more than suspicion but for some reason Mike pushing on Snake was automatically repelled. I mean the argument against mike seemed to come down to 'You're trying to get snake lynched for reason X, i Don't think X makes much sense, you're attatching it to him and that is scummy!'.

Do i believe Snake's comment was indicative of him and Nexus being in the IC? I really couldn't be sure either way - it does seem like a stupid thing for Snake to say though, doesn't it?

In my mind the main pusher of this lynch was obviously bristep to which he admits he had his vote on Mike long before the above case that most people ran with however, his vote stemmed from the fact that mike had voted for him previously due to supposedly trying to work out the code which TDK had posted. Was the vote on Snake from Mike an oppertunity for Bristep to mount an argument on Mike? I believe so whether rightfully so or not it did further push any suspicion mike cast on bristep further to the side. In essence the wagon on mike started because he got on bristep. TDK whilst posting non-sense a lot seemed to hit his peak during this time, or at least his efforts became more about derailing the argument against Snake, the mountain out of a molehill picture very much belittled any argument against Snake and insinuated Mike had other motives, at least in my mind.


I don't think the Wagon was about protecting Snake, whilst that may have been the effect it had, we now have a situation where Bristep is questioning Snake, i'd say Bristep managed to pull the attention off of himself, used the attention on Snake to further push onto mike and now would happily see Snake take the lynch for it. It's my opinion that we got it wrong both on Snake and Mike, Bristep is our scum and i think TDK is sat on the same team.






If the town decides to go with Mike's argument, then once Snake vindicates my concerns if he flips town Mike has to go. He just has to. Then Nexus, his buddy.


Then tell me, since the town went with Snake's argument, and mike flipped town, why does Snake not have to go? Surely if it's either or it should work both ways?


Add onto that - 2 of your 3 scum picks are currently voting for you, with Nexus just adding himself on. Would Kenny and Carbomb sit on your wagon by themselves for so long without anyone else joining?


You seem to be accusing him of running after people for voting for him, is that not how this all began?


FOS: Teedy Kay

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