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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Right I have completely my little look at the posts after SMS reveal of Snakes role


POST 795 http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=2335257






If Snake IS a cop, and he IS town voting him would be stupid. I don't know if I buy all of this, but I don't want to take any risks either.


just 2 posts later post 797 http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=2335263


Actually sod it, I'm calling your bluff.

Vote Snake Plissken


What in the post between which was by SMS changed your mind between lynching a cop which is what you thought at the time? Or was it just that you figured it was a good way to see off the town cop?



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And on a side note, Carbomb you're really lurky in this game, It's hard for someone to make a case for you when you're just sitting on the fringe of the play so as one of the people who's role is very much unknown (Since the only vanilla claim below you was a weak doctor, but that could be someone above you), I'd like to know who your current standout scumspects are. I'll put that to Unfitfinlay, Spotlight and Nexus too.


Like I said above, work's been making things difficult - my job has quite a bit to do with Japan, and as you can imagine, the recent events have made things pretty hectic.


My main suspects at the moment are Nexus for his slip-up concerning SMS' role, and asking him for a result when he thought he was a Cop, and SMS for his "outing" of power roles.


If I'm honest, my game's suffering from a lack of time to be able to read all posts absolutely thoroughly at the moment; it's difficult to keep track of the more subtle intricacies of people's posts.


So do you see possible collusion between Nexus and SMS? Have you gone back and looked at the last day's play of each phase to look at the voting behaviour around deadline?

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Okay, the first one I'm a little suspect of would be SMS, mainly for the reasons I posted earlier, he seems to be pushing alot for a power role claim and continuing to push the bomb to come forward, which I thought could be a scum player looking for a town role to protect there players. Could be the other way but his insistence confuses me.


Other than that I've got no real foothold. Sorry Bristep, I'm too sick to care too much.

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And on a side note, Carbomb you're really lurky in this game, It's hard for someone to make a case for you when you're just sitting on the fringe of the play so as one of the people who's role is very much unknown (Since the only vanilla claim below you was a weak doctor, but that could be someone above you), I'd like to know who your current standout scumspects are. I'll put that to Unfitfinlay, Spotlight and Nexus too.


Like I said above, work's been making things difficult - my job has quite a bit to do with Japan, and as you can imagine, the recent events have made things pretty hectic.


My main suspects at the moment are Nexus for his slip-up concerning SMS' role, and asking him for a result when he thought he was a Cop, and SMS for his "outing" of power roles.


If I'm honest, my game's suffering from a lack of time to be able to read all posts absolutely thoroughly at the moment; it's difficult to keep track of the more subtle intricacies of people's posts.


So do you see possible collusion between Nexus and SMS? Have you gone back and looked at the last day's play of each phase to look at the voting behaviour around deadline?


Not yet, unfortunately. I'll try and set aside some time this evening to go through it all, though.

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Okay, the first one I'm a little suspect of would be SMS, mainly for the reasons I posted earlier, he seems to be pushing alot for a power role claim and continuing to push the bomb to come forward, which I thought could be a scum player looking for a town role to protect there players

I'm suspicious of SMS for similar reasons, combined with his insistence that he is clearly known to be town now, and the fact he pushed to not lynch Snake doesn't mean he is town as it could have been him wanting to clearly look like town knowing the lynch was certain to happen; Carbomb's wheelchair analogy is pretty apt. I'm suspicious of Nexus because he said Snake wouldn't be lynched if he confirmed he was BP and when he confirmed it he voted him into L-1, and there's the apparent slip about SMS's role

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Anyway, Tom, I don't think there was anything particularly scummy about what Ron tried to do. I do think we are falling into the trap of only suspecting the people who are most vocal, which really cost town the game last time. I'm particularly interested that SpotlightMagnet hasn't posted this phase, given how vocal he was about lurkers earlier.


Yeah, sorry I've been gone a long time, I went to Swansea, came back late on Tuesday and since then I've had to basically live in my bathroom with one end pointd at the toilet (or on two occasions, both ends), I've been reading this phase this morning sorry it's taken quite long but I've still got a pretty bad headache.


As the day phase as gone on, I'm still not sold on SMS. Maybe I need to read again but he says he's town and that he has a rolecop role, but he keeps urging for a mass roleclaim using the argument of protecting the town from the bomb. As far as I can tell this could be for three reasons:


1. SMS is town, strongly believes the bomb would be a scum role and may try to lynch them using a vanilla as the L-1 in an attempt to protect the roles town still have.


2. SMS is scum, using his rolecop powers to try and hunt for the bomb so that the scum don't kill themselves needlessly.


3. SMS is scum and is trying to give the bomb a reason to come out and be protected somewhat from the town.


That's my take on it thus far, I'll try to be more constant with my posts.




The reason I am pushing for the whole town to reveal today is because I believe today could be our last day if we don't share results.


11 players, 4 scum, 7 town, 6 needed to lynch.


That means 4 scum and 2 town to lynch a town member or we need 6 out of 7 town players to lynch.


Not good odds!


Also bare in mind we could hit the bomb and lose another town member, night vigilante might hit town, doctor could protect scum and then we have lost.


We can use the results to try and work out who is town.


Ron I don't like the way you have been playing these last few days.


Not sure if I am I believe your paranoid play anymore.


Unvote: Swiftstrike


Vote: Ron Simmons

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Anyway, Tom, I don't think there was anything particularly scummy about what Ron tried to do. I do think we are falling into the trap of only suspecting the people who are most vocal, which really cost town the game last time. I'm particularly interested that SpotlightMagnet hasn't posted this phase, given how vocal he was about lurkers earlier.


Yeah, sorry I've been gone a long time, I went to Swansea, came back late on Tuesday and since then I've had to basically live in my bathroom with one end pointd at the toilet (or on two occasions, both ends), I've been reading this phase this morning sorry it's taken quite long but I've still got a pretty bad headache.


As the day phase as gone on, I'm still not sold on SMS. Maybe I need to read again but he says he's town and that he has a rolecop role, but he keeps urging for a mass roleclaim using the argument of protecting the town from the bomb. As far as I can tell this could be for three reasons:


1. SMS is town, strongly believes the bomb would be a scum role and may try to lynch them using a vanilla as the L-1 in an attempt to protect the roles town still have.


2. SMS is scum, using his rolecop powers to try and hunt for the bomb so that the scum don't kill themselves needlessly.


3. SMS is scum and is trying to give the bomb a reason to come out and be protected somewhat from the town.


That's my take on it thus far, I'll try to be more constant with my posts.

We can use the results to try and work out who is town.

But roles that would be town roles in other games could equally be scum roles in this game, and vice-versa. Also, scum already know who is town, so if town power roles reveal themselves then they are going to become big targets, like Snake was, but then, maybe your whole idea was to out him as BP and watch as your scum buddies turned this into a lynch, whilst you sat back and played town by defending him. Why do you go on about the bomb quite so much?

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And on a side note, Carbomb you're really lurky in this game, It's hard for someone to make a case for you when you're just sitting on the fringe of the play so as one of the people who's role is very much unknown (Since the only vanilla claim below you was a weak doctor, but that could be someone above you), I'd like to know who your current standout scumspects are. I'll put that to Unfitfinlay, Spotlight and Nexus too.


Right now SMS and Nexus have really cropped up on my radar.


From the very start of the game SMS has pushed that he should be above suspicion which just doesn't sit right with me. At this stage especially I think it would be foolish to rule anybody out as a suspect, especially when they have done some things that are questionable. Outing Snake as bulletproof to save him appears like a pro town move on the surface but also could've been a way to let scum players know the result of his action before the night phase. His repeated demands for roleclaims as well doesn't exactly scream town to me either.


Nexus' play has been really suspect as well. The quick vote to take Snake to L1 (with no reason given and no real attempt to scum hunt through the phase) and his "forgetting" that SMS was a rolecop is really hard to believe.


And actually, looking back through the thread, I think Chris B makes a good point here


Not comfortable at all with the Ron/Nexus/Tom dynamic over the last few pages. Tom and Ron REALLY jumped on Nexus, and Nexus is acting scummy. To me, it strikes me as either Ron/Tom ganging up on Nexus, or as the three of them working together, sacrificing Nexus for the good of the team.


In retrospect it really does read like they want to bus Nexus to confirm them as town which, incidentally, is something Ron really wanted to do in the last game. It's also worth noting (although completely WIFOM) that RON was the guy who brought attention to the possibility that Bristep might be a Cop (under the guise that SMS doing it might be a message to scum, even though he said he thought both were town) and now he's leading the charge to get Bristep lynched.


All things considered I think Ron might be the best lynch in this phase.



Edit after Preview: SMS - You do realise that's Spotlight you are replying to, not Ron right?

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Just had a thought; is there any chance that SMS and Ron are scum buddies? Ron dismissed my points about SMS more or less and the whole thing of him telling no one to reveal roles when requested could be distancing as he's not really gone after SMS much at all; SMS voting for Ron could be distancing too

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Ron, I'm finding it interesting that you're singling out Bristep. It comes across as attacking the accuser rather than the arguments. And I tend to see that as a guilty sign.


It's a gamble either way, really, but if Ron turns out to be scum, there's going to be some VERY interesting interactions to go back on.

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Okay, the first one I'm a little suspect of would be SMS, mainly for the reasons I posted earlier, he seems to be pushing alot for a power role claim and continuing to push the bomb to come forward, which I thought could be a scum player looking for a town role to protect there players. Could be the other way but his insistence confuses me.


Other than that I've got no real foothold. Sorry Bristep, I'm too sick to care too much.

'Sorry Bristep?'


Ridiculous. We've around a week until deadline and I'm already near lynch? It's an absolute farce.

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Okay, the first one I'm a little suspect of would be SMS, mainly for the reasons I posted earlier, he seems to be pushing alot for a power role claim and continuing to push the bomb to come forward, which I thought could be a scum player looking for a town role to protect there players. Could be the other way but his insistence confuses me.


Other than that I've got no real foothold. Sorry Bristep, I'm too sick to care too much.

'Sorry Bristep?'


Ridiculous. We've around a week until deadline and I'm already near lynch? It's an absolute farce.


He's the one who asked my opinions on who I suspect, and I was ready to give a longer answer until I had to rush to the toilet. Ergo, sorry Bristep.


I'm still wary of SMS, I get his reasoning but still doesn't resound that true to me, can't quite put my finger on it. I'm also getting the suspicision of Ron, but I'm not entirely sold on it. Nexus comes across a bit scummy but again not to a major degree im my opinion. Maybe I'll get a better read on this tomorrow.

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Just letting you all know that I won't be around much till Monday afternoon.


Working all weekend, got to try and fit in doing something for my mum on mothers day tomorrow, then my mate has a Wrestlemania party on Sunday night.


I will try and pop on when I can so I won't declare a V/LA but at least you know why I am not posting much.


I imagine others will be busy tomorrow also with mothers day and WrestleMania.


If we don't want a repeat of the last days play we need to step up our game and somebody needs to come up with a better suggestion than my role reveal , if not, I would still like to push this and don't get why others don't .


I know it is normally a scum tactic, but when we are close to game over as we are, why is it suddenly scum tactic to use our results to try and figure out who is telling the truth.


Scum already know who is and is not town so they already have a huge advantage.


I don't like the way this game is going and am sensing a scum whitewash if we are not careful.


The only people who I can see not wanting the reveal is scum as it makes them look town by saying so and they can't discuss a strategy with their fellow scum mates during the day.


The other is town people who are trying too hard to look town and believe they have to follow the town guidebook and not stray from it if things are not working right.


That was me yesterday when I didn't suspect Snake, knew his power role and as he was not around to defend himself, I did the pro town thing by trying to get him another day so we could question him.


The fact other players, especially Ron who said he wanted to vote Lion and had a meeting with Snake that night, couldn't wait to lynch him is seriously anti town play in my book.


There are time when a no lynch can be used, so as we couldn't lynch Lion, we should have no lynched.


Now we know the nights results, we know that neither should have been lynched though, so when are we going to learn to not just jump on the first thing we see.


For the record Ron I don't trust you at all now, so if you feel like dropping by for a cup of tea and a chat neighbour, I will be fast asleep with my front door locked.

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If we don't want a repeat of the last days play we need to step up our game and somebody needs to come up with a better suggestion than my role reveal , if not, I would still like to push this and don't get why others don't .


The people who have disagreed with you about the role reveal have stated reasons. You might not agree with them but that doesn't make them wrong. It's an opinion man, and at the moment more people disagree with you than agree (of those who have given thoughts on the matter at least).


Roles don't equal alignment, so we reveal roles, then lose the rest of the phase gesticulating about which roles the scum might pick. We get mired in WIFOM and end up scrambling for a lynch by the end of the day. That's my take on how things pan out if there's a mass claim. I appreciate you want to stick to your guns, but what we *need* to do is scum hunt, not play guessing games. And on that note...

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And on a side note, Carbomb you're really lurky in this game, It's hard for someone to make a case for you when you're just sitting on the fringe of the play so as one of the people who's role is very much unknown (Since the only vanilla claim below you was a weak doctor, but that could be someone above you), I'd like to know who your current standout scumspects are. I'll put that to Unfitfinlay, Spotlight and Nexus too.


Right now SMS and Nexus have really cropped up on my radar.


From the very start of the game SMS has pushed that he should be above suspicion which just doesn't sit right with me. At this stage especially I think it would be foolish to rule anybody out as a suspect, especially when they have done some things that are questionable. Outing Snake as bulletproof to save him appears like a pro town move on the surface but also could've been a way to let scum players know the result of his action before the night phase. His repeated demands for roleclaims as well doesn't exactly scream town to me either.


Nexus' play has been really suspect as well. The quick vote to take Snake to L1 (with no reason given and no real attempt to scum hunt through the phase) and his "forgetting" that SMS was a rolecop is really hard to believe.


And actually, looking back through the thread, I think Chris B makes a good point here


Not comfortable at all with the Ron/Nexus/Tom dynamic over the last few pages. Tom and Ron REALLY jumped on Nexus, and Nexus is acting scummy. To me, it strikes me as either Ron/Tom ganging up on Nexus, or as the three of them working together, sacrificing Nexus for the good of the team.


In retrospect it really does read like they want to bus Nexus to confirm them as town which, incidentally, is something Ron really wanted to do in the last game. It's also worth noting (although completely WIFOM) that RON was the guy who brought attention to the possibility that Bristep might be a Cop (under the guise that SMS doing it might be a message to scum, even though he said he thought both were town) and now he's leading the charge to get Bristep lynched.


All things considered I think Ron might be the best lynch in this phase.



Edit after Preview: SMS - You do realise that's Spotlight you are replying to, not Ron right?


That looks like a scum vote to me.



Vote unfitfinlay


Are you our first scum catch? Are you?

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