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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Asking the bomb to reveal themselves, isn't going to help anything as far as I can see. I'll go into more detail in a bit but my chinese is here :)


It would mean we don't end up losing a town player because we blew up a town member and we find out if Tom is telling the truth.

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Good question Swifty!


Been so busy thinking about the damage the bomb could cause that I forgot that we all can't tell which side we are on by our roles.


Obviously it is far too early in the game to ask for peoples overnight results, so I guess I am going to have to go back and read through everything again, as I don't know how to read this game at all.


The results overnight haven't given me any immediate ideas or suspicions, so I need to try and look into why we only had one death last night, and why it was Seph.


I have a feeling Sephs death might have been the vigilante, so if the night roles do the same again, we might only have one killing again then we can reveal the results and lynch scum.

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Weak points to having a bomb claim


if Tom is scum and lying, and there is a scum player in the top 5, then top5 scum can fake claim and cement Tom as town, while top5 scum is faking as bomb so will get a pass until later in the game


if Tom is truthing, and the bomb is scum then they just lie and say they aren't. Tom is viewed as lying, gets lynched. we lose a town player, and still have no idea who in the top5 is the bomb.


Given that you've been fishing for the bomb since last phase


When I discuss a role, I will talk about every role I feel needs addressing, even if it is my own.


I won't hint at my role, well not at this early stage anyhow, as I don't want scum knowing what role I have just yet.


The one role I would be interested in knowing about is the bomb though.


Would it be wise for them to admit if they have the role now?


Our cop could investigate them to check if they are town and telling the truth and we don't risk blowing ourselves up.


I feel it might be a wise decision but understand if others disagree.


If we go ahead with this, we give someone 24 hours to admit it, if nobody does we go with the fact scum have it or it is not in the game.


My internet connection is running really slow today so I will give this game a break till later tonight.


I'm starting to think that the scum don't have the bomb and are looking for it, and that you might not be on the town side.



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The results overnight haven't given me any immediate ideas or suspicions, so I need to try and look into why we only had one death last night, and why it was Seph.

I have a feeling Sephs death might have been the vigilante, so if the night roles do the same again, we might only have one killing again then we can reveal the results and lynch scum.

I have a theory - and yeah, nobody really bought my last one, but what the heck.


Bristep posted this earlier today:

I was told that I could not complete my action.


We also potentially have this role in game:


You are the Jailkeeper, every night you may PM me the name of a player who you will jailkeep. This will prevent the player from dying, but also prevent them from performing any night actions.

So yeah, unless I'm misunderstanding this role, it basically seems to be a doctor with a twist. So I think someone protected (and therefore roleblocked) Bristep with this role, and either the scum or the vigilante also targetted him, meaning he couldn't use his power, but survived an attempted hit.


Bristep's a strong player, and is high up on the list, so if he's not scum it would make sense they'd want to dispose of him at an early stage.

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First up, yes Ron I have been contacted by Mike to for the QT in the next night phase.


Brownie, it's simple. My vote was originally on AtG and as I stated people who lurk are scum or VT who cant be bothered which I was proved right on. But I moved my vote on Ron as I was entirely happy with his posting, however he role claimed nebourizer and I was willing to believe his claim. So I simply put my vote back on AtG on a 50/50 chance he weas scum. But, in most MS games 90% of the time you will likely hit Town on the first night, however thats better although not preferred to a no lynch.


Where we go from here will be interesting to say the least. I have a few suspicions but I want to read back before I go on them.


WHOA. Who says you were "proven right"? One example does not prove the principle, and if I remember rightly, we've had cases in the past where lynched or killed lurkers have turned out to be neither Scum nor VTs. That's one hell of a sweeping generalisation right there, based on no solid evidence, especially in light of previous games.


FOR THE RECORD: I'm not making any roleclaims or alignment claims, I'm simply stating that adhering to this kind of principle is dangerous and reductive, and I'll make this point in all future games if it gets brought up again.



This has been bothering me a little bit. Who's talking about killed lurkers? It's pretty obvious Brownie's point was about lynched lurkers. Town vigilantes almost never go for lurkers, which mean that it's only the scum who kill them - and they know they're not scum. I'm having difficulty putting my thumb on why this bothers me, but I think it's that you're bringing something separate in to disprove a point.


Now, I know you've been lurking somewhat, but you have been popping in and out. It just feels like you're rubbishing a point that, to my mind, has some validity. I know we've seen lurking roles, but they're usually people who should have been replaced out.


FoS Carbomb





Oh, and I'm still on FoS Swiftstrike.

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Sorry, I love chinese food.


As far as I can see all that could come from revealing the bomb is that the person is treated with kid glove. If they're town that might be a good thing, but if the bomb is scum then that would presumably that threat will make posters more unwilling to vote. Basically, the bomb I think would detract from the ordinary procedures of scum hunting.

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Good question Swifty!


Been so busy thinking about the damage the bomb could cause that I forgot that we all can't tell which side we are on by our roles.


Obviously it is far too early in the game to ask for peoples overnight results, so I guess I am going to have to go back and read through everything again, as I don't know how to read this game at all.


The results overnight haven't given me any immediate ideas or suspicions, so I need to try and look into why we only had one death last night, and why it was Seph.

I have a feeling Sephs death might have been the vigilante, so if the night roles do the same again, we might only have one killing again then we can reveal the results and lynch scum.

And hang on a second, why do you "have a feeling" his death may have been the vig? If you do, and you're encouraging the night roles to repeat what they did last night, surely the idea would mean the scum would know who exactly was protcted, and thus target someone else?

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The results overnight haven't given me any immediate ideas or suspicions, so I need to try and look into why we only had one death last night, and why it was Seph.

I have a feeling Sephs death might have been the vigilante, so if the night roles do the same again, we might only have one killing again then we can reveal the results and lynch scum.

I have a theory - and yeah, nobody really bought my last one, but what the heck.


Bristep posted this earlier today:

I was told that I could not complete my action.


We also potentially have this role in game:


You are the Jailkeeper, every night you may PM me the name of a player who you will jailkeep. This will prevent the player from dying, but also prevent them from performing any night actions.

So yeah, unless I'm misunderstanding this role, it basically seems to be a doctor with a twist. So I think someone protected (and therefore roleblocked) Bristep with this role, and either the scum or the vigilante also targetted him, meaning he couldn't use his power, but survived an attempted hit.


Bristep's a strong player, and is high up on the list, so if he's not scum it would make sense they'd want to dispose of him at an early stage.


It definitely makes sense, however it is making the assumption that TDK was truthing when he said he went for the odd night vigilante. We have no confirmation that one is out there yet (and if it is town/scum).

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Have to say I reeeeallly don't like the idea of asking the bomb to roleclaim. Assuming it's a town player, then there is absolutely no benefit to town to reveal it at this point: If we reveal it now one player is safe. If we keep it secret five players are.


Very dodgy suggestion SMS.

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If the bomb is town then he needs to not reveal it because blowing up someone with him could be of benefit to town if it's a scum player, hopefully the vig, that gets blown up.

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Indeed. For a start, we don't even know if Tom is telling the truth. If he is, it means we need to be wary of lynchingg the people above him, but that's not a huge problem unless we get a scum read we caan't ignore on one of them. In the meantime, we should focus on normal scumhunting and see what else comes up.


Still posting from phone, btw, so not easily able to check earlier posts as I go. For now I want to know what Bristep thinks is thee best plan today and tonight, since he claims to have insight into what happened (or didn't) last night. I'll have a few more questions when I get to my computer.

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Good question Swifty!


Been so busy thinking about the damage the bomb could cause that I forgot that we all can't tell which side we are on by our roles.


Obviously it is far too early in the game to ask for peoples overnight results, so I guess I am going to have to go back and read through everything again, as I don't know how to read this game at all.


The results overnight haven't given me any immediate ideas or suspicions, so I need to try and look into why we only had one death last night, and why it was Seph.

I have a feeling Sephs death might have been the vigilante, so if the night roles do the same again, we might only have one killing again then we can reveal the results and lynch scum.

And hang on a second, why do you "have a feeling" his death may have been the vig? If you do, and you're encouraging the night roles to repeat what they did last night, surely the idea would mean the scum would know who exactly was protcted, and thus target someone else?


I can't be sure obviously, it was just an idea, but going through it all in my head it now doesn't appear to be a clear idea.


The scum could use a different member to do the night kill, if the game allows it , and we now have the even night vigilante instead of the odd night so that kind of screws up that idea.


I have at least tried to get a few ideas out there, alright they weren't great ones, but I don't see many others trying to help come up with a strategy.


I would like somebody else to tell me how they think we should look at playing this day.

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Indeed. For a start, we don't even know if Tom is telling the truth. If he is, it means we need to be wary of lynchingg the people above him, but that's not a huge problem unless we get a scum read we caan't ignore on one of them. In the meantime, we should focus on normal scumhunting and see what else comes up.


Still posting from phone, btw, so not easily able to check earlier posts as I go. For now I want to know what Bristep thinks is thee best plan today and tonight, since he claims to have insight into what happened (or didn't) last night. I'll have a few more questions when I get to my computer.


I wouldn't say I've claimed to have any great insight into what happened last night. I just know my night action failed. More than that I don't know, and can only speculate. There are others out there who had night actions which were successful I'm sure so I actually think I've less insight than some.


As for today (and this is for SMS as well) we need to get down to some proper scum hunting. Go back through the thread, try to look for patterns and inconsistancies. IMO If we try to come up with a plan they'll always be a bit flawed because the scum can try to use it to hide in plain sight.


I still don't like how SMS's interest in the bomb in both phases. It's concerning. He also failed to address quite a lot from yesterday (actual yesterday, not phase yesterday) and only responded to Ron's comment about town using the same actions being a bad idea. There was a lot of interest in his make the bomb claim idea, and a lot of suspicion put his way about it but he hasn't addressed it, even Ron's comment on the same post he responded to about why SMS was sure the night kill was a vig kill has been ignored as well.

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First up, yes Ron I have been contacted by Mike to for the QT in the next night phase.


Brownie, it's simple. My vote was originally on AtG and as I stated people who lurk are scum or VT who cant be bothered which I was proved right on. But I moved my vote on Ron as I was entirely happy with his posting, however he role claimed nebourizer and I was willing to believe his claim. So I simply put my vote back on AtG on a 50/50 chance he weas scum. But, in most MS games 90% of the time you will likely hit Town on the first night, however thats better although not preferred to a no lynch.


Where we go from here will be interesting to say the least. I have a few suspicions but I want to read back before I go on them.


WHOA. Who says you were "proven right"? One example does not prove the principle, and if I remember rightly, we've had cases in the past where lynched or killed lurkers have turned out to be neither Scum nor VTs. That's one hell of a sweeping generalisation right there, based on no solid evidence, especially in light of previous games.


FOR THE RECORD: I'm not making any roleclaims or alignment claims, I'm simply stating that adhering to this kind of principle is dangerous and reductive, and I'll make this point in all future games if it gets brought up again.



This has been bothering me a little bit. Who's talking about killed lurkers? It's pretty obvious Brownie's point was about lynched lurkers. Town vigilantes almost never go for lurkers, which mean that it's only the scum who kill them - and they know they're not scum. I'm having difficulty putting my thumb on why this bothers me, but I think it's that you're bringing something separate in to disprove a point.


Now, I know you've been lurking somewhat, but you have been popping in and out. It just feels like you're rubbishing a point that, to my mind, has some validity. I know we've seen lurking roles, but they're usually people who should have been replaced out.


FoS Carbomb





Oh, and I'm still on FoS Swiftstrike.


I was talking about the whole idea of eliminating lurkers in general. I don't believe one can go by any hard-and-fast rule concerning lurkers, because nothing has ever been proved, and in the early days there's really no need for it.

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