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Interesting Royal Rumble This Year


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Was just discussing the Royal Rumble earlier with some friends & a few debated that this years doesn't or may not look as star studded or star packed in the Rumble match itself and were debating weather or not this makes this years Rumble weak or, more interesting in the fact that we may get somebody least expected to win it win or, somebody who is quite near the top & hasn't won a Rumble before, i.e. C.M. Punk or Wade Barrett.



There are 17 competitors from last years Rumble who are not (or possibly not as I can't see Beth entering again) in this year.



Batista (Left)

Chris Jericho (Left)

Shawn Michaels (Retired)

MVP (Released)

Matt Hardy (Released)

Carlito (Released)

Shelton Benjamin (Released)

Christian (Injured)

Evan Bourne (Injured)

The Undertaker (Injured)

The Great Khali (Inactive)

Triple H (Inactive)

The Miz (Current WWE Champion)

Randy Orton (1# Contender to WWE Championship)

Edge (Current World Heavyweight Champion)

Dolph Ziggler (1# Contender to World Heavyweight Championship)

Beth Phoenix


Meaning 17 Spots free for the Wrestlers that have not been in the Royal Rumble Match before or didn't get in last year or maybe returning stars?


Now obviously, I'm not sure how far on Christian & Bourne are on with their injuries, so potential may or may not be there for those to return & then Trple H & Khali are also possabilities. Then there is Jericho, as I think his Fozzy Tour is almost finished up or finishes just before the Rumble meaning another possible return.


However, providing these 5 arnt in the Rumble what are the chances of a first time Rumble winner this year & are there many people still around who can be brought in as suprise enterants, i.e. the likes of RVD, Mr. Perfect, etc, etc as I can't think of anybody as a 'Huge' suprise to fill the one night spots for this year, unless you go with the likes of a Goldberg or even more far fetched Sting (and even then, would make him look weak debuting just to be Eliminated), so as to get a former WCW guy involved to tie in with the WCW guys getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. Maybes Booker T perhaps as he is the only one I can think of who can still go in his age range. What's D.D.P like these days, heard he's doing Indy shows so must be able to go in some form & a Rumble spot just to get his name back out there again could be pretty cool, I know I'd Mark for a D.D.P spot.


Totally random & out of the blue & for no reason other then they are people I'd like to see show up for one night entries would be Marcus Cor Von & Sean O'Haire. Odd returns on my half perhaps, but it fills out the Rumble.



Ideas, Opinions, Suggestions, Who do you want to see in it, Who do you want to win it & Who do you want to see return, etc, etc?

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Speaking of people who aren't there anymore, your sig needs updating.


Personally, I'd like to see Goldust turn up as usual. Then you have all the Nexus members so there's another few entrants. I reckon Christian is due a return too.

Speaking of people who aren't there anymore, your sig needs updating.


Personally, I'd like to see Goldust turn up as usual. Then you have all the Nexus members so there's another few entrants. I reckon Christian is due a return too.



It does indeed, but that's not important right now.



Goldust is pretty much a given as is Nexus. I would hope for the Christian return also, but if he's in, that's who I'd probably want to win it as it's about time he was Main Eventing & getting a run with one of the major Titles.


But, sticking with storyline purposes, If Christian is abck in the Rumble, I'm thinking WWE will use that just to set up Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio at Mania with one eliminating the other as the basic set up for now & the back story of Del Rio putting Christian on the shelf.


You've got the NXT Rookies from all three male seasons potentially entering the rumble. I'd say that's a fair shout on filling up the numbers IF they need to


I'd say Del Rio is waaaay above Christian's level now. I can't see them entering a full-blown feud, certainly not one culminating at WrestleMania. Although I'm not his biggest fan, I'd have to say he's a credible shout to win the Rumble itself. Christian will probably go back to toiling with the likes of Swagger and Kingston once the initial buzz wears off.


If the rumours are true about Booker T and WWE in talks, then I would highly expect Booker T to be a suprise entrant. Generally theres only ever one big suprise entrant. Although something that I really wouldn't be suprised to see WWE do is debut Awesome Kong in the Rumble. I also think HHH will return there and go after Sheamus straight away and eliminating him, setting up their feud to continue.


As for the winner, if its not Cena, which I think it will be, then it would be wide open. Rumours at the mo are Cena v Miz, so I'd expect Cena to win and challenge him.


In the unlikely case its not Cena, then Del Rio has a strong case. Though I think the fact that they are pushing him so hard with this 'I'm going to win the Royal Rumble' just means he's not. I'd like to see Christian return and win it, and turn heel on Edge.


I would say that it will be filled with people discussed in the rumble discussion thread thats still on page 1...


CM Punk

Daniel Bryan

David Hart Smith


Heath Slater

John Cena

John Morrison

Justin Gabriel

Mark Henry


Santino Marella


Ted DiBiase

Triple H

Vladimir Kozlov


Alberto Del Rio

Big Show

Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters


Cody Rhodes

Drew McIntyre

Ezekiel Jackson

Jack Swagger


Kofi Kingston

Rey Mysterio

Trent Barretta

Tyler Reks

Wade Barrett


It is not exactly stacked, but that's what I could envisage the Rumble turning out like if they are doing 15 from each brand again. Depending on what happens with Slater/Gabriel tonight on RAW, they should probably be in the match. I'd have Otunga, Harris and McGillicutty interfering constantly on CM Punk's behalf, kind of like TAKA and Funaki in 2000. They probably shouldn't be entrants as it would get pretty annoying hearing the Nexus theme for about five of the thirty entrants.


Punk to be eliminated by Barrett, thus stoking the Nexus vs Nexus fued a little bit more with Morrison to win it


I have no basis to base it on but thats the gut feeling!


I can't see either Christian or Del Rio winnig it. I just got a feeling were going to be seeing an Edge/Christian reunion at Mania against Del Rio & Ziggler. Maybe even some sort of Ladder match if the Money in the Bank isn't happening.


Welll, if they don't build up to Del Rio vs. Christian out of the Rumble, perhaps maybes if Del Rio wins it & then puts his #1 Contendership on the line against Christian at Elimination Chamber as to get the match booked there if they can't stretch it out to Mania.



It seems fans & WWE a like are all wanting to have Del Rio become a Main Event player, but not sure if having him win the Rumble right now is the safe way to go about it.

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Triple H will do the surprise return ala John Cena and Edge, win the Rumble and go on to main event Wrestlemania. How could it ever end any other way?


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