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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Actually we're not in night phase, we're in twilight. There's no rules in this game about discussion during twilight, thus there is no rules being broken. It's only night once the mod posts the lynch scene.


What's more Dan, you've talked a lot in previous phases (next to nothing this one I note) but haven't actually done anything except claim that your actions prove you are town when they don't.


And don't go pretending that your latest actions somehow help the town. Want to know how you could have helped the town if you were town? Scum hunted this entire phase, not avoided it, offered to jump on pretty much any lynch going, fence sat all the way through, and then, when you're accused of being scum, and get a grand total of TWO whole votes on you (when it's 7 to lynch, meaning you weren't even necessarily going to be the lynch then, and y'know... if you had any confidence in your ability to play the game, means you could have tried arguing your way out of it), you throw a hissy fit and vote the one guy we had already agreed not to lynch this phase because we not only didn't have any kind of read on the slot, but it had been announced it would be modkilled overnight.


What you've done is deny town ANY possibility of gaining information out of the lynch beyond "Dan threw a wobbly and voted Stone", and either proven you're scum who saw the writing on the wall and made a snap decision which was poor. Or you are town who takes everything way too personally and play selfishly rather than for the good of his team.


If it's the first, then fair play, I can understand your actions.


If it's the second, and I see you pull the same shit in a later game, I will ban you from any and all games I run on here. You play to your win condition, not to your own selfish "I don't want to be lynched wah!" condition that should never be part of the game.


No, you shouldn't just roll over and accept being lynched. Town or scum, you shouldn't do that. Barring a few very small exceptions (say we're in LyLo with 1 scum left, me as the bomb, I would, indeed, self vote. It would leave the scum open to try a quick lynch, and while I'd die, so would the remaining scum leaving the game to win for town). But you also shouldn't deliberately piss the game up the wall just because you MIGHT be lynched, and this is TWICE this game you've thrown a hissy fit because of it. I expect that sort of crap from a primary school kid, not an adult who should know better.

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Mike you are scum, Prove you aren't. I am town, lynch me tomorrow and see, Its not my fault that the town has been so god awful and the scum have done such a good job of blending in. No matter what I would have done in this last day I would have been labelled scum by those who did as they did it even before I had posted, and actually I haven't had chance to post much in this day phase as I work days and I was out NYE and NYD evenings. Mike you are a good mod but as a player you are a complete arse and not a particularly good player. If you are not scum then it is you who has caused the town to lose. Oh and btw my action in this day phase is no different to the Hammer in the last day phase and who ever hammered that wasn't labelled scum. I hammered because I didn't want a no lynch and also Stones position was the one i was orginally suspicious of in the first day phase. So to re-itterate I believe that mike is leading the town round the reekin and is scum, and I a town lynch me if you don't believe me.

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Actually your hammer is 100% different.


First off, Corey was already viewed by some as possible scum. Second, Corey was only lynched because there was no other viable alternative when we were at the lynch point.


Stone had nobody feeling he was scum, was already announced as going to be modkilled (meaning lynching him was pointless), and we had viable alternatives in you, swift and Family Guy.


Also, how do you propose we accuse the guy who hammered Corey as being scum... when he was killed by the scum during the night phase and revealed to be vanilla town?


You're grasping at straws, and failing now Dan. You've done nothing all day phase, and only come out of the woodwork when someone called you as scum, and ALL you have done in response is go "Nuhuh, I'm not scum, you are!"


Also, you now keep saying that you were called scum multiple times... you mean those "multiple times" that were me and swift near the end after I saw your quick vote hop onto swift, and realized you had done sweet fuck all for ages?


And why am I arguing with you here... I don't need to convince you that you're scum, you already know you are. You're just trying to convince everyone else you're not so you can survive another day phase and win. At this point the one and only thing that will make me believe you are town, is if Stone flips scum. And if that happens it still means you played a completely shit game.

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Not he mulitiple times i am talkin about are by you chris b, lawz, carbomb. And also if stone does flip scum that will mean I will have helped lynch 2 Scum while you have successfully lead the lynches of at least 2 town, well done on your excellent experienced play there ike true pro you are you mong. I dont know what else i can do to prove to you i am town

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So you're going to claim you were the only person to help lynch Nexus? Y'know... despite the fact I was on his case right at the start of it all, as opposed to hopping on later on.


Also, if Stone flips scum, it would mean you got lucky as fuck, not that you out and out made an effort to convince anyone he was scum.



But you're the one who threw the fucking wobbly, not me, so stop whining like a baby, pick your toys up, and climb back in your crib for fuck's sake. This is a damned game, the way you cry whenever anyone suspects you is fucking ridiculous. Like I say, you've done it twice this game alone. Nobody is attacking you PERSONALLY when they say you're scum. If you can't deal with the emotional side of the game when you're accused of being scum, I strongly advise you stop playing because you'll only get the same crap each time, and when you're town, you'll fuck over your own team because you can't deal with it.


Plus, here's an idea... what if say me and swift were scum (I'm not, but I don't know about swift, but either way, this could happen in any future game), and you're town, and Stone is town... you'd have allowed your emotions to fuck over the entire town purely because you allowed yourself to be rattled by what could be two scum. (And according to you, you believe us both to be scum anyway... which is why I'm pretty sold on you being scum, because town in that position would feel sure that they were being stitched up by scum, and wouldn't try and dick the town over).


Basically, remember that everything in the game isn't an attack on you personally. But your actions have fucked the town over no matter what way you look at it, which means your play was shit (unless you were scum, but even then it was badly done when you could have potentially got a no lynch out of it), and you need to stop getting so emotionally involved or not play.

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Im not upset about being called scum now though ( I admit i was at the start of this game ) Im just frustrated now that I can seemingly do nothing now witout it being labelled as scum, I feel like if I nailed 3 scum in 3 days i would still be called scum and some of those labelling e as scum must be town and after all the time i have spent defending myself must be inep to see I am not scum, its just they like me are struggling to find those who are so I am the easy target.

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Guys guys, calm down. Dan looks now to be definite scum and he's winding us all up. Hitting Stone with the mod penalty vote was the most scummiest thing I've seen in a game so theres no doubt in my mind that Dan will flip scum now.


Dan, you've been suspected because you came out with the phrase "I hope scum win" in a list of posts which you acted like a baby, threw your toys out the pram and demanded attention consistantly all whilst claiming innocence but then practically siding with the scum team which I'm sure was your given role. This time you've just been given a way to exert your apparent frustration and voted Chris Stone off without any valid reason (town wise) other then the fact it'll achieve your scum win condition. The whole acting like a child routine has been a exceptionally good ploy by yourself because you've acted SO scummily that people have disbelieved anyone could be that stupid and kinda trusted you and taken it down as you being a bit of a bitch.


You have to be scum, 100% because if your not, you've kinda ruined the game for alot of people with the way you have played.

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Guys guys, calm down. Dan looks now to be definite scum and he's winding us all up. Hitting Stone with the mod penalty vote was the most scummiest thing I've seen in a game so theres no doubt in my mind that Dan will flip scum now.


Dan, you've been suspected because you came out with the phrase "I hope scum win" in a list of posts which you acted like a baby, threw your toys out the pram and demanded attention consistantly all whilst claiming innocence but then practically siding with the scum team which I'm sure was your given role. This time you've just been given a way to exert your apparent frustration and voted Chris Stone off without any valid reason (town wise) other then the fact it'll achieve your scum win condition. The whole acting like a child routine has been a exceptionally good ploy by yourself because you've acted SO scummily that people have disbelieved anyone could be that stupid and kinda trusted you and taken it down as you being a bit of a bitch.


You have to be scum, 100% because if your not, you've kinda ruined the game for alot of people with the way you have played.



HAHAHAHAHAH your funny mate i have ruined the game yet you are the one who has lurked through the game and made plenty of excuses as to why you can't play, and yeah I hammered Chris because I had nothing to lose I was never going to convince i was town and the town wernt smart enough to see it so there you have it. If chris flips scum now alot of people will look stupid.

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Yes, I must be scum because I called you scum. Good fuckin' job there buddy, way to go on your amazing scum hunting skills. I want to be just a scum hunter like you!


Seriously, I havn't posted much but thats not inconsistant with me or my posting level, I've been around here since 2001 and I don't have as many posts as some people do, I'm not a heavy poster and will chip in when its needed. I've posted varied thoughts on the game and since you decided to act like you were scum, I did the only thing you can do in a game like this and thats SUSPECT you of being scum.


I do enjoy the way you say you have "nothing to lose" as if everything is about yourself. Your scum team has lost you (which is not a bad thing if you throw yourself in the noose like this) or on the off chance your town, you've completely fucked the game mechanics up for those who were majorly active in the thread. However your play style has given me amusement and I will be taking tips from you from now on as your clearly the finest of us all here and we should all follow your lead! :love:

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Welcome back to the action folks and things are hotting up in here where we are starting to get to the business end of things. Triple H however doesn't seem interested in this Rumble and is just standing by the ropes, whereas Kane, Orton & Punk each in turn are trying to stop themseleves from being put over the top rope. Then out of nowhere CM Punk turns and runs at HHH and clotheslines him to the floor!!!


HHH is eliminated




HHH - WWE Double Voter


3. (Kane) Swiftstrike (L-5) Family Guy PMSL, Brownie

4. (Dolph Ziggler) Brownie

5. (Randy Orton) Family Guy PMSL (L-6) Ron Simmons

6. (CM Punk) Dan Williams (L-5) Mike Castle, Swiftstrike)

7. (Cody Rhodes) Ron Simmons

9. (HHH) Chris Stone (L-1) MOD PENALTY, Dan Williams

13. (Kofi Kingston) Carbomb

14. (Sheamus) Mike Castle

16. (Edge) Burchill's Buddy

17. (Rey Mysterio) Wolfvinson

18. (MVP) Lawz

19. (Jack Swagger) Chris B (L-6) Swiftstrike


Ad Break Starts now and will conclude Friday 7th January at 10am. Get those night actions in now! No more talking in thread until the next phase.

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Welcome back to the action folks and it's time once again to see where the action takes us! But wait someone else has been eliminated! During the ad break it looks like.... KANE has been Eliminated!!



Kane - WWE Superstar


4. (Dolph Ziggler) Brownie

5. (Randy Orton) Family Guy PMSL

6. (CM Punk) Dan Williams

7. (Cody Rhodes) Ron Simmons

13. (Kofi Kingston) Carbomb

14. (Sheamus) Mike Castle

16. (Edge) Burchill's Buddy

17. (Rey Mysterio) Wolfvinson

18. (MVP) Lawz

19. (Jack Swagger) Chris B


10. (Vicky Guerrero) TheRandySavage

8. (Big Show) Nexus

2. (The Miz) Top Man Shopper

12. (R-Truth) insert_name_here

15. (Bryan Danielson) TripleA

20. (Christian) CoreyVandal

11. (Santino Mariella) bristep123

9. (HHH) Chris Stone

3. (Kane) Swiftstrike


Phase 5 Starts now. Ad Break will occur on Wednesday 12th January 2011 (Unless someone is thrown over the top rope before the deadline). With 10 in the ring it takes 6 to throw someone over the top rope.

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