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Dragon Gate UK : Shingo v Yokosuka 2 DVD Released!

Mark Sloan

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Question: I noticed this during the main event on Saturday, but it may have been happening throughout all the matches before I noticed. PAC and Haskins especially would shout the name of the person they were about to hit. Is this a dragongate thing, or a Japanese thing, or a PAC and haskins thing??

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Question: I noticed this during the main event on Saturday, but it may have been happening throughout all the matches before I noticed. PAC and Haskins especially would shout the name of the person they were about to hit. Is this a dragongate thing, or a Japanese thing, or a PAC and haskins thing??


It happens in alot of the matches over the weekend. It has been very prevelent on all the DG and Noah shows over here.

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Question: I noticed this during the main event on Saturday, but it may have been happening throughout all the matches before I noticed. PAC and Haskins especially would shout the name of the person they were about to hit. Is this a dragongate thing, or a Japanese thing, or a PAC and haskins thing??


It happens in alot of the matches over the weekend. It has been very prevelent on all the DG and Noah shows over here.

MArty did it also, in what sounded like a japanese accent (maybe i was just hearing things) but it sounded cool! "CY-BAH!"


EDIT: Speaking of which, cyber kong is the bomb! During the first tag match, sombody shouted "oi, cyber kong you're in the way!", to which he shouted "SORRY" and moved over. gold!

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Speaking of which, cyber kong is the bomb! During the first tag match, sombody shouted "oi, cyber kong you're in the way!", to which he shouted "SORRY" and moved over. gold!


I have really started to love cyber kong after this weekend he was so great at ringside both nights and just had a lot of fun with the audience during the matches

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Lots of interesting notes and such!


Great to hear that one of the UK guys has got a tour with Dragon Gate. My original guess would be Marty but It wouldn't surprise me if it was Lion Kid either. As far as more shows next year, id like to see one big show. After pretty much selling out both venues this year back to back and amazing everybody Id say theres quite a good market for a return.


I would love to see a bigger event run. By that I mean bigger venue (600-700 seater?) and maybe more Dragon Gate stars coming over than the 10 you bring over now. With the team you guys have now I recon you could pull it off amazingly!

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Went to Night 1, personally as well agree with what has been said about the idiots on the front row they were a bit overexcited and a bit annoying when they kept jumping up and down in the last match everytime Pac did a clothesline or summat.


But with regards the chanting i admit myself to doing a couple of chants during the lion kid vs haskins match to the extent of 'break his paws' and to which to mr haskins he obliged, and also when i think 1 of the allstars in the 1st match shot my brother down with a joke, i know they have a job to do obviously what they do is awesome, give me wrestlers who interact with the crowd i.e these lot instead of wwe shows where you don't feel that connection.


Of the wrestling i saw, very impressed with the dark match, marty scurll is defo a star of the future. 1st time ive ever seen Cyber Kong and what a great persona he has, 1st time ive ever seen a man with a pineapple since Jason lee of Notts forest had one on his head.


Shingo vs Yokosuka amazing match i felt for yokosuka when he got hit with that lariat near the end - bloody hurt.


The 6 man as well was brilliant as well, PAC looks like hes put a bit of bulk up top on and looks the part, that move at the end perfection had me out my seat.


All in all top show, just hope we get a return of Dragon Gate up north now.

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Yokosuka was my MVP. Considering he was one of the guys that I knew the least prior to the first Invasion, he has now been in three matches here which rank in my top ten favourite of all time seen live (as does Hulk/Doi v Shingo/YAMATO).


Oh and without chirping on - what is the H-Thunder, and is Purolove correct that Hulk finished with it on Saturday? I thought it was an EVO myself.

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I echo the idea of one BIG show next time.


Maybe it's not viable, but if it were, it would be awesome to see them fill the York Hall or something. Perhaps a two hour afternoon card with (DragonGate-style) UK talent involved and the main evening show featuring only Dragongate regulars (which would still include Pac, Haskins and hopefully a couple more by then).


Shit, as long as they come back I'm happy!!

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Mark, thanks for your thoughts on this show. Once again, thank you for the efforts made by you, and thank you to everyone who worked on the show.


I will admit to being critical of Lion Kid. I think one of the problems he had is that he works a similar style to a lot of the DG guys, who have been doing it longer, so he did not stand out as well as he does on IPW:UK shows. I have really enjoyed quite a few of his matches, including the match vs. Spud at IPW:UK this year, the LK vs. Haskins Cruiserweight title match in IPW:UK and the very fun opening tag match at NOAH vs. the World back in 2008.


What I will say is that he always shows a lot of heart and guts. That he kept going through the heat he got makes me respect him and his desire to improve. In hindsight I was a bit harsh on his performance on night 2. On night 1 I think nerves and heckling got to him a bit.


Aside from Pac and Haskins, both of whom I really love watching, Marty showed that he has a great mix of charisma and in ring skill, as well as some good ideas. His interactions pre match with Cyber Kong were great. I hope he has a shot on the next DG tour. Although I'm glad for any British wrestler who gets that opportunity.


One last thing I'd like to add, Cyber Kong really impressed me with his banter, ringside work and respect to the fans watching in terms of his positioning. I loved one bit on night 1 were a "Throw him out" chant was started after his inteference in the Shingo match. He just turned to the chanting fans and replied "I don't speak english."


All in all, a top weekend.

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For what it is worth, I know that Mark genuinely does listen to the fan feedback to provide the best shows he possibly can so here is my tuppence worth.


- Loved the St Ives venue. Yeah, a little out of the way but there is a regular bus service and convenient by train from most places. Found some nice places to eat, taxis didn't cost a bomb and seemed everyone pretty much got a great view. Also looking at the balcony I saw Hammerstein potential but maybe that is just me. Ony complaint I did have is the cost at the bar but should have expected the mark up really.


- Agree with what most people said about the heckling, especially towards Lion Kid. I don't like the gimmick myself and for me the match was the weakest of the night but you go to the bar or just shut up (although I did join in with some Awimaway). Loved the Stixx match and the more I see him, the more I like him. Between Dean and himself, they put on a cracking dark match. Good to see Cyber Kong in the ring again but you can tell he is not fully 100% after his injury compared to a few years ago but really enjoyed being able to see him live.


- Just a thought for next year, how about a fan vote of UK talent for the dark match? Not sure how viable that could be but could certainly be interesting.


- Some really good merch available this year. Wish I could have got the messenger bag though. Picked up a few DVDs including last years DG:UK show (which has some issues but will mail Mark in a few days about that) and got to talk to Yokosuka which was cool (I really want his glasses where as my girlfriend wants his aftershave)


- With regards to the other matches, I pretty match echo the general sentiment of them being top class but after last year, I honestly didn't expect anything less :)


In my eyes, another success for the fans, the promotion and Mr Sloane. Made the missus very happy so well worth the trip!


Now if you could just bring Big Japan over....

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Mark mentioned that the St Ives show sold out but not everyone actually turned up.


That may have been an issue with the trains. When me and my mate left from Herts, the trains in both directions were being cancelled all over the place due to "staff shortages". Our ideal train was cancelled but we lucked out when the next one actually turned up. It was touch and go for a bit and we were shitting it a bit about possibly not making it. Typical of Public Transport to go to shit just when you need it.

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Some thoughts on night 1, the bits in the quotes are C&P from my twitter which had all the results as I said it would, I've then added some more thoughts having had more time to think about things...


Overall, even though I wouldn't say any of the matches were bad, I think it could be looked at that the matches with the full fledged DG roster clearly surpassed the matches with the UK talent, and that left the show a bit unbalanced - like three proper matches and the Cyber Kong match designed as an opener, and oh here's some UK talent too. Now, while I like my British wrestling, and will continue to support it, I'd be a little less excited about future DG shows in the UK if presented in quite the same fashion. There's room for matches with UK talent - Jonny Storm and Marty Scurll vs Real Hazard was a lot of fun last year - but it has to be done in the right way...


Kinda gutted I couldn't go to St Ives, as it sounds like it might have been an even better show, but seriously, what's with the running places in the middle of nowhere? Here's hoping for a Saturday night at The Regal in Oxford next year. There has to be a next year... RIGHT?


This is the one report that really confuses me, which is strange because this guy is normally spot on with my own personal thoughts.


Firstly, St Ives isn't in the middle of nowhere, is it a little akward to get there? maybe so, but nobody had heard of the Regal last year and that it was akward to get there and now it is seen as a good venue. Had there been a train station in St Ives, this would have been our home for a while. We'll never be able to get a Saturday at the Regal, it's a nightclub, There would take around

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