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Dragon Gate UK : Shingo v Yokosuka 2 DVD Released!

Mark Sloan

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THAT was the best show I have ever been to live and thats saying something. Having been to everything from WWE, TNA, NOAH, 1PW and various other (super) shows that is really saying something.


Here are some key points -


6 Man Tag Main Event and Shingo vs Yokosuka were fuckin AWESOME! Never seen such heated matches live before and two of the best matches I have seen live on the same show. Shingo and Yokosuka's made suplex sequence and hard strikes in particular were awe inspiring. The moves of PAC and Dragon Kid in particular were something else and really shone tonight with both stealing the main event. Cima's loo, with funky glasses, was cool!


Kong vs Hayes did it's job. Not technically great but it had enough moments in it to make it enjoyable and entertaining. Haye's got battered which the crowd seemed to love.


Lion Kid vs Haskins fell a tad flat and I felt they could possibly have had another pairing in this spot. Some of it just seemed a little rehearsed/forced though I did enjoy some of their exchanges and their faster paced spells definitely helped the match along. A guy in front of me was very vocal of his dislike of Lion Kid (I felt "break his neck" and "don't come back" were a little excessive)


The "bonus match" title was a bit of a slap in the face for the tag opener. I thought both Leaders of the New School in particular really stood out and their opponents really look like the business and act it too. I thought the match was great way to kick off the show and made the crowd red hot from the opening bell


Yamato vs Doi was great IMO and I really loved the selling of the leg as well as the technical parts and the big mvoe sequences. I havent watched much but Ill definitely check out more of Doi's stuff as I really liked his style. Yamato seemed like a mental case which made the match even more entertaining!


Overall perhaps the best show I have attended live. Two fantastic/gripping matches and a bunch of others which were at least decent-good. One of the strongest line ups I have seen live and definitely made me want to go to another show to see more. Definitely worth going to and wel worth the

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How the hell did Shingo/Yokosuka 2 live up to their match last year? IT WAS SO GOOD tonight!!! I couldn't stop smiling. The sequence of no selling about 10 suplexes followed up by the insane lariats etc just blew my head off.


The 6 man was incredible and Pac is stupidly over.


Yamato/Doi was very very good but didn't quite live up to the other two matches.


I loved Joey/Cyber. Was such a fun story and Joey started to get properly over. Cyber was very funny live. Also highlighted by people chanting at him later in the night for him to turn around and say "I don't understand English", when we all know he does.


I liked a lot of the spots in the Haskins/Kid match but their IPW matches were much better. Felt like it just wasn't clicking tonight, unfortunately.


IPW Tag match was really good, the perfect opener. Surprised by the title change outside of IPW, but not complaining. Love the All Stars and LDRS were their usual brilliant selves. I'd really like to see Saber on the main cards of these DragonGate shows too.


I have no voice, BRING ON TOMORROW!!!

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Firstly, what a great show and I have to say it surpassed last year’s event which should be enough to justify why you should buy the DVD when it comes out.


So the doors opened on time and when you entered you got a free poster and information about buying the DVD. There was a selection of merchandise available and I picked up a t-shirt. The entrance stage was like last years but with the entrances right next to each other and the whole set up looked really good.


The bonus match started at 7:30 and it was a really great bonus match with both teams putting in serious effort and if it was the main event on any IPW: UK show but I think the crowd wasn’t really into it as it was the opener. I personally felt that this match may have been better if it was in place of Haskins vs. Lion Kid the crowd would have probably went insane about a match which was otherwise amazing. Also I don’t think anybody expected the title change taking place as when the ref counted 3 there was just a silence for a few seconds. 7/10


Cyber Kong vs. Joey Hayes: was a lengthy squash match in which Kong was great and Hayes just took the beating while Kong played to the crowd but overall a great effort by both men and a solid opener to warm up the crowd. 5/10


Mark Haskins vs. Lion Kid: Now I really wanted to love this match but for some reason it just fell flat and I don’t entirely know why because the wrestling was top notch and it was good technically but they didn’t completely connect with the crowd as much as they should have and there was a weird mix of technical and highflying which just didn’t work. Also they both seemed to be playing the face which made it a bit confusing. 6/10


Shingo vs. Yokosuka: FUCK this was incredible it built perfectly basically it started off the 2 wrestlers in the ring doing some very normal wrestling very standard stuff while Cyber Kong who came out with Shingo was playing the manager perfectly and it started to feel like he was distracting from the match which even prompted Kong’s reply to the “Get Kong Out” chant of “What did he say, i don’t speak English” and while Kong was aggravating the audience the match was building and before you knew it they had built up to the finish situation which they kept building upon. If you saw last years match it got to the point where that finished and then just kept building up to an amazing end and the whole building was standing in applause. It was the best match I have ever seen to date 10/10


Yamato vs Naruki Doi: was a great technical match and worked really well overall with some great moments plus the crowd was really into this match which made every move seem great. Both guys played their role perfectly and gave a very solid performance . 8.5/10


6 Man Main Event: This was an amazing match and it really showed how great the show had been as the crowd were excited before the bell rung and from then on it was just amazing and much better than the match last year as they threw in what felt like highlights of a Dragon kid and Yoshino match into a hard hitting BXB Hulk and Mochizuki Match and put it on a base from a heated Pac CIMA feud and there were some amazing highspots and tag manoeuvres. Although BxB Hulk Didn’t dance which made me sad. 9/10


Amazing show and i can't wait till tomorrow

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Incredible show, with huge amounts of effort obviously put in by all parties. After a very nice Indian meal just down the road, this was a great night out. Always good to see Pac and Haskins live, and the strides in skill and confidence they have both made is amazing. I'm sure they will, but I hope to see DG return.


As an aside, my usual Google skills are being tested in looking for Haskins entrance theme. Any clues?

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Overall a fairly good show but definitely not as good as last years one. I think someone also mentioned that it was the best live show they have ever attended. Not the case for me unfortunately.


leaders v all stars - standard leaders/all stars stuff but it went on too long 5/10


cyber kong v joey hayes - i liked this one and wasn't the total squash i expected. kong was mega over 6/10


lion kid v mark haskins - i've seen all this before in every lion kid match i've watched. the kid is horrible in every department and managed to drag down even the always great haskins. way too long a match and chants of 'don't come back' were in my opinion justified. 4/10


shingo v yokosuka - i thoroughly enjoyed this match from the last show and it had a very similar story here. slow build into a rip roaring finish. both guys let it all hang out and the 3rd encounter will need to go some to top the previous two. 8/10


at this point my overall feelings towards the show were being massively brought down by the impact zone style crowd sitting in the 1st 2 rows to my right. chants of 'you're both awesome', 'welsh, welsh, welsh', and later on 'f**k you cima' as well as many more that i've tried to block them out really detracted from the experience. as they got ever more drunk they did tend to shut up a bit though. (my favourite chant was one guy shouting 'dragon(s)gate', brilliant). I realise everyone pays their money and can say what they like and i'm not saying they can't and that there are right and wrong things to shout. It's just for me personally it did bring down my enjoyment of the show. anyway rant over.


yamato v naruki doi - pretty solid encounter. i like doi but am not overfussed on yamato. pretty standard stuff here but enjoyable 7/10


6 man tag - a real spot fest which is no bad thing with every guy getting a chance to shine. easily as good as last years main event 9/10


so, two really good matches but the rest was passable but as always great organisation from mark sloan and his team, well done (the oxford venue was much superior though)

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