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The site in question was a former scrapyard, hence my comment about not needing to worry about running out of metal. You seem to have got your knickers in quite the twist here, bobbins!

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The site in question was a former scrapyard, hence my comment about not needing to worry about running out of metal. You seem to have got your knickers in quite the twist here, bobbins!

Your gag was about the site being a scrapyard in the 60s? Any connotations about travellers stealing scrap metal were entirely coincidental yeah? What's that smell?

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Your face burning with embarrassment?


Honestly, can you not tell when someone's pulling your plonker? :laugh:

Obviously not. So you were just being racist? Guess I gave you too much credit for being ashamed of it and trying to lie your way out of it.

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God you're awful lately Bobbins. People like you are what's wrong with Socialism. You're spot on with your opinion on political matters, but you're such a dick about it. Calling people illiberal and all that noise, you're putting us back years. Being left wing doesn't make you a intellectual in all fairness, or an argumentative cunt.


It's people's politics. For the people, by the people. Not a badge to wear, but an ethos to have. It's not a competition, which you make it, with your "I'm MORE LIBERAL THAN YOU!". You're letting the side down.


And instead of calling people illiberal and going on about "niggers" and what have you to act better than it all, how about being really proactive? The way you post on here is like several people I've met, and why I've divorced myself from local Socialist societies. Because you act like superior knobs. It's working man's politics, and you take it away from there. And it's a real shame, because you do know your shit. But being wordy isn't pure socialism. A real intelligent political speaker speaks at a level everyone can understand, not busting out the big words to sound like they're a lefty. The true left's speak at a conversational level. Bevan, Hardie, they never spoke down to people like you do. And a true Socialist wouldn't speak down to anyone. Sort it out Cariad, because you're not the knob you've been acting of late.


It's by The People, for The People. And I honestly think you need to mull that over. Real intelligence and knowledge can make their point in easy English, not pseudo-intellectual shite. And I know you're bright. But you're acting like it's a badge instead of an ethos as of late, and that's poor form.

Edited by ButchReedMark
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God you're awful lately Bobbins. People like you are what's wrong with Socialism. You're spot on with your opinion on political matters, but you're such a dick about it. Calling people illiberal and all that noise, you're putting us back years. Being left wing doesn't make you a intellectual in all fairness, or an argumentative cunt.


It's people's politics. For the people, by the people. Not a badge to wear, but an ethos to have. It's not a competition, which you make it, with your "I'm MORE LIBERAL THAN YOU!". You're letting the side down.


And instead of calling people illiberal and going on about "niggers" and what have you to act better than it all, how about being really proactive? The way you post on here is like several people I've met, and why I've divorced myself from local Socialist societies. Because you act like superior knobs. It's working man's politics, and you take it away from there. And it's a real shame, because you do know your shit. But being wordy isn't pure socialism. A real intelligent political speaker speaks at a level everyone can understand, not busting out the big words to sound like they're a lefty. The true left's speak at a conversational level. Bevan, Hardie, they never spoke down to people like you do. And a true Socialist wouldn't speak down to anyone. Sort it out Cariad, because you're not the knob you've been acting of late.


It's by The People, for The People. And I honestly think you need to mull that over. Real intelligence and knowledge can make their point in easy English, not pseudo-intellectual shite. And I know you're bright. But you're acting like it's a badge instead of an ethos as of late, and that's poor form.

This man knows his shit. Well said Butch.

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Yeah but he's not talking about socialism, he's talking about the way people discriminate against travellers who wouldn't discriminate against anyone else. And it's a fair point really.

Bringing it up doesn't mean he's trying to wear a badge or any shite like that, he's just offended that people would discriminate against anyone, and using the nigger line to try and highlight how offensive it is.

However, one thing I would agree on, calling people illiberal as though that in and of itself is problematic on it's own, well that is a bit silly. Other than that though, I really don't see too much example of what you're talking about in ol bobbins.

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I wasn't referring to the traveller thing, I was referring to his attitude in general, especially as regards people Bobbins doesn't consider left wing enough. It fucking stinks. But I'm not a fan of discussing politics or religion, so I'm going to step out now.

Edited by ButchReedMark
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I wasn't referring to the traveller thing, I was referring to his attitude in general, especially as regards people Bobbins doesn't consider left wing enough. It fucking stinks. But I'm not a fan of discussing politics or religion, so I'm going to step out now.


Come on now, not chatting about it is surely letting the side down more than talking about it in the wrong way?

I'll go along with your point on calling people illeberal, I think it's somewhat poor, as being liberal in and of itself is not a badge of getting it right, I take a liberal viewpoint on most issues but that's an informed view after understanding the issue, to automatically be liberal or illeberal for that matter is intellectual lazyness of the highest order.

But, if you have an understanding of the issues and find other peoples opinions, it's very hard to not be a bit dismissive of them. I haven't seen much from bobbins where he's utterly wriiting people off for not being left wing enough. And I've been in the political thread quite a bit now.

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Yeah but he's not talking about socialism, he's talking about the way people discriminate against travellers who wouldn't discriminate against anyone else. And it's a fair point really.

Bringing it up doesn't mean he's trying to wear a badge or any shite like that, he's just offended that people would discriminate against anyone, and using the nigger line to try and highlight how offensive it is.

However, one thing I would agree on, calling people illiberal as though that in and of itself is problematic on it's own, well that is a bit silly. Other than that though, I really don't see too much example of what you're talking about in ol bobbins.


Bobbins is alright, he's just too earnest at times, and so fails to distinguish between actual casual racism and someone making a joke about casual racism. But I don't hold it against him as he's generally pretty good in this thread.


For the record, I don't think these people should be evicted because they're gypsies, I think they should be evicted because they've been flagrantly breaking the law, and I don't think they get a free pass because of their race. Nobody should.

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The fragrantly breaking the law thing has to be put into context though, basildon council aren't not giving them planning permission because it's green belt land, they're not giving them planning permission because they're travellers and there's no votes in letting travellers set up camp.

It's all very well saying the law should apply to everyone, but it only works if everyone's treated the same. This lot clearly aren't.

The bigger question to me isn't whether or not what they're doing is lawful, basildon council makes the laws in this matter, it's whether or not the laws made by basildon council are fair.

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basildon council aren't not giving them planning permission because it's green belt land, they're not giving them planning permission because they're travellers


I'm sorry, but do you actually have any proof of that? You've made that contention a number of times, so I presume you have something to back it up with. Otherwise it's just an accusation, not a fact.

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Fun and games aside, I think you're a good guy Butch (especially compared to your smugcunt mate) but.... surely going on about "politics for the people" is making socialism a badge rather than an ethos? If you apply those principles to real life current events aren't you gonna end up saying the same thing - more or less - as bobbins?


I also disagree that socialism is working man's politics. That's the politics of my family and it does my fucking head in. If you think of socialism that way you end up as nativist and protectionist as the forces socialism was born to combat.

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Travellers get away with breaking the law a lot more than anyone else would, simply because for the police to go into a camp and arrest someone is a massive, massive job, and they know there's a good chance it'll turn into chaos.


I just don't understand how people can be in favour of this camp being allowed to stay, when there are law-abiding people who would love to be able to do the same thing but don't.

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In fairness it seems to be the UVF of 1912 there, kinda different to the latter day UVF

Nice try but that is as weak as piss. The latter UVF claim they are a direct descendant of the Ulster Volunteers in the 1910's hence why such links are portrayed on their banners, flags, murals etc. but I'd reckon it would be safe to say that if Carson & Craig saw what activities the modern day UVF have got up to they wouldn't want anything to do with them. The appearance of modern day UVF symbols are a dead give away. Today's UVF latch on to the British military as a parasite, seeing their activities during the troubles as being on a par with both World Wars, Falklands, Afghanistan etc. and even have their own service and parade on Remembrance Sunday. Thankfully the army and most unionists in Northern Ireland want nothing to do with these drug dealing, racketeering, intimidating criminals.


And just for the record, the UVF are listed as a designated terrorist organisation in not just the UK, but also in the USA.

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