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As has been pointed out on numerous occasions, the EDL are the biggest hate group out there at the moment so they get the most coverage. In that article they mentioned MAC but given the EDL is about 100 times, if not more, the size of MAC, they are going to get 100 times the coverage. Do you honestly not understand that?


Hate is hate isn't it? EDL is seen as the big bad wolf by dickheads like Nicky boy, but there are other people out there who are actually more vile than us, but he never goes in-depth about them, I wonder why? Oooohhh it's because there are not as many, so that makes it ok then.


By the way who decides what the requirements of being a hate group actually are?

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Wow man goes into nationally recognized chain restaurant for something to eat way to stick it to dem racialists hope not hate, investigative journalism at its finest


Nandos serve beef too as well as a number of vegetarian options you know, now if hes gone in throwing a pigs head about its worth commenting on

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Wow man goes into nationally recognized chain restaurant for something to eat way to stick it to dem racialists hope not hate, investigative journalism at its finest


Nandos serve beef too as well as a number of vegetarian options you know, now if hes gone in throwing a pigs head about its worth commenting on


It makes no difference he refused to eat in prison because they serve Halal meat he had other options then but choice to go on hunger strike as a protest that they even served it when he gets out he went to a restaurant who serve Halal meat it doesn't matter if all he had was a bad of crisps he still went there.

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Hate is hate isn't it? EDL is seen as the big bad wolf by dickheads like Nicky boy, but there are other people out there who are actually more vile than us, but he never goes in-depth about them, I wonder why? Oooohhh it's because there are not as many, so that makes it ok then.

Yes it DOES make it ok because your lot are the biggest group, therefore the biggest threat to law abiding people, as has been evidenced with the harassment EDL members give on their marches. Maybe if they made being a member more than just turning up pissed to a march, as we discussed earlier, it might weed out the huge element of scum that you and I object to. Then things would have to be looked at in a different light, wouldn't you agree?


Lets try and look at it another way. EDL want halal food labelled, right? And the reason given is because of the way the animal is slaughtered. This is something that PETA have campaigned against for years. However, the EDL stop at halal where as PETA also mention Kosher, something the EDL do not. The reason? Because EDL hate Islam more than the Jewish faith and their agenda is one of an anti extremist Islam perspective as they see it as a bigger threat. Much like HNH quite rightly in my opinion see EDL as the bigger threat than MAC.


The difference being in that hackneyed comparison is that HNH do speak out about MAC, as they are a hate group, where as EDL don't speak out about kosher as they couldn't give a fuck about animal welfare, they just want to have a pop at the muslims.

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But, according to your HNH/MAC logic, you SHOULD be equally as vocal about it because it is still barbaric, it doesn't matter if there is more halal meat than kosher meat. Personally, as a meat eater, I contribute to animal cruelty on a daily basis so I don't feel I'm in any position to comment on the barbarism as I feel it would make me a hypocrite.

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It makes no difference he refused to eat in prison because they serve Halal meat he had other options then but choice to go on hunger strike as a protest that they even served it when he gets out he went to a restaurant who serve Halal meat it doesn't matter if all he had was a bad of crisps he still went there.


It's hardly getting al capone on tax evasion though is it?


what next from the anti facists "look there he is coming out of the corner shop with a copy of asian babes"


If he is such a vile racist it shouldn't be too hard getting him on video saying racist stuff for example here is "moderate muslim" Medi Hassan ( the second muslsim pundit from Sunday live) calling all non muslims animals non muslims live as animals

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But, according to your HNH/MAC logic, you SHOULD be equally as vocal about it because it is still barbaric, it doesn't matter if there is more halal meat than kosher meat. Personally, as a meat eater, I contribute to animal cruelty on a daily basis so I don't feel I'm in any position to comment on the barbarism as I feel it would make me a hypocrite.

If it began to be introduced into mass circulation without being labled as kosher then yeah, we should, but it isn't.

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But, according to your HNH/MAC logic, you SHOULD be equally as vocal about it because it is still barbaric, it doesn't matter if there is more halal meat than kosher meat.


Very true they claim it because it's the way the animal is killed but it seems it's more the fact that they may have to eat Muslim food they even said what they want is labeling not the process itself banned as if it was labeled it would hardly cause the animal dying any less pain.

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It's hardly getting al capone on tax evasion though is it?


what next from the anti facists "look there he is coming out of the corner shop with a copy of asian babes"


If he is such a vile racist it shouldn't be too hard getting him on video saying racist stuff for example here is "moderate muslim" Medi Hassan ( the second muslsim pundit from Sunday live) calling all non muslims animals non muslims live as animals


Ok eating there does not make him racist just a lying hypocrite to his reason why he refused to eat in the nick.

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