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Posts posted by PunkStep

  1. Whatever happened to Super Cena?

    I think I read that he asked for his account to be deactivated. Shame, he was a decent, positive poster. Started some interesting threads too.


    Poster who definitely doesn't post here anymore under the handle of The Phenom. He's alright for a bairn, if not at times ballcrushingly annoying and negative.

    Let's not forget that Dillkid's gimmick was that he was allegedly 14 years old and often whinged about how he was depressed because of school. Yet for a 14 year old his knowledge of the Attitude era, which came across as recollection memory and not swotting up on old shit, was pretty impressive for someone who would've been rocking the Huggies at the time.

  2. I think we might as well merge this with the Vintage Bintage thread and be done with it.

    I'm hearing you. My missus was watching it while I was faffing about on here, and Alex Kingston is looking ridiculously hot. Must find Moll Flanders for download.

  3. What's the story behind this one? :D

    Basically Marty Jannetty took a rat back to his hotel (standard) but had to rush out, presumably to rag up another rat and left Iron Sheik to look after her. He kept trying it on, she didn't want to know, she said "what about Marty" Sheiky said "Fuck Marty" and gave her a short-arm clothesline. Funny as fuck story, check out the Jannetty shoot as it goes into finer detail. I think that bit is on YouTube.

  4. But she's only 38, hardly 'vintage'

    I'm pretty sure he was just showing an example of how much difference a good plucking can do, rather than contributing to the Vintage Bintage topic.

  5. I just had a WTF moment. I was just thinking how I used to have a crush on the dark haired woman in the House Of Elliot and checked to see whhat she is up to now. Just realised I have been watching her for years on CSI but boy does Louise Lombard look different now!

    A pair of tweezers has certainly made a massive contribution there. I'm not one for pencil-thin brows, but christ you can't allow them to look too thick. Like that bint from Labyrinth. Was it Jennifer Garner? I always get her mixed up with the bird that played Elektra.

  6. how come Sports Direct keeps escaping from the looting, Fat Mike Ashley deserves to lose a fortune for the way he is fucking up our club far more than the JD lot do

    Prices are so cheap, it makes little economical sense to loot.

  7. The guy they're interviewing, what does it say on his shirt? Please tell me it says 'Available for Bar Mitzvahs'. I want that shirt.


    Edit: The presenter is actually making me feel rather patriotic with that speech about all the football fans coming together to support one team- three lions.

  8. I was part of the protest tonight patrolling Enfield, was a great feeling.


    Was in good spirits for most of the night, all races running off any trouble and police were thankful they had us there to help. The Tottenham Hotspur firm turned up and said a few racist things but other then that it was amazing to see so many people out helping the community.

    Sounds good then. When I heard about it, part of me thought 'oh good for them, great to see them standing up for their community'. Then the cynical side of me thought that some might turn up for a witch-hunt for a certain race.


    Edit: Palace fans joining Millwall and Charlton now? This really is unprecedented. South London football fans absolutely hate each other more so than most area rivalries, extraordinary to see this.

  9. Really not sure what to make of that to be honest.


    Had a heated discussion with a bloke at work today. He started really going off on one about how they are scum, started effing and blinding which is unusual of him. Then he shouted "They need to send them back home". I had to stop him right there and remind him that from what I've seen, these are British people rioting and that it was a bit of a xenophobic thing to say. He said "British? Look at their faces". Was little point wasting my time further with someone of that opinion.

  10. "Minor disorder" in Basildon according to Essex Police on Twitter.

    I pass through the Eastgate shopping centre on the way to work tomorrow, so I'll see what/if anything has happened of note. Though the riots- if any- are probably happening at Festival or one of the retail parks.

  11. Reports on twitter of a large group of both Millwall and Charlton fans defending parts of Eltham while singing "No one loots us"

    Fucking hell. That really is something.

  12. Reporter was interviewing some scabby Manc kid wearing a motorcross-like mask, shades and a hoody. The kid was saying he wasn't a law-abider and he was just out to piss the police off, getting pissed and all that. Didn't look like a terrifying scene to me, the kid looked as though he was just giving it the gab.

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