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Posts posted by Au

  1. I mean, it depends how quickly you want to do it. A 10km isn't that far, really. You could walk it in under two hours.

    If you wanted to run it though, I'd start with doing Couch to 5km, which is about a 9 week training schedule. Once you can run without stopping for half an hour without stopping, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can increase that length and distance. Let's say four months of dedicated training to get to a respectable level of fitness.

  2. I think we all know that weight divisions in WWE are less to do with actual weight and more to do with drawing power.

    Finn (and probably even Seth) would be a perfect fit size wise but they're already established as top card talent so they're not going near 205 Live even if the show would arguably be better for it.

    If they really wanted, they could put all the small guys doing ...dives on that show and make it must see TV but instead they've booked their cruiserweight title in a submission match on a hardcore rules PPV. That should tell you everything about how they view the division.

  3. Popular theory is that Jinder's on TRT so getting around failing tests with a therapeutic use exemption. That's what the real men in UFC do too, so I'm sure it only helps to bolster scotswizards opinion.

    I'm someone who tuned out of WWE TV when JBL got his push and never tuned back in. Couldn't stand the guy. But I don't really give a fuck that Jinder's just won it. I think that speaks volumes about how much I care about wrestling these days (or maybe I'm just more aware there's things more important to care about than wrestling booking). I thought him and Randy had a decent main event match as well, to be honest.

    I would say that Jinder winning the title just because they're trying to expand into India makes wrestling look even more fake than it already does, though.

  4. 20 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    There's also a Vue cinema in Cardiff which does the £4 thing but other Vue's still charge £9 per movie, not sure why but i aint complaining.

    It's because Premiere opened up in Cardiff offering £4 tickets and I think the other local cinemas saw their attendance levels drop through the floor so had to lower their ticket prices to compete. If you don't have a competing cinema nearby offering tickets at less than half your prices, you don't need to lower them.

  5. So, the big news seems to be about Sinclair Broadcasting acquiring Tribune Media and what that means for ROH in regards to the regional networks included in this acquisition. I don't think I ever heard either way if WWE's interest in buying ROH was legit or just internet rumour but I've not seen it mentioned around this so just wondered if anyone knows?

  6. I tweeted basically the same thing about Free Fire and then of course had all my mates who like Wheatley called me out on it. But one them even liked bloody Kill List so that's an argument I wasn't going to win.

    Anyway, I really came here to chime in on the 4DX conversation from a few pages back as it got brought up when a bunch of my mates went to see Fast 8 and hated it as a gimmick. The first film I saw using it was Fantastic Beasts and I thought it was excellent. Added so much to the film and was surprisingly subtle in places.

    I enjoyed it so much, I immediately pre-ordered Rogue One tickets for my weekly Cineworld Unlimited crew as they'd been pretty hesitant to try it but I found that a much different experience and definitely agree on the whole "getting beaten up by your chair" thing. I imagine Fast 8 was likely much the same.

    I think this is a shame because my initial experience of it proved that that it can add something to the overall viewing experience and clearly depends on who it is that's doing the effects for it.

    In Fantastic Beasts, the movement of the seat matched the movement on screen - the opening scene where he arrives in New York by boat actually felt like I was on a boat. During action sequences, the seat moved with the action, like you were following it. Speaking to my mate the next day, I compared it to one of those rollercoaster simulators you used to see in the 90's (whatever happened to them?)

    I have no idea why you'd want to add force feedback to feel like you're the one getting shot or punched like they did in Rogue One. Doesn't add anything, doesn't enhance or compliment the scene at all.

    It's something that could be a great gimmick if used properly but it's largely being used in a pretty hamfisted way and I think it's spoiling the experience and putting off people who might otherwise enjoy it.

  7. Why aren't they making money from their YouTube channel? If big v-loggers are making upwards of $100k a year from ad revenue, surely WWE must be monetising their content in some way? I'm not saying it'll fill the void of losing the TV rights money from USA but there's a reason big content providers are on YouTube and not Vimeo.

  8. Just for shits and giggles, let's assume this is PWG deciding that their "only live in person or wait for the DVD" model isn't working for them and they want to start up a paid online subscription service.

    I reckon the audience and the workers are there for it. It's ridiculous to say there aren't enough indie workers around to build a company with. All the big names are getting pulled back into WWE but I reckon it's doable. Look at all the shows over Mania weekend.

    Also, isn't this pretty much how Evolve operate already, only through WWNLive?

  9. Whilst the board was down, I thought we could do with a reliable fall back and the subreddit and Otter were still dead so setting up a chatroom seemed like a good idea so there's a new one on Slack.


    For anyone who doesn't use Slack for work, it's a very stable and reliable platform that's available on both mobile app and desktop in browser. 


    It can be found at https://theukff.slack.com/ but needs new members to be invited via email. I've got it set so any member can invite new members but there's currently only four of us so anyone who wants in, DM me your address and I'll invite you.

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