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Posts posted by IANdrewDiceClay

  1. 3 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    No XPW or FMW like others had reported.

    Hmmm ... Maybe this is just the first half of the season, because Rob Black has actually spoke about refusing to do it and the list of people who actually have been interviewed for it. There was 10 episodes last season, so you'd think there's more for it.

  2. Dont want to go all "it's 1984!!!!" on anyone, but why are they having a Blood and Guts/War Games blowoff, when the babyfaces got their revenge last week? Like proper left the heels laying, in hospital, blood pissing from their heads and the leader embarrassed with his head down the bog. When the babyfaces are having a War Games end boss type match after the babyfaces put a bigger beat down on the heels already, it seems a bit pointless, no?

  3. Difference for me is the same as horror franchises. Kane had his version of the first Texas Chain Saw Massacre/Friday the 13th/Nightmare of Elms Street before things turned into parody. If Kane would have started out doing Hulk Hogan impressions and hugging Daniel Bryan he wouldnt have been as rememebered. We all have our "remember when Kane set the casket on fire" or "remember when he won the belt and then teamed with the Undertaker and smashed Mankind in with a sledgehammer" memories. Where as Bray Wyatt never really has. His first feud was with Kane in an inferno match, and it was like "I assume we're at the stage where Jason is doing movies with Corey Feldman already."

    Bray Wyatt always teased intrigue and they've never delivered. The initial vignettes of the Wyatt family and the Fiend debut were all timers if we're honest. Proper great moments. But that was about it.

  4. 3 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    Hogan looked great. Talked utter bollocks as per but fair play

    The one advantage of looking 90 in your 20s and sounding mental your whole life. When you become an bald, wrinkly hot dog who talks nothing but shite, its like business as usual for him.

  5. WWE had their opportunity to do a banquet like the old days. Just wrestlers and select fans in the crowd. Instead, they went for this fucking space aged shit, with the awkward speeches and the dodgy crowd noise. Rotten.

    "Davey was a huge guy, but what was even bigger was his heart ... at least that's what the coroner said."

  6. Thing that always sticks with me is "the pay struture would have been fucked up if they bought Goldberg and Sting in." And then a year later, they had no issue in giving everyone "if you can find a better deal, fuck off" contracts when it came to renegotiating. Even the likes of Jericho and Benoit got less money than what they were previously on. It all came down to the WWF not wanting to bring in people from WCW to put over WWF guys. It was pure ego. They could have easily made it work. You cant tell me the only time in the history they felt guilt over their pay structure was in March 2001? When they've never gave a shit about the talents pay.

  7. They should have bit the bullet and did a full Seinfeld rip-off. Not like Baddiel Syndrome. I mean like scene for scene, lower quality pile of shit that killed all their careers type of rip-off. I was thinking about this for a while. Baddiel as Seinfeld. Hired solely because "he's a jew as well." All humour sucked out of the character. Zero charisma. Fat, four-eyed Seinfeld with a posho accent talking about cocks. Elaine can be Davina. Only with no subtly or timing. Barrymore is Kramer obviously. Instead of having these "wow, Kramer's actually quite clued up" moments, its just pure daft cunt John Cleese impressions, regardless of whether he's supposed to be in the scene or not. Barry from Eastenders as George. Only he has self awareness and is just gutted all the time. Doing the "Barry face" where it looks like the moon got tired. And Newman can be Matt Lucas in a wig, doing his "I'm playing a character" voices. And the whole thing is massively racist, and nobody is likeable in the least, and unlike Seinfeld, Baddiel doesnt get a shag in any episode.

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