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Posts posted by d-d-d-dAz

  1. As a blood sacrifice for nearly messing up THE STORY, I'm more than happy to accept Seth Rollins being reduced to a role at Wrestlemania that is just taking the pin in a tag match that's one big promo for the main event on the next night.

    IF they do Rock/Roman vs Cody/Seth, will they have the discipline to make it a one night thing, or will they have eyes on Rock/Roman vs a reformed Uso's at Summerslam? I suspect the latter.

  2. If I fancy a steak, go to a restaurant and order a steak but then moments before it's served to me a new waiter rubs his bum on it, only for the owner to run out and wipe it clean... I'm not going to celebrate getting a steak.

    Something like that.

    But, no, obviously I'm delighted that we're back on course but the deviation was unnecessary and made everyone look a little worst. They shouldn't get a free pass for ending up back in front of the gift horse that they chose to look in the mouth.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I like how regardless of all the mystery they’re trying to uphold on television, Hunter was in a mad rush to Tweet it out.

    We shat ourselves, everyone. Pivot complete. Official.

    Oh, to be a fly on the wall on Dwayne’s jet. The man is cursed. The one match he could always come back for. The dream match of all dream matches. And then he ends up having to turn heel, seemingly abandoning the match, drowning in, “what,” chants.

    Not holding out much hope for Moana 2.

    Trippers locking it in before Ari and Nick see it.

    Rumour has it he's calling in sick tomorrow and has his Out Of Office e-mail on already.

  4. Just now, JLM said:

    I liked Big E on the panel straight up saying “I don’t know what we’re building here, is is tag or…?” 

    Felt like his very authentic reaction. 

    They've just uploaded a video of Rock/Roman leaving together, so I guess so, but does anyone want that?

    Whys Seth there?

    Why is Roman fucking Reigns being little brothered?

    Is Cody/Roman just a stepping stone en route to Rock/Roman next year?

    Ugh. Cody probably going to tear his triceps on night 1 in the tag match.

    Why does this company insist on trying to be smart? Never works.

    The video; https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3G9Rtus8ZJ/?igsh=MXZsbzQwdG45cnJ2cg==

    Always a good start when post press conference the promoter says 'hard to say what just went on there.'

  5. The clips on social are bizarre. The crowd have no idea how to react to anything.

    The Rock just doesn't belong in the middle of any of this.

    It's like someone brought subbuteo to an orgy. Naturally some people are interested because they really like subbuteo, but it doesn't really belong there and runs the risk of having its reputation sullied in the mind of everyone.

    Them little brothering Roman Reigns is a bit of a shame, too.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Roman isn’t booked for EC. If anything I was left questioning if the main event was now Roman/Rock vs Cody Seth at Mania. They made it clear as mud there. @JLM summed up the mess perfectly. Friday he backed down, Monday he was about to accept Seth as his match and now tonight he’s maybe back in with Roman…? Make it make sense

    He's not maybe back in, they've done a poster and everything. It's Cody vs Roman.

    I'm dizzy.

    I'm obviously thrilled but what a bunch of lunatics. Absolutely shat themselves.

    We could end up in a mad situation where the match people really wanted in the first place happens, but sections of the audience who would have been fine with it are now booing because The Rock isn't in it despite never needing to be involved in the first place. But that might still be for the best because had they done The Rock, that could have been rejected worst.

    Great work guys.

    Fucking hell.

    Seth LOLlins. Absolute goon. Wouldn't back him to make a jelly wobble. Absolutely useless.



    Still time for them to do my universally popular plan of Cody/Rock and Seth/Roman on Night 1.

  7. Roman Reigns saying with his chest that 'I choose The Rock' moments before they announce something else might go down as one of the most bizarre moments in the company's history.

    What a bunch of mad cunts.

    Imagine being a big Rock fan now? 



  8. Happy Reno 911 GIF by Comedy Central

    What a day.

    What on earth have they done over the last week? How did they get themselves in a position where The Rock had to play heel to avoid people being disappointed that a match they'd trailed wasn't actually happening.

    If I was Gerwitz, I wouldn't be rushing to take credit for this as a genius plan all along.

    Still... 🥳 

  9. 1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

    They're not going to say "oh it'll probably be shit" are they? They're bigging it up and promoting. Wouldn't say it's smug really.

    'Talking about it forever' is a pretty big claim. That's not regular promotion, it's a unique claim that you can only use sparingly.

    I actually don't know the last time I heard someone make that claim.

    Given the backdrop of people wondering how they unpick their pickle, I think there's an underlying tone to everything they're saying (and in Gerwitz's case, overlying tone) which is 'you're all thick, we're going to blow your mind'.

  10. They're being very cocky on social at the minute.

    Triple H is saying they're going to 'light the world up', The Rock is saying people are going to 'talk about this forever'.

    Things rarely go well when the WWE get smug. They're never, ever as clever as they think they are at times like this.

  11. 1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Anyone suggesting the Rock is rubbish and has always been rubbish might be getting a teeny tiny bit carried away.

    I don't think this is necessarily wrong, but I think he was good for a particular time.

    He's something I think people tend to grow out of.

    I don't know that I've ever met a wrestling fan who says The Rock is their favourite, but I've met plenty who said he used to be. I think he was a great gateway drug into wrestling for lots of people, and was great in his pomp when you were young. But I think his act ages like milk, and from the moment you're first exposed to it there's a pretty strict time limit on how long you're going to enjoy it for.

  12. Just now, Devon Malcolm said:

    John Candy No GIF by Laff

    Au contraire.

    Rollins and Roman have been tearing strips off each other for weeks. Rock has insulted Cody's fans. Cody... not sure actually, but I bet he's cross about The Rock insulting his fans.

    Cody/Seth is deader than the fella in the gif. Cody's beat him three times, once with one arm and a swollen tit. Roman/Rock, they're fake cousins and Rock said something about eating at a diner or something.

    I'm doubling down now. It's a great idea.

  13. Lots of talk that they're planning a pivot, and some of the more frenzied voices speculating Vegas will be announced as host of next year's Mania and Rock/Roman moved there.


    I've never been so interested in a wrestling press conference. And not in a good way. I'm interested in the same way as I was interested what was on the screen when the doctor shoved a camera up my arse. I'm just looking to see how they navigate the debris.

    If they've listened to my idea in the other thread though (Roman/Seth and Cody/Heel Rock night 1/Cody/Roman night 2) all will be forgiven.

    I was just joking at first, but currently there is way more meat on Seth/Roman and Cody/Rock than there is Cody/Seth and Rock/Roman. Let's do it.


  14. 1 minute ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    God he's fucking shit, what did we ever see in him.

    He's an insecure, hormonal 14 year old boys cartoonish idea of what a cool man is like.

    Then you get older and think 'oh, actually, he's just a cunt.'

    Pie? Hope you choke on it you prick.

  15. 9 minutes ago, FUM said:

    The Rock has always been at his best as a heel.


    He's either turning heel, or he really doesn't understand the audience.

    There's no cool guys - or wannabe cool guys - watching wrestling anymore, and there is no natural constituency for a 'lol aren't the neckbeards losers' babyface anymore.

    No ones ashamed about being a geek or a nerd. It's not 1999. Some people like wrestling. It's fine.


    Still, whatever they've got planned they're (or he's) clearly not that arsed about being booed.

  16. It's Wrestlemania season.

    The press conference is today. 

    The internet is alight with people wanting Cody, not wanting Rock, threatening people with death and routinely not talking about Seth Rollins.

    Cody has put on social today that he has 'made his decision'. Obviously that's ridiculous as he told Roman he wasn't coming for him at Mania, which in itself is a decision, but here we are.

    Thoughts? feelings?

    ...Anyone care about Rollins?

    Cody Rhodes No GIF by TBS Network

  17. They need to be very careful, the murdered girls dad has been out already saying Sunak should apologise.

    I know there's a lot of shitheads in the country, but I think by and large people will take the side of grieving parents over professional politicians.

  18. 9 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    It’s just an advert for his overpriced gym clobber. The Rock is sound, leave him alone nobheads.

    No horses in my gym.*

    The Rock used to be sound. I have a suspicion he'd be awful these days. I bet he uses the words 'disruptor' and 'masterbrand' unironically.

    Cena's where you go for WWE legend good eggery these days. 




    *I don't go to the gym 

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