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Posts posted by d-d-d-dAz

  1. 19 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    I'm not linking to all the people losing their shit on Twitter, you bloody look! šŸ˜†

    Oh God, I'm not on twitter. Too many people taking things too seriously.

  2. 1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

    I didn't mention anyone or any responses in this thread, nor that it wasn't OK to think it's a shit decision or that you can't have favourites.

    But I'm sure this is boring for everyone else so let's leave it there.


    Please do share any examples of anyone losing their shit and taking it too seriously though.


  3. Ā 


    Whilst I know the Internet isn't real, it would be very funny if WWE themselves were the ones to bring back the 'boo everything' era of hatewatching. They've had such goodwill for so long, be fun if they've inadvertently dragged us back to the world of 'you can't wrestle' nonsense.

  4. 1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

    I didn't say you can't have a favourite or opinion on anything, where have you got that from?

    I also didn't say you can't think it's shit or that it might impact your enjoyment of Mania. Again, where have you got that from?

    In fact, I said I think it's hilariously shit, which it is. It's an absolutely dreadful decision.Ā 

    No no, I haven't gotten it from anywhere but you said it was funny that people were taking wrestling too seriously and I hadn't seen any examples of that, so was just wondering what you meant.

    If you weren't referring to people in this thread, fair enough. And if I have missed examples of people throwing their TV's out of their windows or throwing shit at Samoans, then fairer enough.

    I'd say all the responses in this thread are perfectly fair enough.

  5. 5 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    This is a hilariously shit decision if this is the way they're going, but I do like people that take wrestling far too seriously lose their shit over it, that's always fun to see.

    Poor old Cody. Not quite Luger'd him, but near enough.Ā 

    This is a strange take, unless I've missed people escalating their distaste beyond wrestling and throwing their TV's out of their windows or lobbing excrement at the Samoan embassy.

    I think in the context of wrestling, it's perfectly reasonable to think this is shit or that it might impact your enjoyment of Mania or question the morality of covering for a nonce with The Rock.

    Unless the point is you think wrestling is so silly and worthless, that it's not worth even having a favourite or opinions on anything? And that'd be sad.

    The absolute worst thing about all of it is, I reckon they might have Solo cost Cody against Seth as a backdoor back into Roman/Cody. Ugh.

    Cody should just challenge Logan Paul.


  6. The other thing that's annoying me, is what is the point in watching the TV regularly if even the biggest stars have to stand in cuck corner when the big boys come back?

    The other other thing that's annoying me is how often are Rock and Reigns even going to be on TV before Mania?

    The other other other thing that's annoying me is that I'd just about made my peace with watching WWE in spite of the McMahon stuff, and now they're literally using the TV to try and wash the McMahon stink away.

    The other other other other thing that's annoying me is that Cody must be fucking gutted, and he seems like such an earnest good guy who's just worked very hard for the company since coming back and they've still fucked him.Ā 

    Horrible company. Wish I was fan of literally anything else.

  7. Pathetic.

    I hope The Rock gets booed out of the building.

    Genuinely not interested in Mania now. Punkys out hurt, Cody's going after the fourth most prestigious title and a 50 year old sweaty egg is main eventing.

    Phil didn't cry for this.

    Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live

  8. 3 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Cody is going to end up having Hangman, Omega, The Bucks and Punk over for tea, all becoming the best of friends. Such is his insane ability to just be the nicest, best man alive.

    Scorchy stood outside yelling at the door that the six pack of non-alcoholic IPA Punk brought round is inferior to that of local breweries.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    It's a no budget horror film about cum.

    I know what I'm watching tomorrow night.

    No, only kidding, of course I've already seen it. Enjoyed it too.


  10. 22 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    What fight is that, pointing out in his Hollywood career heā€™s not demonstrated the range of a Ā Batista or John Cena? If anything Iā€™m questioning why heā€™s not been better when heā€™s clearly talented as seen in that video.

    As much as I do love the AEWUltra gimmick, even you must see that replying to a video in the CM Punk thread of him showing emotion with a reply about how rubbish an actor he is and how bad his films are is a bit... axe grindy?

    The CM Punk hatred rolling on is a bit weird, considering a lot of the original gripes were about him being snide, nasty and unable to let things go.

    I think the moral of the story must be that there's a bit of Punk in all of us.

    ...Just hopefully not in the triceps.

  11. 3 minutes ago, FUM said:

    John Laurinatis pretty much confirming the allegations are true but he was a victim of Vince too is quite the move. Quotes from his lawyer below.

    Ā  Hide contents

    ā€œMr. Laurinaitis denies the allegations in the misguided complaint and will be vigorously defending these charges in Court, not the media. Like the Plaintiff, Mr. Laurinaitis is a victim in this case, not a predator. The truth will come out.ā€

    In response to a followup question seeking to clarify that he was indeed saying that McMahon was the predator and that Laurinaitis, like Grant, was a victim, Brennan wrote, ā€œRead the allegations. Read the Federal Statute. Power, control, employment supervisory capacity, dictatorial sexual demands with repercussions if not met. Count how many times in the complaint Vince exerts control over both of them.ā€


    Erm... this feels like a criminal case could be brought... if he confirms the claims by the back door, whether he sees himself as the victim or not, Vince could face serious repercussions I think.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    The median age of Gaza is 18. Ā So many Gazans know nothing except life under Hamas and werenā€™t born when they seized power. Anyone holding the population of Gaza responsible for Hamas is wrong.Ā 

    Again, whilst I don't disagree, it's not how people work is it? Most trouble in the world is predicated on issues that arose long before most of us were even a bullet being shot from our father's pistol.

  13. Just now, Loki said:

    No more or less innocent than the Israeli people! Ā Civilians on both sides are the innocent victims.

    It's one of the great tragedies of the conflict, that it's entrenched a cycle of rewarding ever-increasing hatred.

    Netanyahu is only possible because of the conflict.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Above absolutely everything else we should not get away from the fact that it's "massively complex" through no fault of the Palestinian people. They are the innocent party in this and always will be.

    Whilst I agree with the principle and spirit of this, Hamas did win a Parliamentary election in 2006/7 - at which point they seized control of Gaza.

    The charter they stood behind in that election called for the destruction of Israel, an incitement of violence against all Jews and the rejection of any peace initiatives; and successive Israel politicians have been keen to make that clear to normal Israeli's.

    So, it's probably not as easy for a normal Israeli to call the Palestinians 'innocent' in the same way we can.

  15. Just to add one more log to the fire, this idea that 'no one is discussing it' is a red herring, as what it usually means is 'no one is providing the answers I want'.

    Look at last week, and the scramble from areas of the press to discuss World War 3 and conscription; lots of people on social media desperate for answers, complaining that no one was taking it seriously or talking about it properly. What they really meant was 'i'm shitting myself, and I want someone I trust to tell me whether this is or isn't possible'.

    It's the same in Israel/Gaza, people are looking for an authoritative voice to descend from the heavens and tell us one way or another what's going to happen. But no one knows, it's messy and horrible and everything is possible from Israeli's turning on Netanyahu and the war fizzling out, to Israel never stopping and it escalating wildly out of control as Iran, America et al enter the conflict.

    No one knows. Everything is possible. There are no answers.

    If the discussion feels hollow, that's why.

  16. 22 minutes ago, BigJag said:

    Some good news on the horizon. It appears a ceasefire is imminent. Time will tell whether it will be a lasting one.Ā 

    Given there hasn't been a lasting ceasefire since the war began in the 1940's, the current proposal is only for a 6 week humanitarian pause and Netanyahu has said he'll only stop when Hamas are all dead, I'd say the chances are pretty slim.

    Popular opinion in Israel is still behind the 'war', and is probably the only thing keeping Netanyahu in power, so I still think the outlook in the short to medium term is fairly bleak.

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