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Posts posted by d-d-d-dAz

  1. 2 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    I dunno. I've always preferred Rock when he was a heel. I just don't see him leaning into the old Corporate Champion/Hollywood Rock since he's off doing PR for the UFL and damage control for TKO.

    No way he plays a heel, but he's a heel to me. Not just because I'm a teary eyed Codester, but because I think The Rock just comes across as the most awful prick. It really is the worst of both worlds to me.

  2. 1 minute ago, air_raid said:

    20 : “Why is HBK getting involved? They should let this be Benoits moment.”

    30 : “Why did Batista win the Rumble? This should be Bryan’s moment.”

    You can see where I’m going. Maybe a triple threat has legs. Certainly more chance than Reigns vs Cody vs Sami had last year. Seth vs McIntyre would be an obvious fallback for Raw’s title. Though it would feel very silver medal.

    Seth's title might as well be painted grey and placed on a ribbon, it's already a silver medal.

    I'm not sure there's ever been a less prestigious world championship reign or champion. You could make an argument for both Gunther and Logan Paul both meaning more in the current WWE.

  3. Cody should tell them to fuck off if they try any funny business.

    Roman pulling double duty is shit as either Cody gets a tired Roman or Rock faces someone who's already been beat. A triple threat is shit because they're always shit.

    They've painted themselves into a corner, but it's their corner. Cody can't just come back like 'soz, changed my mind.'

    The best thing for Cody is probably just to try and make this Rollins match mean something and then be there to mop up the mess once Mania season is out the way. The more he gets embroiled in the Rock/Roman drama, the stupider he looks.

    Let The Rock and Triple H worry about what they've done.

  4. 1 minute ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Can’t remember who mentioned it, but I can see them reverting to a Cody/Rock/Reigns main event. Just replaying what happened on the way to Mania 30. I don’t for a second think of it does happen it was “always the plan” and it was to whip up more support for Cody, but if the crowds continue to turn I can see them doing it.

    I think The Rock is already on manoeuvres to stop this sort of thing happening.

    'Ps, thick skin. Love your passion.'

    Awful prick.

    The Rock is far less fun as a roided up CEO. I hope this affair makes people appreciate Big Match John. He just came back and put Solo over.

  5. Penny for Triple H's thoughts.

    Another thing that bothers me (of many, I know) is that a big issue with Rock/Roman is it just doesn't matter. No matter what happens, the ending actually isn't that important as neither will be around the week after. The Rock isn't going to change the face of the industry, or have a meaningful impact on the business come May or July or November.

    They actually have someone, a babyface, that people care about and who could make a real difference at the top of the card and they've just gone... nah mate.

    I get the theory that the new eyes that Rock will hopefully bring with him are really important, but it's fucking soulless to realise that being a part of the 'WWE Universe' (ugh) in May or July or November is the thing that to the WWE really doesn't matter, whether you're a fan or talent. 

  6. One would imagine Rollins can't be thrilled, either. He's already lost every match he's had with the man, including one where Cody had one arm and a swollen booby.

    In the latest Daily Mail click bait piece there's a wonderful quote that just reads like it's come from Rollins...

     "The Rock eroded his trust with the comic and superhero community, with the film community, maybe with the football community, and might do it with the one he has almost universal goodwill with. 

    He's not a bad guy, don't mistake that or get me wrong – he's a great guy. However, bad timing and overexposure and fatigue will make fools of us all. You have to know when to take a back seat."

    Yeah, chill out Seth. Mad they've also got a quote from a source saying it's the sort of decision Vince would have made. That can't be what they're after.

  7. This does have real potential to become an issue for WWE, as it seems to have lit a fire on the Internet. Whilst the Internet in general doesn't matter, if it becomes zeitgesty and cuts through they could be in trouble.

    WWE have a terrible record of handling these things. For every hastily arranged triple threat, there's someone being absolutely buried in mud to try and stop the fans caring.

    I don't want to use the obvious crass joke that I've seen online, but I do think there's something to the idea that this has got under people's skin more because of who The Rock is now and what he represents. Coupled with the Vince stuff, it *is* pretty insane that they've tried to create positive PR by allowing the perception that a WWE board member is wielding their power in a selfish way to the detriment of an employee. It just feels... a bit unfair. And I'm not sure anyone likes unfairness, even the new WWE audience.

    It could all be fine and not a single soul of those online kicking up a stink could have a ticket to a show between now and Mania, but it would be great if they'd broken their audience. Considering some of the liberties they have taken in this era of audience positivity (Sami, Drew, Cody the first time), they can't say they don't deserve it.


    I smell a zeitgeist..


    Who could have guessed that the man behind Black Adam might be out of step with what an audience might want. I am shocked.

    Plus, if we're playing the PR game, a quick search of The Rock's name suggests things have turned a little sour.


    My Cody Rhodes bed spread could be back out the bin before you know it. I won't sleep in it, it's been in the bin, but it'll be a moral victory at least.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Pinc said:

    It'll be amazing if this breaks their post-AEW 'cheer the goodies boo the baddies' fanbase. All showing up to Mania in leather jackets like Sandy at the end of Grease.

    It's certainly broken the WWE's and The Rock's Insta comment section.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Factotum said:


    Tony Khan probably sending a text 

    Well, it is Saturday night but don't know what relevance that has here. Let the man enjoy his evening.

  10. 7 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I wouldn't be complaining about three women chasing me instead of two.

    I would if I was having to throw my balls into a selection of bins at the same time.

  11. 12 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    If you all make your peace with it now, the next 8 weeks will be slightly more bearable.

    Morgan Freeman Quote GIF

    Absolutely not.


    Mad in retrospect that they thought they were being cute doing that, knowing that Cody was about to finish his story; only for mystic Phil to be absolutely right.

    *EDIT* What on earth have the Aussies paid for with Elimination Chamber? IC title in the chamber match?

    Furious if you're them.

  12. 10 minutes ago, J. Edwards said:

    What if Cody’s “just not at Wrestlemania” means that he is expecting to face the Rock after bringing in Rocky to start dismantling the bloodline at Elimination Chamber by taking the title there and we get Cody v The Rock at mania and perhaps Roman shoehorns himself in for a triple threat.

    Im just not sure what Cody does other than this and clutching at straws that the WWE has some intricate plans rather than pushing Cody aside unless he uses his title shot at Elimination chamber 


    I mean it's obviously mad and not happening, but in terms of what the character Cody Rhodes motives could be this is actually the only thing that would make sense.

    'Not at Mania... because you won't be champion at Mania'

    I mean obviously that's not what's happening, but it would make at least make sense for Cody.

    Rock/Roman at Chamber, Roman cheats to win and the only man left to save us is Cody Rhodes.

    That's what I'll be dreaming of tonight as I cry into my Cody Rhodes pyjamas.

  13. Just now, Statto said:

    I don't want them to do the 2-night thing, but if they wanted to it's a piece of piss to get to. 

    Raw's Cody Rhodes has a contractually obligated title shot against whomever he wants at Mania. Smackdown has a GM in Nick Aldis who has been shown to not be afraid of Roman Reigns. Cody picks Roman, Aldis books Roman to also face The Rock.

    I mean, absolutely puts Rollins in the bin but Cody specifically said 'not at Mania' didn't he? So is the big sap now going to have to be forced to take the title shot?

    Think I'd rather he just challenged Logan Paul.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Loki said:

    They probably will!

     But you can’t expect the WWE to run their business solely for you.  Rock/Reigns will do big numbers, so there’s lots of fans who do want this, and will pay over money for it.


    I mean this is right, but the soullessness of it is quite striking when you're on the wrong side of it.

    Watch our shows all year, even the rubbish ones, invest in the talent, buy their shirts, buy tickets and then... come Mania season.. it won't really matter as we'll do what the wider public who don't really care the rest of the year might like. Sure, we've hit record viewership and revenues on the backs of Cody et al, but... lol.

    It'd be like if at the end of the Soprano's they had Tony killed by Thanos turning up and clicking his fingers because more people liked Marvel films. Sure, make your money... but ugh.

  15. I watched it back whilst having a surprise afternoon bathroom visit, and knowing what's coming makes Roman's promo even funnier/more outrageous.

    They knew they were going to force Cody to eat some shit, but rather than add some sugar they thought Roman may as well add some ricin whilst he was at it.

    I hope Cody pretends he's aggravated the pec injury he worked a PPV main event with for the cunts and takes 3 months off.

  16. 19 minutes ago, RedRooster said:


    If plans didn’t change, and this was the route they had already settled on, they way they’ve chosen to get to where they want to go is utterly insane. They’ve set themselves up for a major, major pushback.

    I think this is a real possibility.

    Their fans don't want to push back, we've seen that for a while now that they're willing to buy what WWE has been selling.

    But, even within that new audience, there'll be people who have bought into the new wave of stars who'll have the hump over this.

    And whilst they probably have got a lot of the publicity they wanted today, I don't think the stories about a newly minted board member 'pushing hard' to get the main event spot is a great look. Their board must be full of absolute shites. If they're not alleged nonces, they're arrogant, entitled bellends.

    8 weeks? So... 2 episodes of TV max from Rock and Roman?


  17. 1 minute ago, thatvinylgeek said:

    I think it's this.

    Rock v Roman is fine, and was a dead cert to happen at some point, but I don't think the plan was to do it this year. After the rumble it was 100% telegraphed that Rhodes was going after Roman to finish the job, other wise why waste the back to back rumble wins as well, if the plan was for him to challenge Seth there were other ways to get there.

    Then with the injury to Punk, the Vince fallout and seemingly Brock being banished I guess it threw all plans into chaos and left them reeling trying to do something to divert the attention. 

    Even though I am 99.9% sure he is just gonna turn up on Raw and accept Seth's challenge I am slightly intrigued that he didn't confirm that on Smackdown and alluded to still coming after Reigns. Is there ANY chance at all that he could challenge and beat (stupid as it may be) Roman at the Chamber and then have his first defense at Mania, or beath Seth and then beat Roman at Backlash to put the nail in the coffin...which completely wastes splitting the belts.

    Both are stupid ideas which won't happen, but we are in a very weird place right now...

    I'm convinced he beats Rollins, is immediately attacked by Solo and Priest cashes in to win the title.

    Then, to try and rebuild Cody and apologise to him in story form, they run an angle where Roman Reigns is so self conscious about Cody not choosing him, and worried that Cody outshines him as a star, and that Triple H called Cody the future, he sent his cousin to try and take him out.

  18. '...the story', to the extent it ever meant anything in the first place, is over isn't it?

    Last night, they had Cody Rhodes finish the story.

    After a year of saying Rollins title was great but not the one he wanted, of Triple H saying he was the future, and of hinting they were going to do Roman/Cody.. the character of Cody Rhodes decided against it. He won the Royal Rumble, had all the cards in his hands, looked into the eyes of Roman Reigns and said 'no thanks lad.'

    It's over. The story is finished. And, like every story the WWE has told since 2001, the ending was 'wasn't 1999 good?'.

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