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Mike Castle

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Posts posted by Mike Castle

  1. Or just download the American version, and use Swap Magic and tell it to run under PAL settings, I get a small black bar at the bottom of the screen, but all it really does is make the picture smaller, not prevent me seeing any of it.'course it's possible to prevent the black bar by putting in the PAL SLES file instead of the NTSC SLUS file (or whatever they're actually named), I always figured it would be more programming than one tiny file, but it turned out on my Guitar Hero edits that (due to needing to download the American version to do it as my PC wouldn't read my disc for some reason), the only difference was that one file, and switching them over meant it ran smoothly under PAL settings right from the off :).

  2. Legit copy or not, I'm playing on the PS2, there's no patch that will solve that one.

    Some companies put hooks in their games which make the games unplayable or act strange if you have an illegal copy.maybe it's something like that.Very much doubt something that bad would make it through Sony's testing labs.
    it was probably some form of error regarding the guy's position in relation to the shadow and truck that created the issue, as I have since given it another go, and am a fair distance into the game, but it seems to have changed from "pretty good stealth" to "fucking annoying shootouts and a ton of running away".With the Knightmare bug tho', I had the Amstrad version and so never had to worry about that bug, I just had to deal with the fact it was seriously crap, and nigh on impossible to complete... which in the impossible to complete stakes, made it pretty much accurate to the real Knightmare.
  3. Legit copy or not, I'm playing on the PS2, there's no patch that will solve that one.

    Ah, you sure it's not that Beta version doing the rounds?
    Entirely possible if there is one (All I know is it said uncut... so I figured I'd give it a whirl, lol). I did try giving it another shot (after finding out my first "glitch" was just me not noticing a fake wall I had to use), and got a fair distance, but it's just frozen on a cut scene. I think I am banned from planning Manhunt 2 by some higher power, lol.
  4. QUick note, there "may" be Mahunt 2 spoilers in here, but it's only the first area, and really isn't enough to harm even the most hardcore gamer's playthrough of the game.I "was" playing Manhunt 2... until it glitched badly for the second time running.Normally I don't mind a glitch in a game, the occasional one doesn't really matter, even if it's annoying (like randomly falling through the floor on Sonic Adventure), I can cope with that.However my first glitch came when I reached a bunch of doors I had to open to proceed (to deactivate an alarm in another door), I could get into two of the three rooms, the third was impossible, despite everywhere stating to just "press the button", okay, perhaps it was a one off, (and I was only giving it a quick viewing as I hadn't space on my memory card to save).Here's were a much more interesting glitch occurs, I delete a few saves in my memory card and we go again, I get outside of the initial hospital and have to kill these two guys and dump their bodies in the shadows to proceed, I kill the first one by creeping up behind him and using a piece of glass to cut the crap out of him. Only his body stays standing, not moving anywhere, but standing dead still. So I go to the other guy and kill him with the other shard of glass and dump him in the shadows and aim for the dump truck to get out of there only to be told to place both bodies in the shadow. So I try on the first guy (who's still pretending to be a statue it appears). I can't lift him, as there's no actual "dead" body to lift.So I sod off and find a plastic bag, which I wrap round his head and suffocate him, thus "killing" him a second time, however he's now paused in a kneeling position with the bag still wrapped round his face, and still no body that I can lift. I then find a syringe and "kill" him a third time with that (and as it uses the image of the character, I think I also become the first guy in the game's history to stab someone with a syringe while they're wearing a plastic bag as a clever mask), this time he "almost" makes it to the ground as he finishes in a half falling position. Unfortunately, no more weapons. :(So I punch the guy a few times, which puts him back into standing position but no closer to moving into the shadow as he just staggers in place.In conclusion, Manhunt 2 is too fucking bugged to be worth playing if it glitches that badly two times out of two.If I can get my phone working with my PC, I'll see if I can upload the images I took of the guy just standing dead still while wearing the bag. Wish I'd thought to take a video of the kneeling or half falling position before lamping him one.

  5. I'll also suggest Mario Party 4, yes there's a newer game on the Wii, but I still view number 4 as the best of the series, with the only flaws being the boo's (it's impossible to actually stop them taking a star/coins despite what the game tells you), and the fact you can't skip the animation for the lamp, but everything else is pretty solid.

  6. Yeah, I don't think he's the boss... but I don't think there's a way of passing him anyway (as even if you had a code to prevent you losing health, you'd never be able to attack him to begin with), so he may as well be, lol.

  7. Meanwhile, at EHS Headquarters...Minion: "Masters, I have breaking news that will dazzle you in a manner similar to the walls of this solid gold palace!" JLM: "Contain yourself boy, and fix your thong, it'll start chafing if you don't. Of what news do you speak?" Minion: "The one who's name we do not speak is once again showing signs of cracking the conspiracy!" JLM: "Pah! Impossible."Minion: "But sire, he speaks of the conspiracy, he mentions it by name!" JLM: "But our intricately designed multi-man assaults are designed in such a way that, to the untrained eye, it would appear that anyone with a modicum of intelligence is merely pointing out the sheer stupidity of many of... his... text-based musings. Could it not be seen as coincidence that other intelligent users then feel inclined to make their own observations once these flood gates have been opened? Are we really that transparent? I fear we have grown complacent. Lantern's name-change has clearly failed to throw *spits* him off the scent. Well, there's no other solution, prepare the rocket car, summon Chuckles, Alexander and Supremo and adorn yourself in your travelling thong. The purplemonkeydishwasher lacks the subtlety of our members, I knew we should never have hired a such zing-happy mercenaries! And Hage, Hage has gone rogue as I always suspected he would. He could ruin all we have worked for.""We must depart at sunrise!" Minion: "But the travelling thong is most uncomfortable sire..." Scene fades...

    Legit LOL. That's the sort of random crap one of my old mates in RP'ing would do (Although that sort of stuff would feature as an RP). Love it :D.
  8. I'm not saying there's no benefits from being online with it, just pretty much pointing out that there's enough of a way round it if they decide to go that route... plus if it has to be a set "point" in the history of the updates, they could possibly release the soft mod in such a way that the soft mod loads in and overrides the 360 itself.It's pure speculation, but there will be a way of playing pirated games soon enough (Hell, you can download the games as it is, so I'm sure there must be some way of playing them, or what's the point?)

  9. Then you'll have to put up with any subsequent bugs.

    Not to mention not being able to play online/ play games at all when compulsary updates come along. It just won't work.
    True, but until you intend to play a game that requires said compulsory update, there's still no issue. It's like... say a way of playing copied games was found and announced later today, all would be fine on the current crop of games, if I had a 360, did the mod stuff and played any games from now and earlier (and even up to the update that fixes that issue), there is not a single thing that would stop me playing those games.Because a compulsory update appears, doesn't mean all games are suddenly impossible to play, I mean christ... what about those who have a 360 but no net access? Those people don't suddenly get to a cut off point and can't play games anymore (and if they did, there would be a massive issue about it because, y'know... they'd be selling a product to people that can't actually be used to play all the games available).
  10. You can't softmod an xbox 360.

    Yet.It's taken them longer than usual if they've not got it sussed by now, but believe me, at some point someone will have worked out a way round it.
    And then microsoft will patch it. When consoles have regular downloadable updates its all rather futile. Take this wii softmod that just been released, I'll give it a few months before nintendo patch it and stop it working.
    True, but you could also just choose not to connect to the net with it if you were playing copied games. If you're not downloading the updates, they can't fix the issue on your console.
  11. To any Wii owners out there, there is now a method to play downloaded ISO's on burnt DVD's without chipping your Wii - it's just a software mod. I don't have all the info yet but I know there's more on GBAtemp.net and it can be downloaded off Demonoid.On topic - just got Rock Band for PS3 as the patch hit yesterday that lets your Guitar Hero Les Paul work in the game :thumbsup:

    Pretty sure the mod for the Wii has been around aaaaages, unless you're talking about something other than the mod where you put a file on a SD card, stick it in the console, cope it across to the Wii, and then fire up Zelda, which will in turn force a crash of the game and give you a new item in the main menu dealio to play homebrew games.Incidentally this will also void your warranty, so it's really only worth doing once the console is out of it's warrant period.As for Rock Band, after playing it a few times on the 360 when we've had a kind of gaming night here with a bunch of mates, I've found that the Guitar Hero guitar is much, much better than the Rock Band guitar. the Rock Band guitar is just too bulky for my hand to comfortably hold, and after a few songs my fingers are hurting, the GH controller has never been a problem and I can happily play the game for hours on end without worry.
  12. Through The Dragon's Eye.Now if I saw any painting come to life as a kid or even at my current age, I'd be legging it. Watching this almost 20 years later, the dragon sounds bloody perverted and I'd be damned if I would've stayed around long enough for it to invite me behind his waterfall.

    WIN!That dragon should've had a machine gun. would've sorted shit a lot sooner.
    Jesus Christ. We watched that in our weekly hour of tv time in primary school. I havnt seen it in about 15 years.I remembered something scary from that show that wasnt in that clip and I found it below. That is the fucking creepiest costume ever, nevermind for a seven year old me to look at!Gorwen vs Charn
    He may not be the nicest looking bastard around, but that's no way to speak about Noel.
  13. I was gonna start a thread about this, but considered it'd already be a topic on here. It relates to training schools.I'm pretty much sold on the idea of training (i.e. absolutely, utterly consumed by the idea) and would like to do so once I finish university (don't really have the funds to travel atm, and I live in Leicester and don;t think there is a decent one around). I figured i'd use this time to continue hitting the gym and getting bigger, stronger and fitter.Would anyone be able to reccomend one, if not a couple, of the best ones in the country?!Whilst one close to coventry would be ideal, i'm not afraid to travel and even find somewhere to stay overnight if it means being trained to the best possible standard available (see; not a 'shitarse').Any information would be wonderful......Also, at 22 (which is what i'll be when I finish), i'm not leaving it a bit late. Am I?!

    If you can get over to Nottingham (I'm crap at Geography, but I don't think they're too far apart...) SLAM have a training school there run by Stixx which has trained Paul Malen (Of the UKFF UK 50 :D), and the trainees coming out of there are top notch. As for being late, 'course not, I didn't even begin in the wrestling business until I was 22, okay it was as a ref, but I also started doing some training at that time, there are people who start training a lot later than that.
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