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Mike Castle

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Posts posted by Mike Castle

  1. Mickie was hitting just as hard there, she deserves everything she fucking gets.

    Agreed, add in the fact that I couldn't tell that Mike Levy's selling was any worse than any of the rest of the run of the mill deathmatch workers, I don't see what was so bad, plus that big fuck of lump on Mikey's head more than likely came from the series of head butts she gave Levy at the start of the match. Wouldn't be shocked if that's what Ian was whispering to her prior to the match, to make sure she had a bruise on her face somehow so they had a "reason" to beat him shitless.if you book a backyarder, don't bitch you've got one, if the guy's contacting you online you just tell him to fuck off, not welcome him just to humiliate/brutalize him.The fact they're bringing him back just proves that both sides are as fucked up as each other though, IWA for agreeing to continue booking a backyarder (and someone they've announced as such), and Levy because he should have been prosecuting them for that beating, not being happy to go next time (because I'm expecting there to just be more of the same).Ah well, idiots that want to wrestle will always do so in groups.IWA:MS Backyarding for "real" wrestlers.
  2. In comment to my earlier post regarding Silent Hill Origins... it's nice that they've realized in this one that you have things on the end of your arms you can hit stuff with, it really is... but was it also important to remove the hit detection so that despite your flailing fists, they only hit the enemy you are locked on to, and pass right by the enemy stood in the range of your swinging fist?And going from number 4's "let's make it so you can only carry 10 items, whether it's ten things like a pickaxe, shovel, and a bunch of golf clubs, or ten sets of handgun bullets", to "carry whatever you like, portable TVs, planks of wood, plastic trays (yes, sodding plastic!)" is a touch on the extreme side, especially as when you waffle an enemy with a typewriter it instantly disintegrates (and is already hard enough to nail an enemy with as it is due to it being weighty and therefore slow).Add into this the fact that the enemies can now grapple you, meaning far from being able to bludgeon an enemy to death you spend half the time having to hit buttons at specific times (ala Resi 4, but almost constantly, rather than choice cut scenes), or having to button mash a specific button, both of these actually end in zero damage to the enemy, this of course also means that weapons which are slower to weild than it is for the enemy to hit/grapple you become utterly pointless. Unfortunately anything above a pocket knife fits this description meaning when the weapons break (your first weapon is a sledgehammer, and it breaks by about enemy number pissing 3!), you're left with just your fists.So as long as it's one on one, punching the crap out of the enemy works, if there's more than one enemy, you're toast unless you run, and of course stamina now plays a bigger part so now that running away is pretty much the only option at times... you wind up so out of breath that instead of running, you're hobbling at a speed just a fraction faster than a slow meander through a market on a busy day while stopping to view every bastard stall as you go through, and now need to drink an energy drink to get your stamina back up (That or stand around waiting to get flattened by something).A good attempt at being innovative, a big step up from number 4, but far, far away from ever getting to the greatness of the first 3 games, and if number 5 doesn't go back to the original formula, I can see the series taking a severe nose dive. The gameplay is spot on, just give us more scary stuff and a good solid plot, we'll be happy at that, believe me! (And please for the love of God, don't force the control system to be "push up to run up the screen, pull down to go down" because when the camera angle changes... it fucks it all up! Make it up to just move forwards, and left/right simply turn the character, while back walks backwards.)Sorry, needed a bit of a rant about the game... incidentally I'll still be playing it to completion ('tis Silent Hill and I'm interested in the backstory), just there's a lot of stuff in the game that bugs me (Like how am I carrying a TV, plastic tray, typewriter, 2 planks of wood, 3 meat hooks, a pistol, a ton of bullets, and then all the medical supplies I've picked up, what am I doing, dragging a trailer round with me here?!)

  3. Started playing Elder Scrolls:Oblivion with both expansions a week ago. I better go eat, not done it for a while.My god what a game. Not even bothering with the main story since there so much to do. Just fun riding about on a horse kiiling randoms.

    Awesome, awesome game. My best mate has it and got me to create a character on it while I was at his house for a few days. I literally spent TWELVE hours playing the thing right off the bat, I initially tried doing the main story through, then tried stealing randomly (From in taverns/shops etc. but my arrest rate got pretty high, and at one point I was wanted, due to resisting arrest and flattening the guards, to the sum of over 20,000 gold... whoops!).Tried the thieves guild, and found that it's annoying waiting for them constantly, and then found the Assassins guild and started doing tons of missions for them (it's great fun to be able to just jump someone from behind).Wound up in the south east of the map, and had to head to the north east, and actually began a full trek all the way up by foot as I decided to see what I could find as I went... I found tons due to the game being too sodding big.I too would have forgotten totally about eating until I was ready for bed due to being too tired (and even then, I doubt I'd have moved much had I had the game myself), but thankfully my mates girlfriend was doing the dinner for us all that day, and so I had a quick 15 minute break to eat before resuming playing...I now have made it a mission to make sure that the first two things I get when I start getting a real income is a decent TV (Not a 12 year old small square in the corner...), and then a 360 with Oblivion as it will easily eat away a good few months of my life.
  4. Silent Hill 4 at the moment... game is really not as good as any of the other Silent Hills (I'm pretty much forcing my way through it to get the whole plot of it, should be done by tonight, I know I'm on the last bit as I already pretty much gave up halfway through and am just using a walkthrough so I can get to the end and be done with it). I already miss the awesomeness of Silent Hill 3 :(.

    None compare to Silent Hill 2. The single greatest game ever produced purely based on the storyline alone. There is so much back story to this game it's incredible. Having completed all the Silent Hill games they rate in this order Silent Hill 2, 3, 1 and 4! I'm not liking what they're doing with the current game due to be released. :(
    You missed out Origins (Which I'm due to play next, i.e. tomorrow).Been a while since I played number 2, but I also loved the way they tied the plot from 3 into number 1, but from what I remember (and read up on after completing number 3) about SH 2, it does seem like the best in terms of storyline (The 3 games all were pretty much the same in terms of gameplay, it was just the scary bits that changed between them.. and by fuck were some scary!)Not seen a great deal regarding number 5 though, what's so bad about it?
  5. Silent Hill 4 at the moment... game is really not as good as any of the other Silent Hills (I'm pretty much forcing my way through it to get the whole plot of it, should be done by tonight, I know I'm on the last bit as I already pretty much gave up halfway through and am just using a walkthrough so I can get to the end and be done with it). I already miss the awesomeness of Silent Hill 3 :(.

  6. The whole thing again? Fucksocks! I thought I was done! Thats the suprise? Thats evil Nintendo!Well guess i best get cracking See you in another 9 months!

    So it was a quick passing visit this?*waves you off* Have fun! lol
  7. Regarding the finger rub method... use a pen/battery whatever, much better, will give you much better running times, and for things like hurdles, it actually frees a finger up to nail the jumps (This comes from playing Track And Field ages ago, not played this, but I'm guessing it's essentially the same)

  8. Been down a mates today after getting a call to go and help nail some achievements on Guitar Hero Aerosmith, (Mate needed it doing on Expert and so called the best man for the job :D), which was great for me as I wasn't originally going to buy the thing, but it's actually pretty damned good, I prefer the music on the other GH games, but the effort they've put into it outshines the so-called effort of Rock The 80's.I was expecting this to just be GH3 with Aerosmith stuff layered on top. Instead there's brand new venues specifically for Aerosmith (based on the real life venues they played at), and the animations and character models are all there (Including DMC for Walk This Way, and King Of Rock), it's also got some non-Aerosmith tracks on, in that the first 2 songs of each set are by bands who have opened for Aerosmith over the years.All in all, a pretty solid effort :D.

  9. MAT, don't you go doing all that "Happy House" type bollocks that Kat and co. were doing yesterday in BB, I may wind up having to get myself down there purely to bludgeon you to death because of it :p.and TBP, I think (barring a few comments) it actually wound up to be an interesting discussion/debate about it. not often we get one that doesn't deteriorate into petty arguing.

  10. That's true to a point (I know how rebounding to be with someone can really make things go the wrong way, which is why I'm in no rush to be with someone), but by the same token, when you ARE emotional it's hard to really think straight to begin with. Add to that the added emotional feelings you'd get from being pregnant (Well, hopefully not you, or you have some explaining to do in regards to your name!), and things happen that you wouldn't normally do.Sometimes things happen when you don't plan for it, and if the gal abstains until after the baby, when IS a good time to find someone? (and what's more, are you therefore saying she should outright turn down someone she's liked for a while PURELY on the fact she's pregnant?) Once she's had the kid, would it not be irresponsible to dump the kid with friends/family to go on the pull? So then she should wait until the kid doesn't need her around often to feed/change it. So really we'd say the next chance she'd have then is when the kids go to school, it's a bit bad if she dumps the kid off regularly with family during the week, and even if she does find someone, it's not like they can really go back to hers now, there's likely to be a kid there.If the woman wants to be with a guy, let her, it only becomes an issue when she's just split up with someone and is immediately going out making a deliberate attempt at looking for someone personally, but quite often things will happen and you'll find someone you get on with, and want to see where things go. Are you seriously suggesting she turns down a chance of being with someone who might be good for her purely on the basis of somebody elses views?

    No if its her view that the best thing for her and her baby is to jump into another relationship within a matter of months of being in a relationship with somebody who they expected to be with forever then she should do that. It is however my view that the best thing to do would be wait untill the baby is born and they've settled down and the emotions are a bit more stable, if that other person is still around and they feel the same then great go for it, if not then get back out there its not like single mothers are social pariahs these days.
    But you are of course assuming that the girl DID intend to be with the guy forever, and not something happened that meant he created a problem, or the contraception didn't work and the guy bolted.Again, most of the time it's not like these girls just go straight out and look for a guy, sometimes stuff happens and it works, as I said earlier, it could be a friend of theirs that just happens to like them, they like the guy back, why not just go with it and see what happens? Why wait a few months when there's no real need to?As I said earlier, it's not as though it's some serious crime that could create a problem, it's one of those things where some people don't find them attractive and wont go there (or just choose not to), and others are more than happy to do it. As there's no danger to the kid, and the people are consenting adults who like each other, who's anyone else to complain?
  11. That's true to a point (I know how rebounding to be with someone can really make things go the wrong way, which is why I'm in no rush to be with someone), but by the same token, when you ARE emotional it's hard to really think straight to begin with. Add to that the added emotional feelings you'd get from being pregnant (Well, hopefully not you, or you have some explaining to do in regards to your name!), and things happen that you wouldn't normally do.Sometimes things happen when you don't plan for it, and if the gal abstains until after the baby, when IS a good time to find someone? (and what's more, are you therefore saying she should outright turn down someone she's liked for a while PURELY on the fact she's pregnant?) Once she's had the kid, would it not be irresponsible to dump the kid with friends/family to go on the pull? So then she should wait until the kid doesn't need her around often to feed/change it. So really we'd say the next chance she'd have then is when the kids go to school, it's a bit bad if she dumps the kid off regularly with family during the week, and even if she does find someone, it's not like they can really go back to hers now, there's likely to be a kid there.If the woman wants to be with a guy, let her, it only becomes an issue when she's just split up with someone and is immediately going out making a deliberate attempt at looking for someone personally, but quite often things will happen and you'll find someone you get on with, and want to see where things go. Are you seriously suggesting she turns down a chance of being with someone who might be good for her purely on the basis of somebody elses views?

  12. I read what you said TBP, and I merely said that you're entitled to your own views on it, but don't have a go at others who don't feel the same way.And Mr Danger, you're right, girls are in a more emotional state, but by the same token, does that not work both ways? A guy and her split up and the woman gets more emotional over it than normal and at that moment in time might not be thinking about hooking up with someone.On the flip side, that guy she's always liked but done nothing about because she was taken (and he's liked her but she was taken), well, if he starts being there for her more, as a friend initially, and things happen. Well surely her emotional state would mean she might go further than she would do normally at that point because she's looking for comfort etc.

  13. I can count on one hand the number of times a blue shell has helped me when I've fired it. And that's only on the small levels and the pack is quite close, you drop back slightly, fire the shell, and put the speed back on, everyone barrels right into it and you fly by to pick up the win. But even then you run the risk of misjudging it and someone passing by it, or even worse, it hitting them after they pass the finish line.

  14. I wouldn't class her a slut, but I still don't think it's right that she is having sex with someone else's baby inside her.How would you feel if you found out that while your Mum was pregnant with you, she was shagging the neighbour who isn't your Dad?

    Well, first off I wouldn't want to know about anything in regards to my parents bedroom habits, I don't swing like that dude.But to be fair, if it wound up being someone she then stayed with for a considerable amount of time, then it doesn't matter.If she's just constantly going out and having tons of one night stands, then I would see exactly where you're coming from, but in my example it was just a woman who found someone close to her that she respects, and who respects her, and who she wants to be with. I would see no issue in that, and even if she found someone fresh and it took that time to decide the guy was right, that's all well and good.After all, based on the whole "she should be getting her life ready for the kid" stuff you were saying, wouldn't that mean AFTER the baby has been born she then shouldn't be hooking up with anyone as the only thing she should be worrying about is the kid, and it would make her a slut to sleep with a guy while her kid's sleeping in a cot? What about when the kids are old enough to go to school, without dumping her kids on a family member, she would have to meet up with people during the day or whatever.I think TBP, that if you were to really sit down and think about it, most of the time it's got nothing to do with being a slut, and just your having a different opinion on it to others. If you would rather not have sex with a pregnant woman for your own morals, then fair play to you, but by the same token don't attack people who don't see it as being wrong because there is nothing that would harm the baby.
  15. I can see where TBP is coming from actually, and on that example he just gave, yeah, I'd call the gal a slut because it was in the space of a month.On the other hand tho', could ya answer this one for me TBP (and not trying to have a go, just want your honest opinion on it).Gal has a guy she's with, she gets knocked up and when she tells the guy, he's not ready for a kid and bolts. So she's perhaps not even a month gone and she's single, she's comforted by a friend who, for the sake of argument, she's kinda liked, but wouldn't do anything about it as she was taken. Things slowly turn round, and they decide to see how things go between them, by the time they ARE actually doing anything, we're now about 6 months down the line.Would you class that woman as a slut, or would you say "fair enough" because it was something that gradually developed with someone she already knew and cared about?

  16. Simply AMAZING mario hack
    Saw this on i-am-bored.com 'tis awesome, seen plenty of Mario runs where the levels are designed so ya dun need to touch the controller, but to make a 10 minute long music track with it? Amazing :D
  17. Sis came home today (She gave birth on Friday night, but had to stay in just for checks and such as the kid needed antibiotics). Little gal called Courtney, gorgeous little thing (Only got a picture on my phone, but will try and upload it tomorrow).'tis great to see her, didn't really care (I know it sounds bad, but shit had hit the fan between me and sis which was why I moved out) on the lead up to the birth, but as soon as I saw her for the first time it was great. Tho' it does mean I have to be responsible... that's not good! lolAs for the sig, had it for ages, but ya right, it's very true. Almost any time someone tries to interfere in ya life, they're doing it because they have nothing worth doing themselves, and thus feel the need to interfere, whether they claim their "helping" or are just trying to cause trouble.

  18. Won a competition on Nickelodeon years ago (Taz video even :D), and the name that ran along the bottom was "Michael Carson", figured I hadn't won until it turned up in the post... since then I've realized that my pronounciation also isn't the same as everyone elses... I often wind up having to reply with "No Castle, as in big building with turrets"

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