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Posts posted by JNLister

  1. Well, it appears many people on here struggle to comprehend basic verbal logic, so let's take a look at some BNP policies and roll out some maths.

    PENSIONERS - pensioners before asylum seekers! (BNP)

    Last year, 72,430 people were allowed to remain in the UK while claiming asylum.

    Those applying for asylum - and who pass the means test - have two options when it comes to seeking support from the Home Office-run National Asylum Support Service (NASS): they can ask for accommodation and financial support; or for financial support only (usually if they are staying with friends or family). The financial support is payable in both cases via the voucher system. The amount is based upon income support, and is set at about 70% of the state benefit. A couple without children receive

  2. I may be misunderstanding, but the two main arguments against immigration appear to be:* They do work (and pay tax) and thus 'steal' 'our' jobs.* They don't work and thus sponge off the state.So this doesn't strike anyone as slightly inconsistent and self-contradictory?

  3. I'm sorry to break this to you 'Max_Payne', but somebody's hacked into your sig.It says:

    We exist without nationality

    Obviously this can't be your own choice of words given your stance on immigration. If you drop a PM to the mods, they'll investigate and find out who it was. In fact it's probably one of those foreigners who come over here and get benefit handouts and spend it all at the cybercafe.
  4. At the same time, we are for the best possible relationship with our European neighbours and believe that the nations of Europe should be free to trade and cooperate whenever it is mutually beneficial

    Accordingly, the BNP calls for the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports.

    Make your minds up, lads.
  5. I argue sir that by providing cheap labour immagation provides dangers of explotation (2 pound an hour jobs, sir I say no) because immagagrants are so fresh off the boat they buy any dumb spielAlthough I'm no racist (my girlfriend is actually black, go fish) Immigration is a dangerous thing, the problems caused because too many cooks in the broth (ok bad anaology) is that as population swells as does the powder keg, surely you have seen this in your home townsOk example, lets take indian people (very nice people i hasten to add) where i live they band together strong, 4 streets away it's solid indian, shops, people, everything! Now I have nothing about celebrating culture but if you live in a country where the rest of population is different, you should attempt to blend in, I walked down that street today, kids, adults all spoke indian, give me a rickshaw and we'd been in india and the worse thing is, they could at least try and english it up a little, you know try and blend to the national fabric, you live here - try and like it

    Neither the argument nor the coherence of expression in that argument dignify a mature, intelligent response.The only reason immigration causes a 'dangerous powderkeg' is that this country is plagued by pig-ignorant racist retards like yourself. If you're so worried about overcrowding, why don't you fuck off abroad (you can go anywhere in the EU tomorrow, you know) and leave this country to those of us with basic social skills.Or to put it in language you can understand, Fuck off you cunt.
  6. In terms of morals, I always judge 'tributes' on the 'Will anyone genuinely buy a ticket expecting to see A and actually see B' test.So: Spiderman - OK (hint - not a real person)'Brooklyn Brawler' - OK (not going to draw anyone anyway)Any current WWE TV regular - OK (To quote a five year old: "Mum, Rock was just in Madison Square Garden. Why would he be in Stockport?")X-Pac - Not OK (conceivable he'd be touring the UK)Of course, moral arguments aside, it's a bloody stupid idea to do any trademarked tribute as it's just asking for legal hassle.

  7. people use language to describe people not to be offensive. i know someone who says the paki shop but not to be offensive she says it as they are pakistani and defends herself by saying if a fat white bloke owned the shop then it would be the fat white bloke shop.

    Intriguingly, a shop near me was owned by an Asian gentleman, but in the spirit of racial integration, the shop was commonly referred to solely as "Fat C*nt's".
  8. Bearing in mind that it's logically going to work out a lot easier if you pick a gay person, you have to say Pat Patterson as you'd be guaranteed 25 minutes of action with a great finish.

  9. When I said it I'm going on my memory of writing a piece about the formation of the NWA, using Sex, Lies and Headlocks (yeah, I know, but it has some truth in it). I don't know why, but I seem to remember that Muchnick wrestling in St. Louis as well as promoting it. We need to get Lister here.

    I had to search through my spare room to find the official index to the Observer (a great deal for $5) to find the issue with the obit. No he didn't wrestle. He was a popular sportswriter in St Louis and after his paper merged with a rival and he was made redundant, he joined the management of the local wrestling group.
  10. The shows starting on channel 268 on SKY on Monday are not the full-blown Wrestling Channel. That starts in March/April on its own channel. It might be on NTL/Telewest later on. It probably won't be on Freeview. These are a series of tests using Friendly TV's airspace. This is not the full-time schedule.


    Sky are showing Armageddon on Sky Box Office. The WWE website, Sky TV listings and Sky customer services all make stuff up as they go along.


    Yes, the Flair DVD is good.


    Yes, many people agree PowerSlam used to be better.


    If you buy anything shipped from the US worth more than

  11. The list was based on both box office drawing power, chriasma and wrestling ability.

    ok so does that mean they think Andre has Charisma and wrestling ability? no? ok so he is 6th.....why? he wasnt THAT big of a draw to cancel out the other 2 factors surely?
    Andre the Giant didn't have charisma?Apologies to all sufferers of downs syndrome or cerebral palsy, but you spazzy mong. :crazy:
  12. Danny Hodge - long-time NWA junior-heavyweight champion. He pretty much had the best amateur wrestling record ever in college, not conceding a single point in four years. After his last NCAA wrestling title, he entered the Golden Gloves boxing title for a laugh a couple of months later and won. He is literally a genetic freak as he has double tendons in each arm, giving him incredible strength, and many people think he'd have been a shoe-in for the UFC of his day. He was the first wrestler ever on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Perhaps his most famous behind the scenes incident was when Fritz Von Erich was dicking about putting people in the dressing room in the Iron Claw for real, only for Hodge to laugh in his face and brush his hand away.

  13. I'm not exactly sure when, but Angle signed a developmental with the WWF in 1997. All this talk about him being a natural is bollocks, because it took him nearly two years as a developmental worker before the WWF felt he was good enough to work TV.

    I'm pretty sure it was August 98 when he started training. To me, getting from your first lesson to being considered competent enough to work a PPV match in 15 months is pretty good going.
  14. *Why is Vince McMahon blamed for the death of Owen Hart? When HBK did the same stunt at WMXII nobody had a go at him for risking his safety did they?

    That's because Michaels used a proper stuntman's harness and not one designed for the sail of a yacht. The point of the Owen stunt was that he would be able to 'accidentally' release himself completely a few feet off the ground with a comical crash landing. I don't think Vince had as much to do with it as claimed, but several companies refused to supply a harness that would allow a single release cord (with no backup) designed to come apart easily. Somebody knowingly let Owen Hart step off that platform with a very serious likelihood that the harness would fail.This was not a 'freak accident' by any means. Frankly several people should consider themselves lucky to have escaped a manslaughter charge.
  15. Montreal will never be forgotten by the likes of me and not just Bret Hart fans but wrestling fans as a whole, not because the story won't go away but because it was the biggest travesty in the whole of the industry as we know it.

    I'd say Owen Hart being asked to jump off a 70+ foot ledge held only by a buckle designed for the sail of a yacht was more of a travesty.
  16. My top ten live:'Steve Austin' vs Detroit Destroyer, Stockport, 27 JanuaryElimination: Dr Dream, Paul 'Flash Andrews' & Damon Leigh vs Sean Phoenix, Richard Noble & Heresy, NPWA, Wigan, 28 MarchJohnny Storm vs Trent Acid, GWF, Preston, 6 JulyStrap: Steve Strong vs Damon Leigh, NPWA, Wigan, JulyJames Mason vs Blondie Barrett, TWA, Liverpool, 10 AugustSteve Starr vs Farenheit vs Gothic vs Kreep, NPWA, Wigan, 20 SeptemberCrux vs Richard Noble, NPWA, Wigan, 20 SeptemberSaraya vs Angel, All Star, Hanley, 21 SeptemberLadder: Robbie Brookside vs Doug Williams, All Star, Liverpool, 29 SeptemberChad Malenko vs Rick Rage, All Star, Hanley, 23 November

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