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Posts posted by JNLister

  1. One thing that may be an issue if WWE does come under these rules is that the most recently-public standard booking contract has a one-year no compete if you are fired for a disciplinary breach (as opposed to WWE just giving you a 90-day notice release). That sounds like exactly the thing these rules would stop.

  2. 7 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

    I always assumed that 90 day no compete was a wrestler getting paid downside of their contract for 90 days. That is essentially them being bought out of their contract? If your contract actually runs down they can't stop you moving straight to AEW the following day can they?


    Yep, that's right. (The old contracts used to auto-renew for another year unless the wrestler specifically gave notice to end them during a particular period, though that's not the case in the most recent ones made public.)tm

  3. Note the FTC ruling is for employees, not independent contractors, so it wouldn't affect WWE wrestlers.

    As noted, it wouldn't make much difference to the standard WWE release anyway. They'd just switch from "we're ending the contract but we'll pay you for 90 days if you don't go on TV elsewhere" to explictly stating "here's your 90 days notice of us ending the contract; we won't be booking you in the meantime so you just get your downside."

  4. On 3/31/2024 at 11:19 AM, Dai said:

    Is there a paid for service which streams the 90s AJPW stuff? Id be more than happy to pay a monthly subscription for that, rather than dig around my external hard drives for a pixelated .wmv file of the matches.

    Bit late replying to this, but the answer's no. The TV network owns the rights to the footage and hasn't shown any interest in making it available in any way.

  5. 17 minutes ago, FUM said:

    This is the thing with the Punk stuff though - was it unprovoked? There’s no audio.

    Just for the record, I’m absolutely not defending the actions. I just think the exaggerations and hyperbole used over a lesser scuffle than I’ve had with genuine mates is mental. It’s a wider item on Punk on this forum though, anything he does is met with a ridiculous amount of hyperbole. Again, not defending this particular action - he was the one in the wrong by the looks of it but it’s handbags really.

    I think it's generally a workplace rule that if you're in a fight with colleagues where you're the first to get physical and you get suspended and then you come back and less than a year later have a fight with a colleague (three feet in front of your boss) where you're the first to get physical, you're probably not getting the benefit of the doubt.

  6. Surely it's as simple as the guy who takes out Rock has to be clearly established as retired/immortal/legend, otherwise you question why Rock isn't having a match with him next rather than wrestling either Cody or Reigns. 

  7. Played Tokkaido: Crosswords, aka the first expansion for the base Tokkaido. It's pretty simple stuff: each location now has a secondary option that adds a little twist. For example, at the farm where you get cash, you can instead gamble your money on a dice roll. The hot springs (where you randomly get either 2 or 3 points) has a bathhouse where you pay a coin for a guaranteed 4 points. Most of them are along the lines of "instead of normal thing, pay a coin for something better" which makes the money management more key.

    It really doesn't dramatically change the gameplay, just adds a little variety if you've played the game a lot.

  8. 15 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I don’t think you missed anything - I don’t remember seeing that, but presumably contracts will have been signed and switching would be a challenge given the magnitude of the event (assuming it’s due to take place somewhere that’s on the chillier side).

    When do tickets typically go on sale for the following year?

    It's heavily rumoured to be Minneapolis but it's an indoor stadium (albeit with a glass roof and most of one end.) But supposedly they haven't yet chosen between there and Vegas.

  9. The fundraising has absolutely shot up. Probably just the publicity but I like to think a lot of people were thinking "I'll thrown in a tenner, but only if he finishes" like it was a sponsored fun run.

  10. To be fair, Hardest Geezer defined "length of Africa" as "from the Northern-most point to the Southern-most point" which this guy didn't do. He "only" did North coast to South coast.

  11. Played Wyrmspan which is somewhere between a (fully authorised) remake and a spinoff of Wingspan. It's themed on dragons rather than birds and uses many of the same mechanisms, but with a few rule changes. You now have two types of card, cave excavations and dragons, and you need to play an excavation card in a space before you can put a dragon there. Meanwhile laying eggs and getting new cards are no longer actions in themselves and instead you can only do them as a benefit of playing a card.

    There's also a little "quest" tracker that you can move up as a benefit of some cards. Each space on the tracker gets you something (a resource or card or extra go) and going right rounf the tracker lets you claim an end game bonus, most of which are limited.

    The upshot is that it's slightly more streamlined than the original and less likely to fall into the "last round is just laying eggs" trap. I wouldn't call it better however: if you like Wingspan, this doesn't significantly improve it, and if you don't like Wingspan this probably won't make much difference.

  12. Played Shipwrights Of The North Sea Redux, which is a complete remake/rules change of what was the first in a long series of games (including the more successful Raiders of The Lost Sea). It's a pretty basic format of "get the right combination of resources and workers to build a particular ship for points" which you do through a combination of card drafting and worker placement. With each card you can either pay the required resources to keep it permanently, put it in your shipyard to use later (which is free but space is limited and you lose the card once it's eventually used), or discard it for resources.

    It's a simple game that can still be a bit overwhelming as you can do a lot of stuff in any order, and resources are exchangeable in several ways, so in the last turn in particular you're trying to figure out a lot of possible combos to try to get the outcome you want.

    It's not always intuitive and takes a couple of rounds to get to grips with, which is a bit of an issue as it's only 5 rounds, so definitely a game that would improve on a repeat play. There's effectively no player interaction so it's not one for people who like screwing over opponents. 

  13. Not exactly a high peak, but Tito Santana had a double slide from grace.

    1-3 Won the first match in Wrestle Mania history > lost a tag match > lost a six man

    4-9 Tag team champion (but lost titles) > lost a tag match > lost an extended squash > lost in 81 seconds > lost the opener > lost the dark match.

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