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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chili said:

    I just tried using the link to the pic and the address on the pic, and neither worked. I fucking hate not understanding things!

    What I do (on my phone)is click on the pic once you’ve uploaded it, copy the url, and paste it here and it’ll automatically embed. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Panhead said:

    Getting there will be a nightmare when Man City are at home. Luckily I had some friends who were driving over for the Foo Fighters show at the cricket ground, so I got a lift there and back with them. Otherwise, I don't think I'd have made my last train. 

    To be fair, as it’s so close to the Man City ground they aren’t used to dealing with big crowds waheeeyyy amirite!!!

  3. 25 minutes ago, Scratch said:

    Obviously not targeting the visually impaired it would seem. Regardless of whether or not it’s considered good marketing, it annoys me when such things can’t be consumed by all, even if it is Reform.

    BBCs Access All podcast discuss the issues disabled people, particularly the visually impaired face when voting. The host was on the news yesterday (can’t find the clip) and made excellent points. 


  4. 22 minutes ago, Thunderplex said:

    Asda breakfast.  Egg was cooked perfectly, but everything else not really amazing .  Dearer than a spoons brekky too.


    Unrelated, but I’ve recently started watching Parks And Rec for the first time and I totally read that in Ron’s voice. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Chestsplaining: when someone makes a football analogy or reference in an unrelated discussion, and includes an explanation or apology to me in their post.

    FAO Chest, football refers to a ball sport that’s very popular around the world. It is traditionally an eleven a side game and has fans all over the world. Cities tend to be hubs for fans. Liverpool has Liverpool and Everton. Glasgow has Celtic and The Rangers, and London has many teams including Tottenham Hotspur, Crystal Palace, Manchester United, and Arsenal. 

  6. 36 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:



    We've got weeks of this left. Bungee jump in pub car park next please Ed!

    Oh man, there’s a Taskmaster series in getting him to do stupid shit in this, isn’t there! Throwing a kettle over a pub would be nice. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, organizedkaos said:

    The cynical/pessismist part of me really does worry that this next 5 years is really going to see the rise in far right politics here, possibly moreso if Labour win

    Naomi Klein agrees. 


    3 minutes ago, organizedkaos said:

    we want to use some sort of trite public transport analogy there's a genuine concern that in the long run this takes us further from where I would like things to be.

    To further that, the more you use the current route that takes you miles away, the less chance of them building a stop closer to where you want it. 


    9 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

    If you're discounting a politician just because they've reneged on a promise in the past you've got no interest in democracy. 

    There’s reneging on a promise, and then there’s reneging constantly on promises. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, organizedkaos said:

    My biggest concern is this sort of "they're both as bad as each other, ineffectual and using the same words to justify it" is exactly the sort of compost in which Reform grows stronger.

    Have you seen this, which exemplified your point? 

    The sign off line is chefs kiss as the kids would say (five years ago)

  9. 2 minutes ago, organizedkaos said:

    First five years? James Cleverly was spouting this exact excuse (with added Covid) on News Agents a couple days back

    Haha so he was! Can’t wait to see the back of that prick. The absolute opposite of nominative determinism. 

    @BigJag Nah, the question is how big the majority will be. Greens have pragmatically said if they can get a handful in, they can further their agenda and build on that. Lib Dem’s will probably do better too, despite Davey trying to have his “Johnson stuck on a zip wire” moment at every turn!

  10. 20 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Thats a really dumb way of looking at things

    Yeah, not believing a craven liar is going to stick to his word this time despite not doing so time and again and again and again is really dumb. 

    I’m not talking about crashing the economy or overspending. I’m saying that “Now is not the time” will be used for breaking pledges so often that it’ll be up there with “My father was a toolmaker”. And he’ll get away with it like he has gotten away with it constantly. 

    20 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    and i'd rather have a turncoat then what else we have on offer.

    I’d rather have neither so I won’t be endorsing them with my vote. 


    13 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

    There's nothing wrong with saying 'this is what we ultimately want but this is what we can have right now'. 

    Yes, it’s absolutely the right strategy, let the others fight like rats in a sack and say you can steady the ship. That’s what the country wants and needs. It’s like (sorry Chest) shutting up shop when you’re two up with ten minutes to go and the other teams discipline has gone. It would be madness to rock that boat. 

    10 minutes ago, FLips said:

    This isn’t like he made those pledges and nothing of note has happened since

    And the pledges when he became leader? That was before anything of note. Reneging a day later on workers rights when business leaders told him they didn’t support them? Etc etc. 

    Yes things have changed massively, my point is he will always wheel out a plans change regardless of what’s happening in the world. Because he did so before the pandemic, before the Ukraine War and will do so again. Because he’s a liar who will say anything to get power. 

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