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Posts posted by Loki

  1. It won't because he never pays his fines.  He never pays court orders, he never pays his lawyers, he never pays contractors.  He just keeps piling up debts forever.  Nobody ever actually does ANYTHING to him that in any way affects his day to day existence.

    It reminds me of the Daily Show with John Oliver, and their "Gotcha" banner.  It's never gotcha.

  2. Spoiler I guess although it doesn't give away anything - 


    Poor Jeff, legitimately knocked out but apparently okayed for concussion after the match (if you believe AEW after the Matt Hardy thing a few years ago).


  3. Sadly, the clock may almost have run out for the Ukrainians in their bid to drive Russia out of the country.  The Republicans, now firmly infiltrated by Russian money, aren't going to allow any more aid to Ukraine unless they can bypass the House, and Trump's made it clear he'll not oppose Putin internationally.

    They have between now and the US elections to somehow hold the Russians at bay, and then they may have to sue for peace and give up lost territory.  Without US support they can't continue.

  4. 1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

    the aliens initial attack on Earth is actually in self defence

    On my last rewatch, it occurs to me that there's really no evidence that the aliens attacked Earth at all outside the propaganda videos.  It's quite possible it's a staged attack to get public opinion behind annexing all the aliens' territory.  The only aggression we ever see from the bugs is defensive.

  5. 22 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    While I'm not completely aboard the "Showgirls is a masterpiece" train there was almost definitely a coordinated hit against it and the NC-17 rating becoming mainstream.

    I thought it was done a huge disservice at the time, and championed it, but rewatching it last year it hasn't aged well.  Still a misunderstood film, still hugely subversive as with all Verhoeven, but the terrible acting is hard to overlook even if you're in on the joke.

    By contrast, Starship Troopers and Hollow Man are still brilliant.  As well as everything else, Verhoeven is one of the best directors at directing CGI and effects, knowing when to use them and how to blend them in with action.

    Blair Witch is responsible for a very shit genre of horror, but the original is still clever.

    Barb Wire I personally love, the idea of a gender-swap sci-fi Casablanca with Pamela Anderson starring is amazing to see and everyone is working really hard in the film.

  6. I distinctly recall Biden intimating that he'd only serve one term as President, during the 2020 campaign.  The whole idea was for him to beat Trump and for the Democrats to have 4 years to fix some shit and, crucially, build up a suitable candidate for 2024.

    They blew the second part at least.  Biden is too old, and unfortunately he serves to make Trump look less old and bonkers by comparison.  If Trump wins the election, in my opinion this will have been a major factor.  Who honestly looks at Biden and thinks "Yup, he's read for 4 more years"?  They are relying on people wishing to keep Trump out at all costs, that's a risky strategy.


  7. @RedRooster Completely agree about the running order taking away from the show.  Matt Taven is in your main event?  Something's wrong there.  Moxley and Harwood surely should have been the main event.  

    Some good matches but considering the amount of talent on the roster this felt a bit B-show.  Very few bouts with actual stakes, just a series of slightly random match-ups.

  8. 35 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    I'll probably watch the film but cba with any post credits scene so can you put it in a spoiler box for me please.



    Ms Marvel seeks out Kate Bishop to team up, and she's teamed up with Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh) before so the possibility of all of them plus Captain Marvel in a team is honestly bonk city.


  9. 3 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    I don't think it matters, given the cadence and phrasing of certain "anonymous" sources on the state of WWE in the wake of the Vince allegations, I have a feeling Mox won't be back in the WWE fold anytime soon. 

    You're almost certainly correct, but I would point you in the direction of some of the comments CM Punk has made over the years on the record about WWE/HHH.   As ever in wrestling, never say never.  And if you were HHH and weren't up to your eyes in Vince shit, and were thinking about the next few years of WWE and what might make money, a Shield reunion would be near the top of your list surely.

  10. Fond memories of seeing him on the Radio 1 Roadshow down at Bournemouth Pier in the early 90s.  I listened to him and the posse all the time.

    Wasn't he about to front the new Radio 2 spin-off station that the BBC are launching?  Suggests this was sudden and unexpected.

  11. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    I didn’t watch Raw. Has anyone properly explained why Cody originally gave his shot to The Rock yet? Or are they just doing the Sliders gimmick, pretending that was a different dimension and it never happened?

    Did what?  Next you'll be telling me Vince McMahon blew up in a limousine. 😂  Or that our hero Hulk Hogan tried to kill The Rock with a truck before their match at Wrestlemania.

  12. It's here and Reddit for me but I don't actually post on Reddit very much, just read and find shit to post here and claim as my own.

    I'm WFH so the opportunity for piss-taking is huge and it takes discipline to NOT just spend all morning in bed watching Star Trek Voyager.  Or Dynamite/Smackdown.

    I've never regarded myself as a Trek "fan" but in all honesty I've rewatched TNG/DS9 and Voyager an unhealthy number of times now.  There's very few other shows that are so... comforting to watch.

  13. 49 minutes ago, The Gaffer said:

    "I am sick and I am tired of these arrogant, entitled pricks who think they can do whatever they want - throw their weight around - with no consequences. I am sick of them always getting away with it."

    Am I reading into that? You betcha. 

    Yeah.  Didn't he also say something about people "making decisions"?   Watch your back Cody,.

    I'm hoping that the WWE goes full schmoz at the end of Cody v Roman.   Have the Bloodline out there interfering, Rollins comes out but then turns on Cody, Jey comes out, then Rocky comes out, then glass smashes, Austin comes out to fight The Rock ringside.  Just throw everything at it, but keep it all out of the ring so Cody gets a clean pin on Roman.

  14. You make an interesting point @Chest Rockwell.   I'm not sure I agree that Israel wouldn't still be doing what they are doing (after all, they have fought the Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank and southern Lebanon long before the Iron Dome existed) but I can see what you're driving at in terms of asymmetric warfare.  I wasn't seeking to glorify any aspect of this, but I am still glad that we're not seeing more Israeli casualties making their government even more intransigent.

    On the flip side, I see no evidence of Netanyahu backing down and unless internal opposition solidifies against him, one of those Western powers is going to have to intervene, surely. 

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