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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. 57 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    As an aside to the strange Alexa Bliss backstage segment, what the hell was all that about with Otis? Are they playing him as a Festus type character? Was a very awkward segment to watch.

    They’ve always played Dozovic as a bit of an eccentric dimwit in promo segments on NXT but the guy can go when it comes to in ring stuff

  2. Amazing show from start to finish, the 2.5 hours flew by, the pop for Finn near enough blew the roof off the Ballroom judging by the live video the Gorilla Position podcast but up on their social media. WALTER got a pretty massive pop as well at the end, I'm guessing that is going to be the M.E for the next Takeover show. It appears that the show will be getting a re run in the slot for the weekly shows on Wednesday night so anything that gets taped tomorrow won't start airing till the week after

  3. 8 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    What the fuck? I didn't even know she was ill.  That's a real shock.

    Hardly anyone did bar her family, not to speculate but speaking to my mum about it this morning, she reckons it could have been breast cancer based on the centre she passed at, which is known for treating people with that form of the disease

  4. 8 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    New series of Hells Kitchen is on Tomorrow 9pm on ITV2.  Fucking have it, you slags.

    Having watched the first half of the season via Youtube, I can tell you guys it's fucking worth tuning in to, some good shit has gone down so far

  5. 7 hours ago, The Reverend said:

    If you've got a Home Bargains store near you, might be worth checking out. Always lots of figures at, well, bargain prices.

    In mine today was the last series (released in the UK that is) of the mattel hasbro retro line at £3.99 each.

    That the AJ/Ambrose/Rollins/Goldberg series? Seen them in my local HB last week, was a bit gutted seeing them as if I'd known they were coming in, I would have got a couple for my nephew for Christmas, not sure if it's in every store (and they may have sold out anyway) but they recently had the WWE Funko minis in for a quid each as well

  6. 2 hours ago, Armitage Shanks said:

    Oh fuck off, what is up with this place?

    I'm being a tosser? I asked people's thoughts on a wrestling advert and "makes a passing comment" that it's not a "new advert" because it can't possibly be new as it's been out for two months and it's an annual game. Yet I'm being a tosser? Why make the passing comment in the first place? Surely that person is being pedantic? (or a tosser) 

    At least tag me before you start throwing names out Mab

  7. 1 hour ago, Armitage Shanks said:

    How random is the new WWE 19 advert - Kane & Sting knocking about together and pestering someone to play. 

    New? That ad's been around since before the game came out over 2 months ago

  8. Worst Wrestler - EC3, Corbin, Ohno 

    Worst Match - DX v Brother's of Destruction, nothing else comes close

    Worst Show - Crown Jewel

    Biggest Letdown - Smackdown getting squashed at Survivor Series, despite having the consistently better show, Styles v Nakamura being a feud that will be remembered for being about ball shots and cheap finishes rather than great matches

    Stupidest Moment - Gargano not winning the Ciampa feud by being an over enthusiastic tit in two of the 3 matches 

  9. Best Wrestler - Hard to ignore my girl Becky here, although special mention to Velveteen Dream for having a string of consistently good to great matches in NXT

    Best Women's Wrestler - Becky or Ronda for me, the latter has made an awesomely smooth transition into wrestling this year and will only get better

    Best Match - Any of the Ciampa/Gargano matches or the WarGames match from last month

    Best Event - Takeover WarGames or Evolution 

    Best TV Show - NXT is still the top dog of weekly TV, NXT UK gets a nod also for a solid start despite the crazy delay between taping and airing

    Best Feud/Angle - Who Attacked Alister Black?

    Moment of the Year - Daniel Bryan returning to the ring 2 years after everyone thought his career was done, Daniel Bryan turning heel and making it work

    Best Face - Seth Rollins or Toni Storm

    Best Heel - Shayna Basler

    Funniest Moment - Titus Worldslide or Matt Riddle knocking out Fattius Ohno in 5 seconds

    Best Tag Team - Undisputed Era's Strong and O'Reilly, Moustache Mountain


  10. 17 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

    Most recent episode of The Flash


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    At the end, was that The Monitor? I don't want to Google and ruin any storylines for myself, but that suggests heading towards Crisis on Infinite Earths

    Its the now annual DC Arrowverse crossover starting this Sunday running through Tuesday, it’s not that story being adapted but another well known DC Comics arc


  11. 4 hours ago, Armitage Shanks said:

    I did google it, but it was coming up with stuff about a Paul Bearer being dead.

    Thanks - why did he think Mysterio may be dead? 

    He was feuding with him in and around GAB, including kidnapping him at one point, they teased that it might have been his old mask in the sack he carried around until one show he opened it and pulled out Mysterio’s hence the ‘is he alive or dead’ nonsense 

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