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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. Yeah I went Saturday, didn’t pay any of the prices as they were a bit steep but sat in on the panels. All were good bar the Beefcake/Jannetty one as Brutus was as boring as at the HOF and Marty was a mess. Jericho was supposed to do one but it got cancelled without much notice as his line was so long

    The Futureshock show was decent, Dunne showing up as the last man in the Rumble match got a big pop as people were expecting him to have been on his way down to Wales after his panel earlier. Had to leave during the semi main so missed what looked to be a fun brawl between Zack Gibson and Joey Hayes in the ME. One regret was not getting a pic with Lana Austin, was near her at the merch table but couldn’t bring myself to ask her (she’s stunning in person btw)

    A fun day overall, will be looking to do the full weekend next year

  2. On 4/20/2018 at 11:22 PM, CTXRussomark said:

    Just watched the match on YouTube - yeah Schiavone was really, really good (the other guy too, to be fair). I haven't watched any of the new MLW before but I assumed his announcing would be a bit tongue in cheek in line with his podcast gimmick, but clearly not. 

    On a side note I was really impressed with the overall presentation. The whole thing looked really professional and well produced. Was my first time seeing both Riddle and Strickland. Riddle definitely has something about him - was really impressed with him. Strickland less so, but he was fine. Was super pissed off at Riddle immediately no-selling that arm spot at the end though - I thought that looked incredible even if Strickland couldn't have made his clapping any more obvious. 

    Don't know a whole lot about MLW V2 but I believe Schiavone's co commentator is the former NXT announcer Rich Brennan or Rich Bocchini as he's known there. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    I just found out that glorified house show Shield's Last Ride is on the network at 2.30am. Not sure what the actual card is but I enjoyed the network specials of a couple of years ago. 

    It was just the last 3 matches of the house show Bayley/Ember Moon vs the Riott Squad, Finn vs Elias for the IC and The Shield vs Corbin/Lashley/McIntyre

  4. 48 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    The New Daniel Bryan is a proud vegan. Heavy Machinery are all about Steaks & Weights. Bryan & Rowan vs Heavy Machinery for the tag titles once they remember they've got both sets of Champions on Raw now and sort that out.

    They haven’t, the Uso’s lost the Smackers belts to the Hardys last week

  5. Just on the final fall of the main event, fucking superb show from start to now, Riddle/Dream has been the ‘weakest’ match for me but even that was good which tells you how much of a belter the show’s been. 

    WALTER ending Dunne’s reign a few weeks shy of the two year mark was great booking, be interesting to see who they book as his first challenger at the TV tapings later and in Glasgow in 2 weeks

    The tag match opener was a great send off for Blacochet, loved the duelling bows post match, just hope Ric isn’t too banged up for the Mania match

    Can’t see anyone dethroning Baszler at this point, one of the best heels NXT has had, wonder if they have her show up in Rousey’s corner tomorrow or at least backstage with her

  6. 1 hour ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    Works for me. No reason he can’t go back to the next set of NXTUK TV tapings and say a heartfelt goodbye. If this is the start of Walter’s reign of terror then that’s fine with me. 

    Pity the next set of UK tapings are happening tomorrow at Axxess, next home tapings aren't until the Glasgow ones over the Easter weekend so any Dunne farewell should he move up will be met with deathly silence if the Rumble tapings were anything to go by

  7. 3 hours ago, King of Hamptons said:

    Watching a American guy eat army rations from around the world is pretty Compelling... 

    I've watched a Crazy Russian who may or may not be a Hacker do the same, MRE's are fascinating creations

  8. 10 hours ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    I hated those original BCA Jakks figs when they came out, due to being such a Hasbro fan boy. Far much more of an appreciation now. Hugely like the mini jakks figs & sets that came out however. 



    This is so weird seeing you discuss these as just today at Liverpool Comic Con I found and bought the Vader and Sid figures from a vendor based on Ebay, Vader was £1 and Sid was 50p, they also had the HBK one for a quid which I might pick up tomorrow

  9. The DRTTC won’t be much of an issue as DIY lost in the semis to Black and Ricochet with Gargano getting one over Ciampa post match. If they are going to keep Blacochet as a team on the Main Roster then I doubt they will switch them out of the Dusty finals. A possible option could be have Cole go against Gargano for the vacant title or have a rematch with the Dream

  10. 49 minutes ago, Love-Wilcox said:

    So Ronda drops the belt as a protest because Becky isn't getting the title shot she deserves... and now because the title is vacant Steph decides Becky is now eligible for a title shot out of the blue and she's getting it at Fast Lane?

    In Kayfabe terms why didn't Steph just apologise to Ronda and book her vs Becky at Fast Lane?! Why is this all of a sudden so damn complicated?!

    It's not vacant, Ronda is still champion, Steph gave the belt back to her

  11. Watched a couple of films over the weekend 

    I’d bought Student Bodies as a blind buy off Amazon which came Friday so stuck it on Saturday, really cheesy fun movie that pokes fun at what was then a fledgling slasher genre (it came out 3 years after Halloween and a year after Friday the 13th)

    Then last night after the Derby I watched Goodfellas on Netflix for the first time in a long time, still a top quality film with Pesci and Liotta stealing the show

  12. 12 hours ago, bigfoote said:

    Possibly did not undertake chemo, instead radiotherapy could be used. And considering he's an athlete by profession, it's not beyond the realms of belief that he has kept himself in shape. I follow a guy "Furious Pete", bodybuilder and food challenge guy. When he was undergoing treatment for his cancer, he still worked out, but at a lower level. 


    I don't think he will have the all clear. I think we will get something like "I'm beating it, slowly, but I just couldn't sit back and watch what was happening without coming back to my yard"

    Yeah I watch Furious Pete too, guys in phenomenal shape considering he’s had repeated battles with testicular cancer which has now left him bollockless, sterile and having to need testosterone shots for the rest of his life

  13. 9 hours ago, Mikeymike83 said:

    Where are the best (read cheapest!) places for the wwe retro line? After purchasing all series 2 and 3, I'm now seeing the rest roundabout the £13 each mark. Is this standard seeing as they weren't on release over here...?

    If so, best websites to buy from? Until seeing these I've never been tempted by figures. Nostalgia rules. I guess!

    Wrestlingshop.com or Smyths are best bets unless you chance Home Bargains getting Series 4 onwards down the line

  14. 6 hours ago, LSM said:

    The organisers behind the For Love Of Wresting convention have advised that as if March 1st they're putting up the price of the admission ticket.

    Additionally they've announced that another guest will be revealed tonight and that all Undertaker photo ops have now sold out.

    Should be noted they've also announced that the wrestling event they are hosting as part of the convention is included as part of the admission fee, taking place on the Saturday with a 6pm bell time

  15. 2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Second episode is the infamous Taker/Bezerker angle. Just insane that they did that. Another one for those "Anti PG" gimps to have a look at. Prime cartoon era and they book attempted murder in the ring.

    Mr Perfect is shite.

    Didn't get much better at it by 95/96 either

  16. Binge watched the whole of that Sunderland doc series yesterday, very entertaining, especially the parts featuring the deadline day deals and the Darron Gibson trouble (should have been sacked by Everton after the first drink drive incident imo)

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