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Posts posted by Chili

  1. 10 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Well that settles that, then.

    I guess the only thing left to decide is whether we stop at Double J winning the Own Tournament and then winning the World Title at All In, or if we keep going and he unifies all the belts. 

    Good grief, Jeff Jarrett in an incredible guy, performer and personality. It almost sucks so bad knowing he's probably losing to the Wildcard because this is some incredible work here. He's being so genuine yet ties in the importance of the tournament at the end and it's so good that I now really want him to win even if the booking and what the Owen Hart winner gets it's completely against why Jeff Jarrett should win.

    Regardless, give us Danielson Vs Jarrett you shits. Even if it's on Rampage or Collision and they do a pure holiday camp fucking about match. Give us the goods for the sickos.

  2. The Fattest Man in Britain. Not the documentary, but the Caroline Aherne written comedy drama with Tim Spall in the lead. The bit where he finally leaves the house after 20 years since his mam died, to find this young lady who looked after him, whilst some Badly Drawn Boy soundtrack plays in the background had me in fucking bits. It's at 1:24:40 on this and I'm absolutely not going to watch it and ruin my evening again. It is brilliant though.



  3. 1 minute ago, Vamp said:

    I mean, it worked as intended. They chucked a bunch of no hopers under masks, gave them 5 minutes of air time without them having to wrestle and got more engagement than they probably ever have out of any of them. 

    Even when it does turn to shit it doesn't really matter because they haven't really lost much. 

    Plus, Bo Dallas has got a job for a bit and the others have kept theirs. 

    It was going to get engagement regardless though, because of such a diverse and large audience of wrestling fans exist. It's like right wing rhetoric being utter bullshit but if people talk about it or criticise it then I guess we lose, it's impossible.

  4. Thinking about it, and it'll sound harsh, but Bray Wyatt and Vince Russo had a lot in common. Both extremely creative (does that mean good, nope). Not a dab hand at penning a first chapter of something and then being complete and utter bollocks to quote Eddie Hitler afterwards. The original Wyatt Family idea was genuinely brilliant because it was steeped in some form of realism. A charming cult leader talking a load of old stuff and nonsense, but he didn't have magical powers. The Fiend was the same with those tremendous Funhouse vignettes that leaned in on some cute references but enough that you actually go them. Then he got set on fire and returned as a charred corpse and had a massive mallet. It was like people were besotted with whatever his meaning behind whatever he did was and didn't stop to tell him how this works in a wrestling show context. 

    Someone mentioned the love for those sheep masks and yeah they were spot on. Wickerman vibes. In one of the vignettes where that camera crew were trying to find them they had Rowan in a field chopping wood with the mask on and he glanced at the camera and it was genuinely unsettling.

    Like I said, this stuff is theme park scarefest stuff, but if people dig it and it makes them coin then it's a success I suppose.




    As a tribute to something you'd see at an Alton Towers scarefest or something, it was very well done and extremely novel seeing the gorilla position all fucked up etc. I cannot criticise them having a vivid imagination for what they wanted to do.

    But it might be as bad as the time The Miz had to fight WWE canon legit real zombies that one time. Losing Bray Wyatt was an unfathomable tragedy, but he might leave one of the most 'Oh DO fuck off with that shit' legacies of all time. Even in death he scooped worst match of the year.

  6. I personally didn't mind it (Punk run-in), but then I'm a sucker for a little bit of fun creativity, but then I also don't watch, but THEN I also think the THIS IS CINEMA approach from people (not here tbh) comes from some psychological validation that what they're watching isn't just fake gay wrestling. Which it is and we should all love it for.

    'I'm sorry, I love you' is to blame for so much of this poppycock.

  7. Yeah, if you replace all three of them with session musicians or a live band you get fuck all nothing near as good. Take away Deacon, you've lost your funk songs and stuff like 'Your My Best Friend', take away Brian May you lost almost all their heavier output, take out Roger Taylor and you just have a shittier drummer who doesn't like cars. It's because Mercury was such because of his death and even bigger enigma and because he was obviously extremely good that you get this, oh well he was the best. Freddie Mercury without Queen is mostly Munich underground sex disco music, with people around him who get him, you get quirky stuff like 'Seaside Rendezvous' and more of his quirky camp eccentric showman stuff etc.

    Body Language is a dirty filthy lovely track mind you.

  8. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    Don't really like Queen but this clip always makes me smile.

    He was brilliant.

    Queen by osmosis of hearing them so much as a kid are my favourite band and I've been binging a few documentaries recently. Obviously this Live Aid performance is an incredible bit of business, but they were bloody lucky. 8 months before this they played a run of shows at Sun City in apartheid South Africa and they were lucky it didn't all go completely to shit. An incredibly stupid move on their part and they were rightly pilloried for it. The Live Aid performance didn't really revive Queen as a dying act, it kind of washed away more the sour taste they gave for performing somewhere that was essentially blacklisted. 

    The misconception of Queen is that it's just Freddie and some other lads and did he really need them. Answer is he really did, because his solo stuff isn't much to shout about and the ever forgotten John Deacon wrote some of their absolutely finest singles.

    Also Roger Taylor is an incredibly underrated interview. He's extremely dry and has a lovely raspy voice to him. I also love his dogged defence of writing a song as ludicrous as 'I'm in Love with My Car.'

  9. 25 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    Without wanting to go back to the start, it's because they're quite consciously filming a TV show that people can attend live, rather than putting on a live event that people can watch on television. There's no hiding that now. If you go to the shows it's to enjoy the experience of seeing your favourite TV stars in the flesh, not to be presented something that in the first instance is for you in the room.

    If it appears more 'cinematic' its because that content first approach is the filter through which they make decisions and book the shows.

    Honestly I'm taking the piss a bit. I think it's just very stupid fans online screaming THIS IS CINEMA when in reality it's good promos, and semi decent non-wrestler 'acting' structuring a long term storyline. Long term storylines have gone from arcs, which I don't mind to CINEMA. I blame which ever Uso did that hilarious 'MY INTERNAL STRUGGLE CAN YOU SEE IT' acting for this one. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

    This Celtic/Rangers/WWE crossover is absolute mental to see. 10 year old me would never have believed this. 

    I did think that Drew really leaning into his Rangers fandom with this (even though he's from Ayr!) was a bit weird because it will isolate half the city. Can absolutely say that a child abuse oriented promo is  not the way to go though like Devon suggests. That sort of thing being used as point scoring has zero place in the SPFL let alone fucking professional wrestling and reflects the absolute worst parts of our game. Perhaps I'm misreading an attempt at humour from him but that BJK shite is simply vile and genuinely makes me angry. 

    Take this gay football chat out of our wrestling thank you plz plz

  11. Just now, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I mean, to be fair, Punk was injured taking the future shock and then McIntyre cut a promo saying how much he hates Punk and will end his career yadda yadda.

    Feuds have been started over way less.

    Ah he got injured taking a move, no idea, thanks for the context. 

    Did Drew sing at the end?

  12. 13 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    What I do (on my phone)is click on the pic once you’ve uploaded it, copy the url, and paste it here and it’ll automatically embed. 


    I'll be darned that actually worked. Here's my face, I'm in France at my fiancés (that happened in March, I probably should have mentioned that), I spend a lot of time now on a farm now with two border collies, a dickhead of a cat and it's in the middle of nowhere. Things are going ok, I still struggle with issues in my legs (developed blood clots, makes getting about a mare occasionally). Still gigging when I can physically do it. Financially everything still sucks a bit but mentally I'm a lot more happier than the last few times I ever came into off topic to have a rant about how miserable my mental health was... Oh I took the pic because I actually thought I looked nice, wasn't really worth all the faff tbh... My aim is to hopefully one day just move over here eventually.


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