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Posts posted by CavemanLynn

  1. The new Man of Steel only makes me want two things - 90 minutes of Russell Crowe as Jor-El giving motivational monologues in his silk-gravel tones, and Kevin Costner to be my dad.


    It looks like a hell of a lot of material they're trying to pack in. This'll probably over two and a half hours long, making it about an hour too long, in my opinion, unless it really does debunk all my expectations.


    I'm not sold on Snyder at all. I agree with Alan Moore, when he says why copy the graphic novels on film, when we already have the graphic novels? With both 300 and Watchmen, he could have made a movie version of the stories - instead he gave us actors making pictures in washed-out tones, and went and did it all in fucking slo-mo too. The trailer looks like bits of other films - Krypton looks like Cybertron, Superman in cuffs is Loki in the helicarrier, and the Syncopy guys have even nicked the idea of a police interrogation room from their own Dark Knight trilogy. I didn't rate Cavill in Immortals, and although he looks the part in stills, I don't feel the charisma I'd need from a title star playing the biggest name in comics.


    However, Shannon looks to be a good slimy Zod, and his TV spot was creepy and intriguing. Shame they couldn't shoehorn in a quick "kneel" line, though, especially as they went to the trouble of including a ham-fisted "oops! Nearly said Superman! Lolz" gag.

  2. Cheadle makes a FAR better Rhodes than Howard. Howard looks like a pussy, sounds like a pussy, and his idea of projecting intensity is to lower his eyebrows while looking like his bottom lip is about to start quivering. Cheadle has a bit more intensity to him, not in a hard-ass way but in the way that tells you he's had to put up with Tony's shit for ages. Plus he is physically a similar size to Downey Jr, which was necessary to make the idea of him popping on one of Tony's old suits plausible. Elba, though a great actor and physcially more like the comic-book Rhodes, would have been far too imposing in the dialogue scenes and wouldn't have fitted in the suits without a ton of adjustments. And Cheadle's "Get out" at the party before the punch-up is one of my favourite lines from Iron Man 2.

  3. The missus and I saw Warm Bodies last night, and it's a really good quirky love story with a positive (albeit cheesy) message and interesting twist on the idea of zombies.


    Most interestingly for me personally, though, was that after it was finished, my other half mentioned how Nicholas Hoult's zombie R's attempts to talk reminded her of me when my stammer is bad. As a stammerer (not a stutterer, lol), I often feel at the mercy of my voice-box, as all kinds of factors (including tiredness, stress, and plain nervousness) can work together so that on any given day I don't know how bad my stammer will be. Some days I can chat on all day with no problems; other days I won't even be able to say my name. In retrospect, watching R trying to force his voice to put words together resonated with me. Even the way he often breathed the words out reminded me of the old exercises I was taught to use. As I said, a good film, and personally poignant for me.

  4. My dad-in-law sent me a WWE Rumblers Sheamus with the iPad attachment thing for my 30th birthday this week (not sure if that puts either of us in a good light or not!). The Apptivity game is pretty fun for half an hour or so, in a cheap-n-cheerful button-mashy (or this case, swipey-swipey) way. Annoyingly though, it does make me wish that that style of game is still what I really want WWE to release for home consoles - cartoon graphics, basic controls, nothing but special moves, etc. Properly OTT. Sigh.

  5. The missus is out at Slimming World tonight, so I'm being an arse and doing myself some Hukilau burgers off Man vs Food - fried egg, cheese and onion quarter pounders with 24-hour marinaded teriyaki beef thrown in for good measure. Fine husband, I am.

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