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Posts posted by CavemanLynn

  1. Sugar free in itself seems fine, but it's how it trains your body to react to foods that is the problem. Every step of digestion sends signals back and forth between your body and brain about what it's eating and what effect it's having. Sweeteners are many times sweeter than natural sugars. However, your body reacts to them in the same way, but as they are low or even zero calories, excessive consumption can teach your body to associate higher levels of sugar with fewer calories than it actually contains. That can cause unnatural cravings because your body thinks it needs ten times more sugar than it actually does. It's all wibbly-wobbly sciency-wiency stuff, but the overall message is, once you've detoxed and reestablished your body's baseline calorie needs, if you want sugar, have proper sugar, but use it as fuel and listen to your body to learn when it's had enough.

  2. If all you've drunk at work is pop, my question is: is that literally all there is available?


    You acknowledge the good drinking lots of clean water does for you, so you could grab that wholeheartedly. Depending on how active your job is, take a bottle or flask into work full up with a good healthy drink you like. I used to take a litre flask with cold water and a squeeze of lemon, refilling it once I'd drunk the lot by lunchtime. A guy at work always has a bottle of flavoured (no sugar) water by his desk so he doesn't need to rely on the fountain. Really simple things to try.


    I know in terms of calories, no-sugar pops are "better" but you risk training your body to think it needs more sweet stuff to get the energy it thinks it needs. At least sugary drinks contain real calories that your body can register correctly and you can burn off or use accordingly through exercise or activity.


    Above all though, show some self-control. You've clearly got some, because you've acknowledged the problem and the benefits of kicking it into touch. Bad food and drink doesn't attack you and force you to consume. Keep making good choices and you'll be golden!

  3. Regal was left-handed, wasn't he? I'm sure I read some guys had issue with that as he'd do things to the opposite side to what they were used to, which sounded like cobblers.


    Regal has always been a quality character - I remember years ago on whatever Saturday afternoon show Pat Sharp presented that had odd WCW Worldwide matches on it, being in fits when Regal was on commentary while tucking into afternoon tea. "I'm sorry, but could you repeat the question? I was chewing on a piece of currant."


    He had his drugs wobble and Real Man's Man stint, then cleaned up and head that famous match with Voldemort on the indies that got him back in WWE's good graces.


    For a Brit guy, I always thought he struggled to blend the UK and US styles. He was a better brawler than technician. The punchup with Finlay in WCW was a blinder, and in later years, I think he massively improved by basically slinging all the tech and getting down to solid striking. He hasd a good no-nonsense vibe. It made a change to the usual WWE wristlock/headlock warmup having him come and start lumping folk. I was crushingly disappointed at a Smackdown O2 taping years ago when we had Regal vs Barratt, only expecting 10 minutes (including entrances) of stiffery, but getting little more than a corner flurry from Regal, Bullhammer, pin.

  4. That might be the best match I've ever seen him have. Osprey's been one of those guys for me on the indies in general that seemed to buy into the American Strong Style move tennis bullshit, which led to some spectacular but empty matches. I'm not into stunt shows. But that NJPW match has really opened my eyes. The guy can sell, even if his screech is proper annoying. And most importantly, he can tell a story - that swerve with the handspring was genius. A few more years on him and less bumfluff, and he'll be a star.

  5. When she turned up as the Anti-Diva, looking like she does and screaming like a harpy, I thought she could be on to a winner as a new Daffney "hot psycho" character. But very very quickly, she started lapping up dem wans' approval, grinning and nodding smugly on her entrance, and any hint of individuality dissipated. That signature scream became just something she did. She's just another face on a Diva calendar now, a gimmick in terms of look only.

  6. Corbin can't come in and start emoting and bellowing all over the place, if anything because I don't think he gives a shit about anyone except himself. Play a buncvh of Corbin's Breaking Ground segments on RAW over the next few weeks, and he'll be getting the reactions and still be his smug stoic self.

  7. Agents of SHIELD rides off a lot of goodwill from the movies, and is more hit than miss, but only just. Anyone who watched the first season will tell you it took an age to do anything, then exploded all over the place and the last quarter of the season were excellent. Season two was pretty great all the way through with the emergence of the Inhumans and Kyle McLachlan being magnificent in every scene he was in. Season three's not really got out of second gear though, relying on previous investment in the regulars and dropping in Adrian Pasdar's wonderful tash and Powers Boothe Powers-Boothing all over the place to liven things up.


    Agent Carter was solid. I preferred season one which had a clear arc and an intriguing villain, whereas I think season two got tied up in trying to do commentary on the era rather than putting on a decent story, and the villain's arc didn't really peak. I could watch Hayley Atwell walk for hours though.


    Not given the DCs much attention. I've given each show half a dozen eps to hook me and it's all been a bit by the numbers. The wife likes Supergirl for telly wallpaper when there's nowt else on, which you won't find me complaining about, despite Benoist's slightly weird Barbie legs.

  8. If you're getting bloated after every meal, you might have some kind of intolerance. I'm sure you can get this checked out at your doc's, or just look at what you eat, identify the common factor, and try dropping that foodstuff for a week or two to see if that sorts. I had a similar problem, but I ditched bread, lactose and fizzy pop and not had issues since.


    I'd always recommend weight training being the bulk of your exercise. You won't wake up one day and be depressed you've suddenly turned into Arnie. Adding muscle boosts your base metabolism, meaning it's easier to shift the fat, plus free weights are much more calorie-burning than cardio, especially post-exercise (ie you'll keep burning fat after stopping longer than if you were doing cardio, as your body recovers and rebuilds). You'll also look better faster. Most guys I know with belly fat were exacerbating it with shitty posture. Smart free weight training straightened them up, and they typically lost an inch off their waist just by standing up properly!


    If you want to stick with no equipment to start, pushups, squats and planks are your bread-and-butter exercises.

  9. Nakamura. What a legend. Saying he should ease up on the facials is utterly boneheaded. Total storytelling. He's a megastar. Every inch of him screamed character. Utterly love his combo of floppy louche rock star, lulling you into a false sense of security then WHAM! some knockout strike out of nowhere. Watching it back again, you can see some of those kicks look brutal but they were totally safe and a testament to the incredible work and selling of both men. Some of Sami's reactions were absolutely class - catching that Pele from Shins on the apron, he had a proper WTF look in his eyes before realising he was nearly KO'ed.


    Vince will never get him, though. The hair, limpness and lack of muscularity will put him right off. I swear Vince, in his railing against his old age, refuses to admit his hearing is going, and passes off the fact he can't hear the scale of some of these guys' reactions as them not being over, brother.


    My only gripe was that Naks came out in his waistcoat rather than his boss military number.


    Plus, the match may have been bobbins, but absolutely loved Aries' Sound Garden/Man of Steel theme. More CFO$ goodness.

  10. Take the duration of your workout and split it into a ratio of 3:2:1 weights:cardio:core. Basic weights exercises (a bench press variant, a squat, an overhead press, and back exercise like deadlift or row). That way, you'll encourage your body to add some metabolism-raising muscle, make any fat look better sooner, and burn your initial energy reserves so you're fatburning by the time you hit the cardio machines. Choose core moves that engage your whole body like timed planks or carries. That should be easy on your joints and get you the most bang for your buck in the gym.

  11. Finn vs Swann was fun. Finn's regularly dropping turn hints in matches now. His subtle facials and clear disgust that this dancing fool got some solid offence on HIM was sweet. I'm waiting for them to christen the Bloody Sunday though. I assume a name associated with a terrorist attack isn't kosher. Swann needs some niftier gear to stand out (and not just NXT Xavier Woods 2.0) but he looks like a fun jobber.


    It seems the women jobbers they get in have ideas above their station. Dobson, Perruzzo and Garrett have all seemed arrogant and clumsy, more into getting themselves over rather than doing their job. Contrast that with Jesse Sorenson, who I think has carried himself brilliantly, selling like a trooper and hitting his marks well, despite looking more of a star than some of the guys getting a push.


    More echoing of the love for the AA bid. The fact that they were both nearly-men adds a whole new dimension to their act. To have been booked as shooter steamrollers but then have this back story of failure added gives them an underdog edge.


    Not sold on the main event. The women still don't have the necessary weight to their moves, and there's something missing in the flow. There were a couple of really smooth basck-and-forths, somit was a shame the padding was flat.

  12. I would love that as a gimmick. Dean Ambrose rocking up like Casey Jones with a golf bag full of classic props. Imagine the pops if he pulls out Head.


    Re: Ryder, it sucks because it's a nothing booking. There's a dozen guys they could've put in that match who have something to them in the way of story with the other combatants. But instead, they've bunged him out there to do his Woo-woo-woo shtick and take no further part in the routine. I don't care about a guy getting a congratulatory payday - he can get that without being wallpaper in a match on the supposedly biggest show that the year's supposed to have been building toward.

  13. With lower back pain, it's best to get it properly diagnosed rather than hazard a guess, especially if it's deadlift-based. I thought I'd blown a disc a year ago, but it turned out my sedentary job had tightened up my hamstrings and was forcing my lumbar spine to overflex. A few months ham-stretching, and I was back dead lifting my old weights without issues.


    Your lower back is a supporting muscle group, and deadlifts have some the greatest carryover into overall physical health and "functionality". By all means, improve your flexibility as long as it improves your lower back condition, but don't be afraid to do some low-rep paused weighted work like bottom-up half squats and rack pulls, increasing your range of motion as you get more comfortable. I think anyone training for general health and fitness should look at training towards being able to deadlift their bodyweight on the bar for a controlled solid comfortable rep. As long as you don't overreach and sacrifice proper form, you'll be golden.

  14. Dean's basic strikes don't seem to have much impact, but he has three solid moves (the cross body press, flying elbow and Dirty Deeds) that he can chuck while getting fucking handled, and that's what keeps him over. That he's turned getting murdered by Lesnar into a character asset is win-win for him - if he wins, it'll be through being tough AND smart, and if he loses, well, IT'S FUCKING LESNAR, so no shame in that.


    Will Taker vs Shane end up in a twist on the night? I thought this was old regime vs new, with Taker representing the old, but like people have said, Taker feels more like a face so it's odd having him represent a heel, regardless of his Lesnar-based mood swing, and especially in his home state. If he is the conscience of WWE, will he give Shane a bloody kicking, but then appreciate Shane's toughness and his passion to change, decide to turn on Vince and lay down for Shane? Vince gets screwed, and Taker leaves the hero opening the way for a new era, or something.

  15. Corbin's blank expression is part of his appeal, precisely because it isn't blank at all. It's confident, smug, arrogant, and that comes from years of drilling his routine both in football and wrestling. It's that alpha lion mentality of not giving a shit because no one (in his opinion) can touch him. Breaking Ground may have fleshed him out, but having not seen that show beyond flicking through the first two episodes, I still see the development coming through in his performance. If he started emoting all over the place and giving promos with Samoa Joe's cadence, he'd lose his appeal and individuality to me. He does more with two moves and one reaction to a crowd member's comment than anyone. That moment when he barked "HA!" at Gargano when he hit Deep Six was golden, because you know it takes a lot to get a reaction out of him.

  16. Osprey is bound to get to WWE, if he has anything to do with it.


    I met several years ago during my brief foray in-ring, and he came of as confident, energetic and REALLY dumb. Fortunately, he's worked hard, met and trained with the right people, and he's on his way to stardom in a hurry. I'm not a fan of his style - I think he's hammy and wrestles like a drama school kid - but a few more pounds on his frame and a few more years under his belt, and he'll be a star.

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