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Posts posted by Perry

  1. Anyone tried those new Cadbury Darkmilk bars? they're nice but they are quite thin.  You'd be better off just buying a bar of Bourneville instead.

    Now those Aero Dark & Milk bars are something.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    As if Hell in a Cell hadn't been neutered enough, we have now had one on Smackdown, a Hell in a Cell PPV and now one on Raw in the space of 4 days.


    They're so lazy, they probably couldn't even be arsed to take the cell down on Monday morning.

  3. I'm sure there was talk about Jake taking his place while Warrior was typically being a pain in the arse over contracts as usual.  I assume they got it sorted in time for Mania 12. 

    That being said, Warrior's return in '96 was a fucking shambles.  I think the longest match he had was against Owen on Raw.

  4. 23 hours ago, Magnum Milano said:


    Buster (1988) (BBC 2)

    Biopic of petty criminal Buster Edwards based around the events of the Great Train Robbery. Collins is surprisingly good in the lead role, but the film seems to fast-forward through events not really giving anything time to breathe. Still, decent though.  Look out for a young Steve McFadden, uncredited, as one of the gang.

    Buster is a good film. Phil's not a bad actor.  I always remember when he turned up in an episode Miami Vice as a con man.

  5. Time

    Fantastic gritty drama from Jimmy McGovern, probably his best work since Cracker in my opinion.  I had been waiting for this one ever since I heard it was being filmed. It didn't disappoint.

    Also an outstanding performance from Sean Bean. 

  6. According to the poster for SummerSlam, the PPV will begin at 8 so I don't think it'll run longer than 4 hrs.  Can't see a PPV with a stadium full of fans go on until 1am their time.

    Apparently the Manny Pacquiao fight will also take place in Vegas on the same night.

  7. It's interesting that SummerSlam will take place in a stadium in Las Vegas with a potential 72,000 fans.  Another interesting point is that it's going to be a Saturday.

    If we get Reigns V Cena, the card will look better than WrestleMania 37 with that match alone. 

  8. It certainly doesn't deserve all the hype it's been getting on social media. It looked like the whole interview was butchered and made it seem like Courtney Cox had fuck all to say. 

    The whole thing was padded out with various clips from the show.  I can only assume that they kept footage back for an upcoming release on Blu-ray etc. 

  9. 1 hour ago, wordsfromlee said:

    I remember catching some of White House Farm when it was on Channel 4. Not even Stephen Graham could save it. I don’t think I even finished it. 


    It was actually on ITV. I thought it was quite decent.

    Speaking of Stephen Graham, he's about to star in a new prison drama with Sean Bean called Time. It's a 3 part series that begins on Sunday 6th June at 9pm on BBC One with all episodes dropping on the iPlayer afterwards.  I reckon it's gonna be worth a watch.

  10. 37 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:


    Also watched The Running Man again. Still 11/10 and I'm incredibly surprised they have never remade it.

    I also watched this again last week. You can never tire of watching classic Arnie movies.  My only gripe with The Running Man was they could've gave Jesse more screen time.

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