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Whistling Skull

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Posts posted by Whistling Skull

  1. 3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Look forward to the BREWDOG Ultras calling him a sellout.

    I bought some stock in it when the Equity for Punks thing first came to my country. Was it a mistake? I didn't buy the whole punk thing at all, and their so-called perks can get bent, but I haven't lost any money on them (yet).

    On topic: The moment you call something you've made yourself 'Punk/Punk Rock', it cannot actually be it anymore. The most punk rock wrestling 'show' was Larry Sweeney in the parking lot near a WM. It was soooo shitty and he was sooo excited that it was definitly punk rock.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sheffbag said:

    Missed a couple of raws and caught up with the reunion one yesterday. Whats the deal with Strowman throwing jobbers around for fun? 

    That started with him squashing "Randy Rhodes" at the anniversary, last week. I've heard Lashley's injured, so maybe Braun's in holding pattern?

  3. On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 11:24 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Whose to say. I don’t work in their contracts department. Do you?

    If it's undeniably bad and stupid and can be proven, I'm sure we'd notice. From reports from insiders to public statements etc. The public statement WWE made concerning Ashley Massaro made clear how they and their sponsors felt about the situation.

    The Lars Sullivan situation was very different. It looked like it was going to be swept under the rug and people weren't having it. People wrote Snickers and just kept spamming the news all over the place. This (in my view) led to Sullivan apologizing publicly, privately and getting his ass kicked by lucha's. After his injury, I actually felt a tiny bit sorry for him as everything just came crashing down for this dude. Them's the breaks.

    If you think or feel that an entity (WWE in this case) or it's employees or it's publicaly broadcasted programming are so offensive that it erodes the fundimental values of the world we live in, I think you should always speak out. Just turning it off is fine too, but change is achieved by refusing to accept the things you find reprehensible.

  4. The only memorable thing about them is New Jack's love for and loyalty to Chris Hamrick. That ass-bump, though....

    ...I mean that bump he always took on his ass, not that he has a fine one. It was quite boney.

  5. Post-flock Kidman was definatly pushed as a good looking young athletic dude, which I could get on board with back then.

    These days, I'm pretty sure he murdered Danny Doring and is currently wearing his skin.

  6. 5 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    They seem to have very little regard for how important their pre-shows are. Are they right? I'm not sure because I don't know where they air.

    Now pre-shows in general aren't. WWE put any old shit on theirs and have done since the dawn of time and get away with it. I couldn't even tell you if any other companies even used them. WCW's wouldn't have even had the card confirmed.

    AEW's DoN pre-show being on ITV4 was a huge opportunity. It should have been killer. But the rest? I dunno. I'd imagine 99% of poeple watching the pre-show have alrady bought the PPV. And I imagine only a relatively small percentage of people watching the PPV actually watch the pre-show. I sure as shit won't be bothering in future.


    The problem might be that they see a pre-show as a chance for the lower tier guys to get on the show. They should be treating the pre-show like the old Sunday Night Heat-PPV set up. Just fill the pre show with build up and matches that support the undercard matches for the actual PPV. In my opinion it would really set them apart from all the other feds out there.


    Accident Prone wrote:


    Yeah, how about you stop being intolerant about things outside your comfortzone. Some people are on some mad shit, I'll give you that, but your approach can be very insulting and does nothing to solve the problem.



    AEW preshow, daddy!

  8. While I still want to know why Accident Prone says these things....

    42 minutes ago, Richard said:

    People like accident prone have been hypnotized by the inversion agenda that women should be masculine and men should be limp-wristed sad sacks unable to defend themselves or their families. No wonder the west is a complete joke, and yes Joey Janela talks a big game on social media, but caught off guard got exposed for the internet warrior he is. Kinda like how I envision Devon to be if he ever tried his shitty jokes in real life. 

    "Inversion agenda", you say?

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