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Hannibal Scorch

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Posts posted by Hannibal Scorch

  1. 7 hours ago, DEF said:

    I'm off to Disneyland Paris for three days for my Wife's birthday in a couple of weeks. We are staying half board in the Sequoia Lodge (I think). I've not been since I was kid twenty years ago so any tips would be appreciated.

    My girl's 8 years old so I'm assuming it will be perfect for her. I'm not really to bothered about stuff for my self but is there anything that I can't miss?Ā 

    Iā€™ve not seen it yet, as not been for 2 years myself but my wife and everyone I know has gone says the Mickey and the Magician show is amazing. If you have a MasterCard you can go to City Hall in main st and they have special tickets you can get first thing in the morning for special seats. Hyperspace Mountain, Tower Of Terror, Rock and Rollercoaster, Big Thunder Mountain are must doā€™s for me. Pirates of the Caribbean is another must do

  2. 2 hours ago, Thunderplex said:

    Just come back from a weekend away to find we have been raided by slugs. Ā Front hall looks like Peter Norths been visiting.

    Thankfully only in the garden. But weā€™ve had no rain here and I saw about 5

  3. Thatā€™s a terrible situation SB. The problem could be sheā€™ll hate herself for not reaching out before it was too late. She shouldnā€™t feel that way of course, but the opportunity has been taken from her.Ā 

    I fell out with my parents a few years back. Iā€™m ok with that choice and if anything like that happened to them, iā€™d think Iā€™d cop well. But everyone is different.

    the best thing you can be doing is just being there for her and supporting her if necessary. I just hope she doesnā€™t beat herself thinking about whatever could have been

  4. 5 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    That sounds less like something you think and more like something they may have told you word for word in said media studies class.

    I can barely remember a presentation I had to do last week, let alone remember something word for word some 17 years ago. I do remember seeing a documentary in said class describing the characters like Freddy and Jason as representing the fear of Aids at the time. But I donā€™t think seeing Nancy as a strong film character is that hard to grasp really. That seems very obvious to me without dissecting the film

  5. Is the original Nightmare on Elm Street Scary? Not really. But I think it is actually a very clever film which played on things such as the rise in missing children in america and the roles of gender, specifically women at that period of time.We studied it in a media class about 18 years ago and, at least the first one, was definitely full of subtext. As they went on they became more generic and Freddy less menacing and more comedic

  6. 1 hour ago, johnnyboy said:


    As long as you're happy to suspend all knowledge of gravity then it's an above average Rock disaster vehicle.Ā  Towering Inferno meets Die Hard, but obviously not as good as those.

    Is it better then Rampage? Iā€™ll pretty much watch a film with Dwayne in it, but I hated it (probably because I loved the games)

  7. 23 hours ago, The Reverend said:

    Mattel have confirmed that sadly the next two series of the retro figures will not be getting an official release in the UKĀ ā˜¹ļø

    The first 2 didnā€™t. They got dribbled out about a year after they were first released. Even Smyths, arguably the biggest chain selling the line (Even those entrance greats at Ā£32 a pop because they have a sound chip in with them), didnā€™t start selling them until last yearĀ 

  8. Have you seen the new promotion which has launched on Amazon Prime? It is called Dojo Pro. It is 26 minutes of build and match per show with a tournament style system. Shane Strickland and James Storm were the only ones involved that I knew of. Interesting idea but don't think it has legs. The first show has the worst Mankind tribute act I have seen since the early 2000's.

  9. Has anyone experienced this new phenomena of advertising an offering jobs before they are ready. A few years back, my wife was offered a job with Apple but told they would let her know when a role was ready for her. With myself, been offered a train drivers job in December, but I am still waiting for a training start date (I know someone who joined last year was waiting 9 months for his training start date). Just give me back the old days of offering a job when it is available and not thinking of it in advance.

  10. Trump has said he believes the UK is in turmoil and that Boris Johnson is "a Friend of mine" according to a sky news alert I just got. No surprises there is there. I mean he is a racist bumbling buffoon, with shit hair, who isn't fit to be in power. Just like Donald Trump.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Question about the last episode of the latest series of Brooklyn Nine Nine.


    Ā  Hide contents

    when, at the end, they have Fred Armisen playing the violin for their wedding, they recognise him and refer to him by name as Melipnos. When has that character been on the show before? I don't remember him at all.


    The pilot episode and another a little later on as well. Not as a main character though really so bit of an Easter Egg

  12. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    If youā€™ve ever needed confirmation that JBL is an awful human, there you go

    What has he delivered exactly? It hasn't been done and the more it goes on the less likely it is looking to even happen. I love it when American's believe everything they hear on Fox News. Guy is an absolute tool.

  13. 7 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    So what was Farageā€™s big announcement? All Iā€™ve seen about him is him grinning like a cunt after he, but more likely someone else,Ā caught a Tope Shark

    I saw something about him rejoining UKIP as leader if May is ousted and an election called. I just saw some tweets on twitter, but not seen his actual tweets

  14. Am I right in thinking IF they push through a no confidence vote to may they would have to run another General Election, or would they just be able to nominate a new leader like they did with David Cameron? Surely they can't just replace the leader twice in a row or am I just being naive/hopeful for another election?

    Just now, Sergio Mendacious said:

    Obviously you get Farage parachuted in as a peer, to become Tory leader and the PM.

    he will be discussing his political future on his LBCĀ show tonight at 7pm according to his twitter

  15. Just now, FelatioLips said:

    No it hasn't you massive fibber. Your account was made June 20th, long before voting was removed.

    That is true. But I was trying to keep my head down and not be noticed. I'll be honest, internet stealth is not my forte, so I didn't know if people would know who I was or not (though using my twitter handle as my user name may have be noted by some who I follow on there).

    Look, I threw my toys out of the pram, I went away. I wasn't in a good place and I didn't behave well.Ā I really like this place, I like a lot of the users.I just wanted to have a fresh start without the baggage. I have apologized to some people privately. I just want to try and go on with a clean slate. So for anyone who has any issues with me, more then happy to chat privately. But I don't want to clog up this thread with lots of noise. I hope that you are willing to give me that opportunity.Ā 

  16. Just now, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    You don't need to keep announcing your return and departure though Nick, you are not a train station.Ā 

    That really was not my intention. If that is how it appears, I hold my hands up and apologize. I wasn't after any attention of any kind. I post and visit here because I enjoy doing so, nothing more.Ā Ā 

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