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Posts posted by NoUseforaUsername

  1. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    Thing is, im not someone who likes to see morbid pictures or videos of crimes but i will find myself reading into crimes. I went on a bit of wikipedia bender one day and read all sorts of fucked up shit, i got into reading about IRA killings as well as some real messed up killings like the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs case. I just felt numb by the end of it but i got sucked in.

    You'll probably enjoy the book "The Shankill Butchers".

    Also recommend looking up the "The murder of Paul Quinn" for something truly disturbing. Young man who was tortured to death for an altercation with the son of a high ranking member of the IRA.

    And Robert Nairac, decorated member of the British Army who went deep undercover in the IRA and met a predictably grisly end. The mystery of how he died and where he is buried is the Irish equivalent of Jimmy Hoffa.

    Hoffa. Another reason to go down the rabbit hole.

  2. Just finished "The Real Costanza" about the guy George Costanza was partially based on, Michael Costanza.

    At 128 pages it's a breeze. 

    The real Costanza is a pretty funny guy and we get a nice window into what Jerry Seinfeld was like before he became famous and a few interesting anecdotes post-Seinfeld fame. It's quite poignant, too, reading about the negative impact having such a schlub named after him had on Michael, allied with the realisation that Jerry had incorporated dozens of real life stories involving Michael into storylines.

    As the book ends, it's quite depressing reading how they gradually drift apart as Jerry's fame continues to blow up and he no longer has time for old friends.


  3. 2 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    Why the fuck was you watching that?

    I can't remember how I stumbled on it but I wish I didn't.

    I don't make a habit of watching stuff like that because it just makes me depressed.

  4. Kuklinski is a fantasist. He claimed to have been involved in the murders of mob bosses Carmine Galante and Paul Castellano and Teamsters head Jimmy Hoffa, which anyone with a cursory knowledge of the mafia knows is demonstrably false.

    The book written about him by Philip Carlo is mostly fiction.

    There was a story about him leaving a guy tied up in a cave with a camera and having rats eat him alive, he even claimed to have filmed it. As I said, vivid imagination.

    @Keith Houchen

    That movie is partly based on the aforementioned shit book and partly on the much better book "Murder Machine" by Jerry Capeci, a much more respected journalist and writer.

    Ray Liotta portrayed "Roy De Meo", a capo in the Gambino Crime Family in The Iceman, and a central figure in Murder Machine; someone whom Kuklinski falsely claimed to have been intimately involved with.

    Unfortunately, Kuklinski was basically a nobody and the mob wouldn't have any serious dealings with him.

    I thought Michael Shannon's acting, and maybe Stephen Dorff's eerie cameo, was the only saving grace in that movie, which made a mess of the source material.

    Sorry for blabbing on but I could talk all day about the Italian American mafia me.

  5. The Budd Dwyer one never really bothered me. Maybe because his death was in his own hands and he went quickly. I recommend the documentary about him BTW. It looks like he was thrown under the bus and made a scapegoat.

    I saw one recently where a Mexican cartel member is being slowly, methodically tortured. When the video starts he has already been flayed; eyes removed, nose gone, stumps where his hands used to be. He's screaming in animalistic, primal agony.

    Probably the most disturbing part is the casual indifference of the people torturing him and the Disco era music playing in the background.

    I heard that these guys pump their victims with meth and/or cocaine so they stay conscious throughout their entire torture.


  6. Shawn Michaels couldn't understand why people were against himself and Diesel forfeiting the Tag Team Championships, justifying it as keeping Diesel strong with a view to winning the World Championship. Erm, if that's the case then Shawn could've eaten the pinfall.

    Shawn Michaels suggested the Iron Man Match with Bret going to overtime, justifying it as making himself and Bret look stronger than they would trading falls. Yeah sure, not because it meant you would win without Bret ever pinning you.

    Pisses and moans about Vince's assertion that Diesel kick out of a Superkick and not sell it as a near-fall in their WM match, saying it killed the crowd, but omits the fact he deliberately botched Diesel's Powerbomb to undermine him.

    *Halfway through Heartbreak and Triumph

    Sidenote: I was always led to believe that the Kliq took HHH under his wing but Shawn says in the book that HHH came up to Shawn and Diesel and asked if he could hang around with them. How different wrestling history could've been if they saw through him and told him to piss off.

  7. I was actually looking forward to the new Ted Bundy movie with Zac Efron in it and was finally beginning to get behind that casting having initially being against it, and then I find out that annoying Sheldon bollocks from Big Bang Theory is going to be in it too.

    That's one bit of stunt casting too much for me.

  8. Awful tattoo.

    I think of what attractive older women like Celia Imrie, Helen Mirren, Susan Sarandon or Sally Field would look like now if tattoos were de rigueur in their heyday. They probably would look substantially less elegant and beautiful. 

    I wish having a body unblemished by tattoos wasn't so unpopular these days; I wish people didn't think they had to get joke tattoos on their arse, "your name here" tattoos on their forearm or a vine tattooed on their thigh to fit in or be "cool", whatever that is.

    The things I thought about getting tattooed on me when I was a young lad make me shudder. I thought about getting my birthdate done in roman numerals on my forearm.

    Thank God I kept putting it off and off and eventually saw it for the load of meaningless shite that it truly is.

    *Don't mean to sound like a pompous git BTW. My father has tattoos (which look hideous now that he's in his 60's) and I've admitted to considering it in the past. So don't wish to make it seem like I'm casting aspersions on anyone else.

  9. About to watch Working with Weinstein on 4 on Demand and I move to check something else on another tab while the commercials are playing, and the commercials pause until I return to the tab! There must be half as much commercials as there is actual content at this stage.

    Anyone recommend which documentary about the West Memphis Three is the best one?

    I'm leaning towards Paradise Lost but my research shows me that this movie, while carrying the most cachet, is just a little bit biased.

  10. 11 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Congratulations on returning to being wrong and shit, we missed you!

    If you're going to belittle me then you might as well be funny when you're doing it, and that comment made me laugh. So mission accomplished.

    I'll double down on the Michael Shannon love. He's the closest thing to a modern day Robert De Niro.

    Such a catalogue of great work he has done: The Iceman (which butchered the source material), Take Shelter, Bug (such an intense performance), Let's Go To Prison (showing his versatility), and Boardwalk Empire. 

    The scene where he dies in Boardwalk Empire almost gave me shivers.

    You either have it or you don't. Sam Rockwell should look at Shannon and he might learn a thing or two about nuance.

  11. Speaking of shit actors, it's a testament to how good Seven's script is that not even Brad Pitt's acting towards the end can ruin it.

    Fun watching Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey and even Gwyneth Paltrow act circles around him though, while pondering how someone who acts like such an impulsive moron could become a detective.

    Speaking of Brad Pitt trying to singlehandedly ruin movies, if his tacked on scene in 10 Years a Slave was supposed to lend gravitas to proceedings then it certainly didn't accomplish it.

    FFS he wasn't even good in Friends and that show was full of shit actors.

  12. 4 chapters into Heartbreak and Triumph on Archive.org

    Shawn really seems quite dense if this is anything to go by.

    You wouldn't know he would turn out to be such a prick by reading it so far.

    LOL at the Ouelette story Some one mentioned on another thread recently.

    No idea if it's true but I feel guilty for laughing if it is.


  13. https://411mania.com/wrestling/billy-jack-haynes-claims-witnessed-unsolved-murders-1987/

    I first heard about these murders a year ago when I watched a documentary video about the Clinton's on YouTube. The two boys supposedly stumbled on a drug running operation that would've implicated Bill Clinton, who was Governor of Arkansas at the time, and several other powerful people.

    Weird hearing about it on a wrestling site.

  14. 44 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Mania IV? Or does that not count because he was ringside?

    I read it on the WON rewinds on Reddit. Maybe they meant it was first main event without Hogan's involvement in any way?

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